Fulfilling the Land-Grant Mission (2020 book from The Ohio State University Press)

 Fulfilling the 21st Century Land-Grant Mission

Essays in Honor of  The Ohio State University’s Sesquicentennial Commemoration


 Edited by Stephen M. Gavazzi and David J. Staley




  1. The Prominence and Preeminence of The Ohio State University

Stephen M. Gavazzi and David J. Staley


  1. Defining the Modern Land-grant University

Michael V. Drake

  1. Prima Inter Pares: Ohio State’s Position as the First Among Equals within the American Public and Land-Grant University System

Stephen M. Gavazzi

  1. The History and Future of the Ohio State University

David J. Staley


  1. Teaching Excellence in the 21st Century: Meeting the Mission, Extending the Vision: Teaching and Learning at 150 and Beyond

Kay Halasek

  1. Coming Full Circle: Research, Discovery, and Creative Inquiry at Ohio State

Janet M. Weisenberger

  1. Engagement: The Land-grant Compact Through Time and Change

Stephen C. Myers


  1. Engaging Ohio’s Youth and Fulfilling the Land-Grant Mission Through 4-H Youth Development

Kirk Bloir and Scott D. Scheer

  1. Flexner Effect: Medical Educational Reform and the Land-Grant Universities

Christopher Ellison

10. Social Impact and Inclusive Excellence

Thomas K. Gregoire

  1. Food and nutritional security: Still the Grand Challenge for land-grant universities

Casey Hoy and Brian Snyder

  1. Reinventing the Regional Campus

Norman W. Jones

  1. The Science of Families: Work-Family Balance and the Twenty-First Century Land-Grant Mission

Claire Kamp Dush and Stephen M. Gavazzi

  1. Agriculture as the Cornerstone College in the 21st Century Land-grant Mission

Cathann A. Kress and Graham R. Cochran

  1. At the Intersection: The Birth of Ohio’s 1862 and 1890 Land-grant Universities

Laquore Meadows

  1. Ohio State as a 21st Century Urban University

Harvey J. Miller

  1. Toward a Land-Grant Fierce Future: BE THE MODEL™ College of Veterinary Medicine in the 21st Century

Rustin M. Moore

  1. Engineering at The Ohio State University: Driving the Economic Development of Ohio

David B. Williams

  1. Backstage at Ohio State’s The Arts Initiative: Defining a World of Arts Enterprise

Valarie Williams


 20. Ohio State’s Second-year Transformational Experience Program: Enriching students’ lives in the modern land-grant era

David Isaacs, Anne McDaniel, Javaune Adams-Gaston, & M. Susie Whittington

  1. I Had No Idea… But Now That I Do…

Clark Kellogg

  1. The Abiding Promise of a Land-Grant Education

Matthew Mayhew & Eric McChesney


  1. The State of Ohio Leadership Institute

Trevor L. Brown

  1. Why We Count: Using Data to Be Our Best Selves

Julia W. Carpenter-Hubin

  1. The Model Land-grant Library at Ohio State

Damon E. Jaggars

  1. Ohio State Leadership

Rick Martin & Tayo Switzer

  1. The Ethos of the Engaged Institution

Roger A. Rennekamp

  1. Responding to Student and Community Change Through Academic Program Reviews

Ryan J. Schmiesing

  1. Building Generations of Leaders at The Ohio State University

Donald A. Stenta


  1. Adventures of Being a University President
  2. Gordon Gee
  3. America’s Education Crisis: Can Land-Grant Values Be Our Salvation?

William E. Kirwan

  1. Leadership Lessons from the Ohio State University

Ed Ray

  1. Fostering Innovation and Collaboration within Land-Grant Universities

Joseph Steinmetz


  1. Parting Thoughts on Fulfilling the 21st Century Land-Grant Mission

Stephen M. Gavazzi and David J. Staley