Junior Fair Royalty


Application & Essay:

Each applicant must complete this application form along with a typed essay answering the following question: “Why is being Henry County Junior Fair King OR Queen important to you?”

Include examples of leadership, responsibility, and contributions you can make to the Junior Fair Programs. The essay is limited to one page, single spaced, Times New Roman font, and 12 font size. Please attach your typed essay to this application.

Additionally, a typed write-up (75 words or less) must accompany the application. This write up will be used for the coronation and parade in the event the candidate is selected to be on the royal court. *If the write up is too lengthy for the parade, it will be edited down.


Each applicant is required to complete a resume of activities to be turned in with application. The resume is limited to 2 pages. Please use the enclosed sample as a reference for preparing your resume.


Each applicant will be required to participate in an interview process. Specific times will be determined after the June 1st application deadline.

Recommendations= 2 Total:

1 Advisor & 1 Other Person of Leadership (Employer/Coach/2nd Advisor):

*Must be 2 different individuals that you use for this requirement. All applicants must have an advisor other than a parent advisor complete the recommendation form, a second written recommendation letter from a boss/coach/advisor, and send directly to the Henry County OSU Extension Office. It will be your responsibility to make sure this form is turned in prior to the June 1st deadline.

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