Agriculture – Knox County’s #1 Industry

Agriculture’s Impact in Knox County

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service 2017 Census of Agriculture ranked Knox County 26th (out of 88) in total market value of agricultural products sold in the state of Ohio!  Nationally we ranked 859th out of 3077 counties!  The market value of agricultural products sold in the county was reported at $135,144,000.00





Top Commodities

  1. Corn – $27,612,000.
  2. Soybeans – $25,244,000.
  3. Hogs – $16,940,00.
  4. Milk – $12,246,000.
  5. Cattle – $6,985,000.
  6. Nursery & Greenhouse – $1,983,000.
  7. Sheep & Goats – $1,468,000.
  8. Wheat – $907,000.
  9. Fruit & Berries – $787,000.
  10. Vegtables – $364,000.





There are 2179 total producers in Knox County,  with 1,402 being male and 777 being female. 1,364 producers are between the age of 35-64, 586 are 65 and older, while 229 are under the age of 35.

Knox County has 1338 farms averaging 145 acres in size with total land in farms at 194,445 acres. 97% of the farms in Knox County are classified as family farms.  Cropland makes up 72% of the land in farms by use, followed by woodland at 12%, pastureland at 9%, and 6% classified as other. No-till farming was practiced on 25%, reduced tillage on 15%, intensive tillage on 10%, and cover crops were used on 12% of the farms in 2017.

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