Recommended adjuvants for delayed preemergence/early postemergence herbicide applications.

Source:  Penn State University

Table 2.2-10 (from The Penn State Agronomy Guide) 

See specific herbicide label(s) for additional information on application. This type of application generally is used when weather conditions preclude the use of a standard pre­emergence program. For most products, do not apply in liquid fertilizer if com has emerged. Poor control from residual herbicides may result if annual grasses such as foxtail and panicum have emerged at the time of application; tank-mix with product that controls emerged grasses. Delayed preemergence/early postemergence programs can work well with herbicide-resistant corn hybrids now available (e.g., Roundup Ready and Libertylink). When tank-mixing with other pesticides, follow the most restrictive product label.

Recommended Adjuvants When Preemergence Herbicides Are Used Early Postemergence

Trade Name Recommended If Corn Has Emerged and Weeds Are Present Optional
Acuron1,2 NIS (0.25% v/v) or AMS 8.5 lb/100 gal
Acuron1,2 COC3 (1% v/v) AMS 8.5 lb/100 gal
Acuron Flexi NIS (0.25% v/v) or
Acuron Flexi COC3 (1% v/v)
Anthem ATZ/Anthem Flex/Anthem Maxx NIS (0.25% v/v) or
Anthem ATZ/Anthem Flex/Anthem Maxx COC (1–2 pt/A) or
Anthem ATZ/Anthem Flex/Anthem Maxx MSO (1–2 pt/A)
Atrazine label only mentions COC
Balance Flexx label states “Do not use COC or MSO or fully loaded glyphosate formulation”
Bicep II Magnum label mentions only NIS when tank-mixed with specific herbicides
Corvus label states: “Do not use COC or MSO”
FulTime NXT, TopNotch1, or Keystone NXT1 not addressed on label
Guardsman Max/G-Max Lite NIS (1–2 pt) or UAN (1–2 gal/100 gal)
Guardsman Max/G-Max Lite COC4 (1 qt/A) AMS (8–17 lb/100 gal)
Halex GT NIS (1–2 qt/100 gal) AMS (8.75–17 lb/100 gal) (required)
Harness MAX1,5 NIS (1 qt/100 gal) or UAN (rate not specified)
Harness MAX1,5 COC (1 gal/100 gal) AMS (rate not specified)
Harness Xtra or Degree Xtra not addressed on label
Instigate NIS or COC UAN or AMS (required)
Instigate rates not specified rates not specified
Lexar EZ1,2 NIS (0.25% v/v) or UAN (2.5% v/v) or
Lexar EZ1,2 COC (1% v/v) AMS (8.5 lb/100 gal)
Lumax EZ1,2 NIS (0.25% v/v) or UAN (2.5% v/v) or
Lumax EZ1,2 COC (1% v/v) AMS (8.5 lb/100 gal)
Python WDG/Accolade NIS (1 qt/100 gal) or UAN (2.5 gal/100 gal)
Python WDG/Accolade COC (1 gal/100 gal) AMS (2–4 lb/A)
Resicore NIS (1 qt/100 gal) or AMS only allowed with glyphosate or glufosinate herbicides
Resicore COC3 (1 gal/100 gal)
Zemax1,2 NIS (1 qt/100 gal) or UAN (rate not specified)
Zemax1,2 COC3 (1gal/100 gal) AMS (rate not specified)

1. Do not use either NIS or COC if tank-mixed with Liberty (AMS is allowed).
2. Do not use either NIS or COC if tank-mixed with a fully-loaded glyphosate (AMS is allowed); if glyphosate label recommends an adjuvant, add NIS and AMS.
3. Label cautions about crop injury.
4. Use COC only with Guardsman Max alone or tank-mixed with atrazine.
5. Do not use either NIS or COC if tank-mixed with glyphosate (AMS is allowed).


Spray Additives When Tank-mixed with Liberty (LibertyLink corn [LL]) or Glyphosate (Roundup Ready corn [RR])

Trade Name Specific Adjuvant Comments
2,4-D n/a**
Accent Q n/a
Aim/Cadet n/a
Atrazine n/a
Basagran n/a
Basis Blend n/a
Callisto/Callisto Xtra LL: Do not use COC
RR: Add AMS; if glyphosate calls for an adjuvant, add NIS (do not use UAN, COC or MSO)
Capreno LL: Do not use MSO or COC; only add AMS at 8.5 lb/100 gal
RR: Use of glyphosate compatible high surfactant oil concentrate (HSOC) is recommended with fully loaded glyphosate and required with partially loaded glyphosate; AMS is required; do not use COC or MSO
Curtail n/a
DiFlexx/DiFlexx Duo LL: Do not use MSO or COC; only add AMS at 8.5 lb/100 gal
RR: Label allows for additional adjuvant if resistant weeds are present
Halex GT LL: Not allowed
Harmony SG LL: n/a
RR: Add AMS; if glyphosate calls for an adjuvant, add NIS (1–2 pt/100 gal) (do not use UAN, COC, or MSO)
Impact/Armezon n/a
Laudis LL: Do not use MSO or COC; only add AMS at 8.5 lb/100 gal
RR: Label recommends additional adjuvant if fully loaded glyphosate is used; label requires additional adjuvant if partially loaded glyphosate is used
Maestro/Moxy n/a
Marksman n/a
NorthStar n/a
Permit Plus n/a
Permit/Sandea n/a
Realm Q LL: n/a
RR: When tank-mixed with glyphosate, ensure total adjuvant load is equivalent to the label recommendation
Resolve Q When tank-mixed with glyphosate or glufosinate, ensure total adjuvant load is equivalent to the label recommendation
Resource n/a
Revulin Q LL: n/a
RR: When tank-mixed with glyphosate, ensure total adjuvant load is equivalent to the label recommendation
Status n/a
Steadfast Q n/a
Stinger n/a
Stout n/a
Yukon n/a

*See also Table 2.2-16.
**n/a = adjuvants for LibertyLink or glyphosate not addressed.


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