Are you into STEM?

Are you into STEM – but our 4-H projects just aren’t what you’re looking for?

Don’t count out a Self-Determined Project! We have just added TWO awesome “Idea Starters” for Self-Determined, STEM style!



And while we’re talking about STEM, how about


If you like STEM, and you’re looking for a challenging project, check out our 509: Robotic Essentials project!

To complete this project, you can Rent out our Robotic Kits for a small fee to use with the project for the summer! Check THIS out for more information! We have 10 kits, so it will be first come- first served. The project requirements are found on page 29 of the Still-Project Handbook.

VexIQ Kit Rental Agreement


2024 4-H Open House

Join us on WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 21, 2024 for our second-ever 4-H Open House!

Club Recruitment Toolkit:

  • The purpose of this event is for non-4-H families to connect with the 4-H program and to seek out a club that work best for their household. We offer fun 4-H activities for the kids to participate in while our advisors and facilitators answer questions.
  • New Recruit Flyer (Meeting information please complete & send to Morgan – you can also send your own!)
  • Is your Club taking new members? (<please complete this VERY SHORT survey & let us know!)
  • iPads will be on site for families to enroll or re-enroll at this event (so your current 4-H families can come too!)
  • Our Jr Leadership Club will be hosting a Bake Sale during the program
  • Last year, we were so thankful for the advisors that participated! We’re allowing more space for you to have a spot & meet with families to discuss your club! Some clubs brought candy or promotional items to help parents “remember” who they were talking to! Bring your ideas and connect with some fantastic families!

Summary of this week’s updates

Hi Families~

Thanks so much for the positive response on the January Newsletter, it was great to start off 2024 with some positive communication coming through the office!

I’ve been busy this week & have some great updates to share! Check out the highlights below!


Morgan Parcher


  • Blog Advisor Resources
    • The 2024 Kick Off slides are posted for you to reference
    • New Volunteer Handbook is posted
    • Updated Charter Checklist, Constitution template & By-Law Template
    • Financial Resources updated (Club Due Sheet, Fundraising Report & Transaction Register)

4-H Families:

Here’s the Handbooks!

Hi Families!~

Access the 2024 Henry County Handbooks using the links below OR visit the “Resources” Tab to find the appropriate information.

If you’d like to access the Junior Fair Youtube Video Updates, check those out below OR you can visit the “Livestock Resources” tab here on the blog!

2024 Henry County Still-Project Handbook

2024 Henry County Livestock Handbook


Henry County Junior Fair – Update #1 (2024 Schedule & Plan)

Henry County Junior Fair – Update #2 (Specie-Specific updates)