EVERYONE should have received your Individual Sales Reports.
SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS – PLEASE direct them to the Livestock Sale Committee! OSU Extension does not handle the generation of these reports OR any financial questions. Please contact the Livestock Sale Committee via email with questions at: HenryLSC@googlegroups.com
Thank You Note Protocol:
- You are REQUIRED to send Thank You Notes to your Sale Buyers.
- Please complete these buyer thank-you notes! (if you completed your 4-H book correctly, you may already have an example ready!)
- THEN– Submit a single picture of the thank you notes in their envelopes. Be sure they are addressed & stamped to each buyer (group together in one photo > see the photo attachment for reference)
- Send this photo NO LATER than SEPTEMBER 15TH to: HenryLSC@googlegroups.com
- Exhibitor Livestock Sale Checks will be mailed to each member as the Thank You Note Confirmation picture is received & provided that the buyer/s have paid their bill
Feel free to contact us with any questions & we will do our best to help you!
~Morgan & Emily