Today managing your corn crop requires knowledge of the different growth stages of the corn plant. Growth stage identification is critical for scouting and proper timing of fertilizer and pesticide applications. Throughout the growing season I will discuss the various corn growth stages and management issue at each stage.
R2 – Blister
The R2 (blister) stage occurs about 10 – 12 days after silking. At this stage the kernel is visible and resembles a blister. The kernel is filled with clear fluid, the embryo is barely visible and it is at about 85% moisture.
Kernels are in a rapid period of grain-fill. Rapid and steady grain-fill will continue through R6. If severe stress occurs now or during R3, kernel abortion will occur from the tip of the ear downward. Kernel abortion will continue until the plant has has enough carbohydrates for the remaining kernels.
Silks outside the husk leaves are drying and changing in color from tan to light brown. The silks will naturally detach from their kernels following fertilization.