Tobacco GAPs Update

GAP Connections has released additional guidance for those who still need their Tobacco GAPs certification. Currently, OSU Extension is unable to host in-person meetings through July 6th. Since the deadline for certification is June 30, 2020 we will need to rely on online training options. GAP connections released the following information.

“Growers completing the online Annual GAP Training will need to watch two videos and complete a post video quiz. Growers will need to successfully achieve a 100% score on the quiz to have 2020 GAP Training recorded. To locate the training a grower must login into and navigate to the Training Section on the Grower Dashboard. There is a link for Online Training. Once a 100% is earned, GAP Training is recorded on the Grower Training Report. Go back to the Grower Dashboard or click Menu in the upper right-hand corner and navigate to Training. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for training to show. If you have any difficulty locating or completing the online training, please call GAPC at 865.622.4606.” This is the preferred training as it will allow producers to take the course on their own time and schedule. However, there is an option for James to host a zoom session if you are interested. More details below:

Brown County Extension is willing to offer and additional option.  The GAP Connection website allows you to watch the video and take the quiz on your own time. However, if you prefer to join Extension Educator, James Morris for a live online session please let him know by emailing This session will include a 2 hour video with no post exam. You MUST be present and logged in online at all times. If you have poor internet connection, it may be a challenge to stay connected and follow along with the video. We would use Zoom to hold the meeting, free accounts are available. Visit to get started. If requests are received, we will set up specified time and date for an online meeting. No cost but pre-registration would be required as we will need specific information from you in order to process the certification. Again, please email James Morris at or 937-378-6716 if you are interested in this option.

Online Pork Quality Assurance Available

Planning to take a swine project to the 2020 Ohio State Fair? Remember that all youth taking market swine to the 2020 Ohio State Fair will be required to have a parent/guardian PQA certified in order to meet packer requirements. OSU Extension educators will be offering an ONLINE PQA training. This online training MUST be completed by the parent/guardian of the youth exhibitor. The youth exhibitor is encouraged to participate in this training but is not required. There is no fee but registration for this course is required by May 6, 2020. Once registered, you will receive an email on May 11th confirming your registration and providing additional instruction. You will have 30 days to complete the course which contains a set of 10 modules. Contact James Morris at if you have additional questions or need assistance.

Register here:

Southern Ohio Farm Show

The Southern Ohio Farm Show is new program offered weekly by the OSU Extension offices from Brown, Clermont, and Highland Counties. The program will include a market update, weather forecast from Extension specialists Ben Brown and Aaron Wilson. Each episode will also feature an educational topic. The first episode will cover soil sampling procedures, and how to submit samples while Extension offices are closed. Joins us on Wednesday’s at 10:00 AM.

The Southern Ohio Farm Show will be broadcasted through Zoom. Register for the program at Through Zoom, you will be able to view the program on your computer, smartphone, or listen to it on your phone with the call-in option. If you need the call-in option, contact the Brown County Extension Office.

For help getting started with zoom visit Steps to Acess Zoom.

The program will also be aired on Facebook, YouTube, the Hillsboro local access channel, and the Greenfield local access channel (Spectrum channel 1021). We are working to gain access to additional local cable channels.

You can view previous recordings here:

For more information, contact the Brown County Extension Office at 937-378-6716 or email James at


Ticked Off by Ticks and Your Signs of Spring.

If you’ve had the chance to get out into the woods to mushroom hunt or out to the pastures to check calves, you have probably noticed that the ticks are out in LARGE numbers this year. I already know of 2 friends who have had to pay visits to the hospital due to ticks! OSU Extension has published a few articles over the last few days with information to help you protect yourself this spring.  Check out these resources below.

Also- hopefully your hunting luck is better than mine! Feel free to share your pictures finds and signs of spring in the comments (copy and paste or send to to add)! Prepping the fields, garden, or flower beds? New calves or lambs on the ground? Woodland finds or turkey season prep? Any good news, let’s see it!


  1. Ticked off by Ticks Part 1
  2. Ticked Off by Ticks Part 2
  3. Tick Factsheet:
  4. Tick Encounter:







4-H Virtual Demonstration Contest and Cloverbud Show and Tell!

Calling all Brown County 4-H’ers! We are holding a county-wide Virtual Demonstration Contest and Cloverbud Show and Tell!

On the Brown County 4-H Facebook Page (, there is a pinned post with a graphic announcing the contest. Simply record a 3-5 minute demonstration and post it as a comment on the pinned post. Demonstrations can be on any topic but if you choose a topic related to your 4-H project it will count as one of your learning experiences. There will be two age divisions with one winner in each division. Ages are as of January 1, 2020 – Junior Division: 8-13 and Senior Division 14-18. Please include your Name and age as of January 1, 2020 as part of your submission.

Videos must be posted in the comments of the pinned post by noon on April 16th. Please make sure if you are seeing it as a shared post, you are going to the original to post your video. Voting will be done by popular vote; the videos with the most LIKES at noon on April 17th wins!

Winners will receive an embroidered 4-H soft-shell jacket.

A great resource for what should be in a good demonstration can be found:

Not able to post a comment? You can also email your video to and we will post the video on your behalf.

