2022-2023 Entrepreneur 4-H Spin Club

Interested in starting a small business after high school? Maybe you want to run your own company? Then I encourage you to check out this FREE “Special Interest” aka “SPIN” Club! Not only is it FREE, but it’s also completed VIRTUALLY! Join 4-H’ers from around the state to participate – see more information below…

Ohio 4-H is proud to partner with Believe in Ohio (https://believeinohio.org/) to kick off a new STEM- based 4-H SPIN club this fall and winter for high school youth.

This club will meet virtually on Thursday from 6:30 – 8:00 pm starting on 10/27 – 12/15 (skipping Thanksgiving).   Youth will learn about the components of an entrepreneurial business plan and create a STEM-based project and pitch video as the final product.  Projects will be eligible for local ($100-500), regional ($1,000) and state ($5,000) based scholarships.  In Spring 2022 not all scholarships were given out.

Youth who participate will be 2023 4-H members in the county they live in.

To participate in the club, sign up using the link below.


Youth can only miss 2 meetings to be eligible for awards. Youth can also submit their project as a self-determined 4-H project in their own county for county based awards and recognition in summer 2023.

All meetings will be recorded.  Youth will work on their STEM business plans with the help of a STEM advocate from Believe in Ohio from 12/15/22 – 1/31/2023.

More information about the scholarships and program can be found here :


If you cannot make the Thursday night meetings, you could also participate on your own as an independent student, but would not receive the support of the STEM Advocates, and learning with other 4-H members.


2023 4-H Family Guides Available Online!

We are excited to announce that the 2023 4-H Family Guides are now available online! This is a guide that lists all available 4-H projects from Ohio 4-H. Please take a minute to review on your own or with a parent!

PLEASE NOTE: There is a disclaimer regarding a price increase on all 4-H books. Unfortunately, as I am sure everyone is aware, with prices increasing everywhere, our project books are no exception.

If you have any questions about the projects listed, or would like to check out a project book in person – please do not hesitate to reach out to Emily or Morgan! We are working hard to bring all county requirements & project information up to date and more accessible to our families as well and hope to have all that information finalized in early November!

CHECK OUT THE 2023 4-H FAMILY GUIDE: https://ohio4h.org/familyguide



We hit a record year! As of 10/11/2022 – ALL THANK YOU’S have been RECEIVED by the Livestock Sale Committee – ANDWe have received the FINAL BUYERS’ CHECK!

If you have not received your check yet, the Sale Committee was likely waiting on this final check to arrive. Keep an eye out for your Sale Check to arrive in the mail!

Thank you all on behalf of the Henry County Jr. Fair Livestock Sale Committee & Henry County 4-H Program!

Calling all 4-H High School Seniors!

4-H Seniors (and older youth) in Henry County:

As a senior in the Henry County 4-H Program, there are SO MANY exciting opportunities! Be sure to check out ~ALL~ the opportunities we have available for you!

Applying for Scholarships??

Want to know how you can be recognized?

Want to Build your Resume?

What else can you do???

Reach out to Morgan Parcher with any questions you may have!