“I would have learning more widely disseminated,” said Justin S. Morrill, the Vermont legislator and author of the land-grant movement.
We have disseminated it.
Our institutions should be “the public’s universities,” in the words of Abraham Lincoln, one of the fathers of public higher education. They have been.
The ideals of Morrill and Lincoln beckon us still.
–Kellogg Commission on the Future of State and Land-Grant Universities
The writings on this site will be passionate–nay, zealous–about public higher education. And the contributions will radically adhere to the idea that land-grant universities–based as they are on the ideals put forward by Senator Justin Morrill, President Abraham Lincoln, and the other social and political giants of their time–continue to set the bar for performance excellence in the realm of public higher education. Thus, you might say, the offerings here will be fiercely land-grant in orientation.