CLOVERBUDS! You are invited to participate in a Show and Tell! On the same pinned post share a video of something you are doing! It can be on whatever you want but here are some ideas!

  • A drawing or art project you’ve completed
  • Making a healthy snack
  • Helping with chores around the house
  • A fun activity outside
  • Saying the 4-H pledge!

All Cloverbuds who submit by noon on April 17th will receive a small 4-H item.

We can’t wait to see what all you submit!

OSU Extension In-Person Programming Suspended until July 6th

The deadline for in-person programming for all Ohio State University Extension programming has been extended from to July 6th. All 4-H camps in Ohio have been canceled through August 31st.

We have updated all cancelations/postponements on our website here: 

An email was sent to all 4-H families on 4/7 that included a message from the state 4-H Leader Kirk Bloir on Ohio 4-H programming and summer camps. That email is below. Here are a few other key points for 4-H programming from Christy Clary, Extension Educator for 4-H.

  • We are going to have a great 4-H year, it is just going to look a little different as we adapt to keep everyone safe and healthy.
  • We are working to figure out what we need to cancel, postpone, and extend deadlines for and what options will look like. We will update you as soon as we know. One of the things we know is that 4-H is about teaching life skills and right now we are all learning to be adaptable.
  • The enrollment deadline for 4-H has been extended to May 1st. If you are already enrolled you can log into your profile and add/change projects or if you are new to 4-H you can join! Go to to log into your profile or join. Enrollment help can be found at
  • Quality Assurance information is forthcoming. If you choose there is an online option and information is on the website; we plan to offer additional options. Christy has a meeting today (4/8) to learn more about options. Please be patient with us as we figure these things out.
  • If you are an adult who needs Pork Quality Assurance, James will be releasing some information soon. You may contact him at for questions.
  • Christy will be offering a virtual office hour from Noon-1pm on Friday via Zoom. If you have any thoughts, comments or ideas drop-in and let’s chat. You can join by clicking or calling 1-646-876-9923 and using meeting Id: 722 762 029.

Dear 4-H members, families, volunteers and supporters,

It is with a heavy heart that I share this news with you. Due to ongoing health concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the decision has been made to cancel all Ohio State University Extension in-person programming through July 6. This includes all 4-H programs, activities, and events. Additionally, we’ve made the very difficult decision to cancel all 4-H camps thru August 31. Although in-person programming is cancelled, we will continue to offer virtual 4-H experiences.

-We know this is an incredible disappointment and recognize how much everyone looks forward to our cherished 4-H summer events. As 4-H professionals committed to providing positive youth development programming, we share your sense of loss.

Given available information, we anticipate the next few weeks and months will continue to be critical times for stemming the spread of the COVID-19 virus. It is our duty to keep ourselves and those we serve safe through the education we provide and the modeling of safety-conscious behaviors. We do not want to get to the other side of this pandemic and wish that we had done more to keep our future generation of leaders safe and healthy.

While we are making decisions regarding the youth events we organize and manage (such as camps and 4-H project judging), we are deferring to local decision-makers and Governor DeWine’s administration on the events owned by others, such as county fairs. Our decision to cancel in-person 4-H activities and events through July 6 and summer camps, should not automatically imply that local county fairs are also canceled at this time. Please keep in mind that 4-H and our FFA colleagues support the education and development of youth, but the decision about whether fairs will occur is in the hands of others. This continues to be an evolving situation that will require some negotiation and monitoring depending on decisions. We will be ready should fairs move forward and to pivot if they are cancelled.

As we work through the impact of these decisions for 4-H activities and events in the weeks ahead, county OSU Extension 4-H professionals will share important updates and information with you as we develop and provide new online opportunities. We know the experiences will be different than we had hoped, yet we remain committed to working together to grow future generations of true leaders.

Yours in service to 4-H,


Kirk Bloir, Ph.D.
Assistant Director, 4-H Youth Development
College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences – Ohio State University Extension
Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 Fred Taylor Drive, Columbus, OH 43210
614-247-8168 Office  |  |

Pesticide & Fertilizer Recertification Update

Many local Extension office have received farmer calls lately asking how the COVID-19 emergency will affect pesticide recertification. The “Stay at home” order began prior to the end of March 2020, leaving those remaining private pesticide and fertilizer training programs postponed or suspended for the moment. On a normal year, the 3-year private applicator re-certification cycle ends on March 31. Additionally, Ohio Department of Agriculture’s new pesticide applicator testing program was also suspended for now.  Among others, this will affect those who wish to mix, load or apply approved dicamba products (Xtendimax, FeXapan, Engenia or Tavium) to Xtend traited soybeans, as these products are now restricted use.

With the signing of House Bill 197, Ohio’s COVID-19 emergency response legislation, the March 31, 2020 deadline for private pesticide applicators (farmers) and the May 31, 2020 deadline for agricultural fertilizer certificate holders to renew their license and get training has been extended.

The deadline is now 90 days after the state of emergency Executive Order ends or December 1, 2020, whichever comes first.

All in-person OSUE training events are cancelled or postponed through at least July 6. We will continue to update you as meetings are scheduled. You may continue to check these websites for more information: or…