2024 Junior Fair Updates – Junior Fair Schedule

First of all Happy Holidays! From our off to yours, we hope you have a safe & merry Christmas and New Years!

As many of you are aware, there are many rumors, misinformation, and lack of transparency flying around what is to come of the 2024 Henry County Junior Fair. I have taken the time to prepare a detailed update on the project and plan for the upcoming year.


Please watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5SOj2TqFE0


Please know none of these decisions were made in haste, but we did want to communicate the plan well ahead of schedule so families can make an informed decision in purchasing their animals for the upcoming year. I have also attached the “Update Pages” from the 2024 Livestock Handbook to this email should you wish to have a copy.


As I mentioned in this update, I am happy to field any Junior Fair-related inquiries you may have. Kindly respect & understand I have no information on the status of the building project – my position as the 4-H & Junior Fair coordinator is to oversee a safe and successful Junior Fair Program for our county.


Other Updates/Reminders as we enter into the end of 2024:

Market Steer 2024 Updates

January Weigh-In

Due to the demolition of the Livestock facilities at the fairgrounds – there WILL NOT be a January Market Steer Weigh-In this year BUT PLEASE READ ON!

1. ALL Prospective Market Beef Steers & Market Dairy Beef Steers MUST register ALL prospective animals into the 2024 Henry Co. Market Steer Registration Link.

  • In plain terms – if there is a CHANCE you could bring the animal – BE SURE TO REGISTER THE ANIMAL!
    • You will be able to select your primary animal at the time you complete your FairEntry.
  • What will you need to Register?
    • Exhibitor Information – Name & Birthdate
    • Parent Information – Name, Phone & Email
    • Animal Information – Name, Tag, Age, Birthdate, Breed & Breeder Name
    • 3 pictures – Animal Side Profile, Animal Front Picture & Animal Tag Picture (tag MUST be in the animal’s ear)






Registration Link: https://go.osu.edu/2024henrysteers


2. EID ear tags can be picked up to tag your animal at home if they do not have an 840 tag – you will need to contact Morgan at the office to pick these up NO LATER THAN JANUARY 2. 

  • If your animal needs tagged, but you do not feel comfortable tagging your animal on your own – please reach out to Morgan Parcher and she can connect you with a JFB advisor to come to your farm to tag your animal.

 3. Because no weights are recorded for animals this year, there will be no Rate of Gain Trophy awarded at the 2024 Henry County Junior Fair Beef Show.

4. At this time, we still plan to have a feeder calf weigh-in in June. More information will be communicated at a later date for the June Weigh-In.


2024 Ohio State Fair Information

  • For any exhibitor wishing to show a Market Steer at the 2024 Ohio State Fair Beef classes…
    • It is required that your animal have an 840 EID tag – if it does not, you will need to pick one up from the OSUE office.
  • All Market Steers to exhibit MUST have an Ohio State Fair DNA kit completed.
    • Kits can be picked up at the OSUE office.
    • Kits MUST be received at the OSF office by January 15 – NO EXCEPTIONS!

2024 4-H Volunteer Information

We are excited to get things rolling here in Henry County – all of this information will also be coming in the mail for you! Check out the headlines below & let Morgan Parcher know if you have any questions moving forward!

  1. Volunteer Training Opportunities – all 4-H volunteers are required to complete annual training. Be sure to get signed up!
  2. 4-HOnline Enrollment – 4HO is now open for Re-enrollment. Head over to v2.4honline.com and get re-enrolled!
  3. BCI Volunteer Re-screening –
    • If you are due for a re-screen, you will receive a letter in the mail with the appropriate information
    • You will STILL need to complete your re-enrollment! (See Item #2)
      • When the state receives your BCI results, it will be reported to your 4HO account.
    • BCI checks need to be completed NO LATER than FEBRUARY 15, 2024
  4. NEW 4-H Volunteers – 

Giving Tuesday

As 2023 comes to an end, please consider including Henry County 4-H youth development in your giving plans. 

Giving Tuesday is this Tuesday, November 28. You are part of a special 4-H community. As volunteers, alumni, and supporters, you have the power to change the lives of youth across Ohio by providing them with opportunities to inspire curiosity, fuel adventure, develop lifelong skills, and grow into true leaders. People like you, who believe in 4-H, equip young Ohioans with the tools they need to be successful long after they age out of the program. During this giving season, reflect on what 4-H has done for you and others you know. Would you consider donating to help ensure this program continues to grow and thrive for future generations? 

Gifts to Henry County 4-H will qualify for a tax deduction in this calendar year, meaning that any donation made before Dec. 31 is deductible for 2023. 

A gift to Ohio 4-H is an investment in our youth and in our community’s future. Please consider giving to our county’s 4-H fund by contacting Morgan Parcher at the OSU Extension Office (419-592-0806).

Thank you for helping to make the best better! 



Camp Counselor Application Deadline approaching FAST!

4-H Families!

If your 8th-12th grader wishes to become a Camp Counselor, be sure to complete the application ASAP!

Keep in mind 8th graders are eligible to be Cloverbud Camp Counselors!

  • New applicants must sign up for a NEW Counselor Group Interview & must submit 2 references!
  • Returning Camp Counselors will NOT need to submit any references, but WILL need to sign up for a Zoom interview time!

Reach out to Morgan with ANY questions! DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS NOVEMBER 15TH!

Here is the link to Camp Counselor information: Teen Opportunities

Congratulations to our Teen Leaders!

Henry County 4-H kicked off our first round of teen meetings on Wednesday October 4! We held election of officers for the Junior Leadership Club as well as the Junior Fair Board. I know I am SUPER EXCITED for the upcoming year, and have high hopes in working with our Teens! It’s not too late to join Junior Leadership Club if you have a teen that’s interested in participating, just reach out!

Check out this Fall’s Teen Opportunities!

We’re gearing up for our Teen Opportunity Season! So what does that consist of?

– Henry County Jr Leadership Club:

This group of teens has become the best tool for 4-H Awareness within the county. JLC kids have participated in Halloween Trunk Or Treats, Organized Community Service projects, coordinated a Livestock Round-Up event and will visit the area 3rd grade classrooms at the beginning of the year to promote the 4-H program. Members DO NOT have to be a current 4-H member, or have 4-H experience; but do need to be in 8th-12th grade! Join us for our first meeting next week on Wednesday October 4 at 6p the Henry County AgHall.

For more information, please visit: https://u.osu.edu/henry4h/files/2022/09/2023-jlc-flyer-2.pdf

2023-2024 JLC Meeting Schedule


– Henry County Camp Counselors

The “All-In-One” application for the 2024 Camp Counselors will open on OCTOBER 1 – deadline to complete this application is November 15.

Camps we hold are: Cloverbud Camp, 4-H Camp & Horse Camp – Applicants must be at least 14 years old by the start of camp.

New Camp Counselors will be required to have 2 Non-Family References & will have an interview. Returning Camp Counselors will also undergo an interview.

Link for more information: https://u.osu.edu/henry4h/resources/teen-opportunities/

Feel free to connect with me for additional information.


– Henry County Junior Fair Board 

Congratulations to the new 2023-2024 Junior Fair Board Members! Be sure to remember our meeting will be on Wednesday October 4 at 7:30p at the Henry County Fairgrounds AgHall.