
The semester of autumn 2015 went by faster than one would have expected. Between classes and the work that comes along with it one stays fairly busy. Yet within our scholars program of environmental scholars we still made time within our program and outside in our own time to put in time to volunteer helping others around us whether it be small or large; ultimately to provide aid to our community no matter where we are. Over the few months I have participated in a few volunteer projects. Ultimately I wish I could have done more but volunteering to give isn’t about the quantity but the quality that you bring. One of the first activities I participated was along with my fellow environmental scholars the first week of school with an Olentangy River clean up. This service was a kick off to the year to come of helping our community for its people and the environment and its habitants all around. All the hazardous material and un-biodegradable material were picked up and ridden of, to ultimately have a cleaner river. One of our next project together as a group was our time at the local farm on our campus to pick apples. We helped the workers there turn a long task short with our many volunteers and ultimately rewarding knowing that all the food we picked for them was to be donated to a food shelter to be distributed to others in need. These first two service experiences were spectacular, especially since it was our first few of the year and was with our entire program building a community in ourselves as we helped others in more ways than one. After gaining the first few steps into our services it was time to take steps on our own to volunteer and help in other ways we thought necessary and interested us. Over Thanksgiving break being home I took the initiative to make an impact in my own area. I turned my passion of horses into something useful with volunteering my time at a therapeutic rehabilitation stable. At this farm I had tasks from taking care of horses that had clinical needs, to simple barn chores, all the way to aiding in lessons of handicapped students. Seeing the smile walking around on a horse brought joy to myself and helping them with exercises to stimulate their minds and muscles gave a deep satisfaction that I am doing something right. All of these services performed were amazing memories made that I am glad I participated in to help others. My services addressed different aspects from environment conservation to aid of others in different circumstances. Over time being aware and helpful to those around me in any way can continue my aid to the issue in the future to fix it. Each event surpassed my expectations of how rewarding they were. There may have been moments of just being tired but by the end of it all the work was worth it. Overall I learned big or small the assignment it is meaningful to someone which is by far the most rewarding thing, to bring joy to others. As for myself as stubborn I may be taking even if it’s a little bit out of my day helping out around in other parts of my life for others brightens up more than just that moment but more of my life.

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