Creating a folder in Panopto

We now allow instructors to create their own folders in Panopto!

In order for this to work, you must have at least one folder you can already create lectures in. If not, contact and we will create the first folder for you. Then you’ll be able to follow these instructions to create folders in the future.

  1. Log into the Panopto website at
  2. On the top of the page, click on the Create button and choose New Folder.
    Create --> New Folder
  3. Give the folder a name. If creating a folder for a course, we suggest the course name followed by the semester and, if desired, the instructor’s last name (for example, N1234 SP20 Smith).
    Options for creating a folder
  4. For the parent folder, you can have it be under one of your current folders or at the top level without using a parent folder. We suggest adding it to the top level.
  5. Click on Create Folder.

If you want others to create lectures in the same folder, type in osucon\lastname.# for each person under “People and groups”. Change “Viewer” to “Creator”. Then click on the Send/save button.

You’ll also see options for who can access the folder. The default is anyone who has the link. Click on the Copy Link button if you want to share the folder contents. If you normally share lecture links, don’t worry about sharing this folder link. Link to the individual lectures later on as you record them.

You can close the pop-up window when finished.

Close dialogue box

The folder will now appear when you log into Panopto Recorder and create a new recording.