2021 Home Garden Vebetable Trials

We are looking for people excited about growing vegetables in their home gardens and then letting us know what they think. Youth and adults are welcomed to participate. Each trial contains two varieties that you will grow side by side to compare throughout the season. You can select multiple trials. For each trial you will get:

• seed for two varieties
• Row markets
• A garden layout plan to prepare your rows or beds
• Growing information specific to the crop species you selected, including planting date, plant spacing, nutrient requirements, etc.
• an evaluation sheet

This is open to the general public in Ohio. Last year we had 121 participants from 33 counties. Below is a link to the trial catalog with full instructions, vegetable descriptions and a form that can be printed, filled and mailed in for those not having internet access. The Trial website is  u.osu.edu/brown.6000/vegetable-trials/2021-trials/ and contains complete information about the trial. Participants can go directly to the registration site go.osu.edu/veggies2021 to place their order.

The cost is $3 / trial and participants can select up to 5 trials. Those with donation gardens can select additional trials.


Call for On-Farm Research Participation

Interested in participating in on-farm research with The Ohio State University Extension? If you joined for our Virtual Corn College & Soybean School on February 11th, you heard about some of our on-going research. This free webinar was aimed at helping corn and soybean producers prepare for the upcoming spring. We discussed our latest research trials that involved variety/hybrid testing, plating dates, plant populations, fungicides and more. Our specialists also gave some updates on key pests and diseases from last year and what to be on the lookout for this upcoming year.

If you missed these presentations or would like to watch them again you can find them at Ag Tech Tuesday Videos. During Dr. Laura Lindsey’s presentation, you will see her information regarding research on soybean production systems. 2021 will be the last year for this project and I am looking for a couple of producers to participate in Brown County. The two systems being compared are:

  1. The Improved System:
    • plant soybean the end of April or early May
    • 130,000 seeds/acre seeding rate
    • spray foliar fungicide + foliar insecticide at the R3 growth stage.
  2.  The Standard System:
    • plant three weeks later than the improved system
    • 160,000 seeds/acre seeding rate
    • NO foliar fungicide + foliar insecticide application.

The Ohio State University Responsibilities:

  • provide trial layout.
  • collecting in-season measurements (soil fertility analysis, stand count, and canopy cover).
  • Provide foliar fungicide and insecticide (if needed).

Farmer responsibilities:

  • plant and spray treatments
  • provide yield data (as digital yield files or weigh wagon)
  • harvest

Research plots do not have to consist of the entire field. Lengths are typically required to be at least 500 feet long and will consist to 3-4 replications. If you are interested, have questions, or would just like to talk more about this opportunity, call James Morris at 937-378-6716 or email morris.1677@osu.edu. Due to the time involved with research plots we will only be able to conduct on 2-3 farms and the participation will be accepted on a first come basis.

Planning for the Future of Your Farm: Estate & Succession Planning

Don’t forget to register for this upcoming workshop! The program kicks off next Monday, February 15th at 6:30pm. The registration cost is $40.00 per family. Take advantage of the opportunity to involve the entire family at one price. Check out the flyer below to see what topics we will be discussing. These can be tough conversations to have, we can help you initiate these conversations.

Register at go.osu.edu/farmsuccession

ANR Programming Newsletter: Week of February 15, 2021


Ohio Cow/Calf Management Webinar School

06:00pm to 07:00pm

Planning for the Future of Your Farm Workshop

06:30pm to 08:30pm


Ag Tech Tuesdays (Virtual)

10:00am to 11:00am

High Tunnel Production School (Virtual)

12:30pm to 01:30pm

Small Ruminant Production Webinars

07:00pm to 08:00pm


Commercial New Applicator Training Webinar

(All day)

Southern Ohio Farm Show (Virtual)

10:00am to 11:00am

Organic Winter Webinars

11:00am to 12:00pm

Technology and Data Management on the Dairy Farm- Mini Series Session 1 (Virtual)

12:30pm to 01:30pm


The Dirt on Soil Health: Investing Below the Surface (Virtual)

08:00am to 08:30am

Managing Water in Today’s Wet and Dry Growing Seasons (Virtual)

08:30am to 10:00am

Disease Management Options for Today’s Weather (Virtual)

09:00am to 10:30am

GAPs Training Webinar

06:00pm to 09:00pm


County Outlook Meeting (Virtual)

10:00am to 11:30am


OSU Junior Swine Day (Virtual)

09:00am to 12:30pm


Virtual Lunch and Learn: Vaping and Our Youth – Feb. 23 @ 11:30

Join us on February 23rd from 11:30am-12:30pm for our virtual lunch and learn. Mackenzie Browning, MSW, LSW, serves as a Prevention Coordinator with the Ohio Youth Resilience Collaborative. She will be discussing a variety of topics surrounding vaping; specifically the risks it poses for our youth. This event is open to any who would like to joing. Please share with those who might be interested.

This event will be held via Zoom. Use this link to join us the day of the event: https://osu.zoom.us/j/94470746858?pwd=akV0TUt4citsbE1ZKzBidlVMTjkwdz09

Southern Ohio Farm Show: Former OSU & NFL linebacker, Bobby Carpenter joins the show!

In this week’s episode of the Southern Ohio Farm Show, we get ready for the game by learning about: -Sport turf and turf tips for your yard with Pamela Sherratt, Ohio State University Extension Turfgrass Specialist -Wilson Sporting Goods’ process of constructing the Super Bowl footballs in Ada, Ohio -Learn about playing in the NFL and game projections with Bobby Carpenter, host of 97.1 The Fan’s Morning Juice and lecturer at The Ohio State University

To view the full episode visit: 2021 Southern Ohio Farm Show Episodes