Buckle up folks, June packs quite the punch, so please take note of all of the June “things.”
June 3
- Tag-In & Weigh-In at the Henry County Fairgounds
- 8-11a – Beef Feeder & Dairy Beef Feeder ID & Weigh-In
- 9-11:30a – Goat & Sheep Weigh-In
- 9-11a – Rabbit ID – Specifically for Rabbits that HAVE NOT been tattooed before!
- This includes: Breeding, Doe [of Doe & Litters], & Single Roaster Rabbits
June 5
- 6pm Cloverbud Camp Counselor Meeting to set up
- 7pm Henry Co. Horse Council Meeting
June 6
- 9a-12p Cloverbud Camp @Henry Co. Fairgrounds
June 7
- 9a-12p Cloverbud Camp
- 5-7p JFB Workday @Henry Co. Fairgrounds
- 7p JFB Meeting @AgHall
June 8
- 9a-12p Cloverbud Camp
June 11
- 6p 4-H Camp Counselor Meeting
June 13
- 6:30pm Communication & Expressive Arts Contest & 4-H Royalty Coronation
June 15
June 17
- Henry/Fulton PAS Horse Show @Fulton Co. Fairgrounds
June 21-25
- Henry Co. 4-H Camp @Camp Palmer