If you are farming on leased land or are leasing your farmland you won’t want to miss this! As of July 21, 2022 a new law on crop farm leases has gone into effect . This new law addresses farm crop lease landlords who are in a farmland leasing aggreement that does not address termination. If a landlord is wanting to terminate the lease they must do so by delivering a written notice of termination to the tenant by September 1 of the current lease period. This affects verbal leases and written leases that fails to include termination provisions. If you are wanting to gain more information on the new law you can attend the Ohio Farmland Leasing Update Webinar on August 11, 2022 from 8:00-10:00am. If you can’t make it during that time the webinar will be recorded so you can watch it or re-watch it at anytime. Below you will find the flyer will all of the information that you will need about the webinar as well as an article by Peggy Kirk Hall that answers some commonly asked questions regarding this new law.