Pesticide License Exam Being Offered in Brown County

Are you needing to become a private or commercial pesticide/fertilizer applicator?

The Ohio Department of Agriculture will be offering 2 exam sessions on April 14, 2021. The first session will begin at 9:00AM and the second session will being at 1:00PM. The exam site will be at the Brown County Fairgrounds in Rhonemus Hall, located at 325 W. State St., Georgetown, OH 45121.

This is the only Brown County date on schedule due to staffing shortage at the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA). Exam locations will be offered in Clermont, Greene, and other surrounding areas throughout the year. Those dates can be found on ODA’s website

Space for the Brown County Exam site will be extremely limited and only 9 participants will be allowed at each session. To reserve a seat contact the Ohio Department of Agriculture at 614-728-6987. Press 1 for Licensing and Recertification.

  • Pesticide categories
  1. Commercial:
  2. Private:
  • What to study:

OSU Agronomy Team’s Youtube Page

Find recordings from webinars that were offered this winter including our soil heath webinar series. This series covered 8 topics such as:

1.Does Soil Health Pay?

2.Can Improving Soil Health Improve Yield

3.Cover Crop Management

4.Compaction Solutions

5.Programs and Funding to Support Soil Health


This page features several other videos related to soybeans, corn, forages, crops growth stages and much more!

Find all videos here:

Southern Ohio Farm Show: March 24, 2021

In this episode of the Southern Ohio Farm Show:

-Dr. Aaron Wilson provides a weather outlook

-Lisa Barlage teaches us how to make a healthy green smoothie

-Dave Apsley helps us identify another tree in the woods

-Richard Purdin discusses top dressing wheat

Tune in next week for another new episode of the Southern Ohio Farm Show where we will have another recipe from Tammy Jones to help you get ready for your Easter meal.

Brown County Soybean Cyst Nematode Research Results

11 soybean fields throughout various regions of Brown County were sampled after harvest. SCN populations were present in 10 of the 11 fields (91%).  5 of the 11 fields (45%) had moderate to high levels present (more than 2,000 eggs per 100cc cup of soil). Table 1 from our “Soybean Cyst Nematode” factsheets explains the levels and management strategies. This factsheet contains more on symptoms, identification and impacts. It can be found at











MGV Newspaper Article: 03/19/21

Lesser Celandine in March

Submitted by Faye Mahaffey

OSUE Brown County Master Gardener Volunteer

I love taking a walk down to our cabin this time of the year. The daffodils are getting ready to bloom and joining in is a low-growing herbaceous perennial dreaded by some and adored by others – “fig buttercup” or Lesser celandine.  We have a friend in the lawn care business that always informs us that he can take care of that invasive weed for us, but we have never made that call.

The plants consist of a basal rosette of tender, succulent, dark green, shiny, stalked kidney-to heart-shaped leaves. Flowers are symmetrical, bright buttery yellow with a slightly darker center, have 8 (typical) to 12 petals, and are borne singly on delicate stalks that rise above the leaves. When in bloom, large infestations of lesser celandine appear as a green carpet with yellow dots, spread across the forest floor. This highly invasive plant is native to Eurasia and it was originally sold in the United States as an ornamental. It prefers moist, forested floodplains; however, in recent years lesser celandine has escaped cultivation and is becoming widespread in parks, yards, and forests growing under a range of environmental conditions including drier upland areas.

Control of lesser celandine is challenged both by the plants unusual life cycle and its prolific reproductive potential. The weed is spread by seed and by movement of thickened underground stems or tubers in contaminated soil or by wildlife. For example, deer may transport pieces of tubers between their hooves or under their dew claws to new locations. In southwest Ohio, the plant spends most of its life underground from June through January. Typically, leaves begin to appear in February and colonies thicken through March and April. Blooms appear in late March and early April. By May, the above ground portion of the plant begins to fade.

Lesser celandine has been labeled as invasive because it is displacing many native plant species, especially those with the similar spring-flowering life cycle. Because lesser celandine emerges well in advance of the native species, it has a developmental advantage which allows it to establish and overtake areas rapidly.

Small colonies of lesser celandine can be removed by digging up the tubers; however, extreme care should be taken not to leave behind any of the tubers. Chemical control recommendations in the literature tend to focus on multiple applications of systemic glyphosate-based herbicides in February (to have the greatest impact to the lesser celandine and the least impact to desirable native wildflower species).

I am surprised at what is popping up in the flower beds and what is taking its time. I planted a new Pussywillow and was discouraged to find that the deer have been pruning it severely. It’s time to cut down the ornamental grasses and pull back the leaves covering some of my hyacinths.

Here we go! Ready or not! The “to do” list is growing!


ANR Newspaper Article: 03/19/21

Preparing for the Growing Season

As temperatures begin to warm up, we are all excited to see the grass and trees begin to regain their color and we are all eager to kick-off the growing season. However, our lawns, gardens, and crops are not the only things beginning to grow. Whether you are a home gardener or a commercial farmer, this is the time of the year when winter dormancy breaks on the to-do list and it begins growing out of control. For many growers, the first thing on our to-do lists should be sampling our soils. You may be ready for spring and the growing season but are your soils?

If you did not already take soil samples last fall, now is a great time to do so. If your pH requires major adjustments, it can take several months for these corrections to take place within the soil. This is especially important for new seedings in the spring. Without the proper pH and nutrient levels to support healthy plant growth, problematic weeds will already be competing, but some can have an advantage in deficient soils. So, what is the optimum nutrient and pH levels? The answer depends on the type of crop to be grown.

If you produce corn, soybeans, wheat, or alfalfa

The new 2020 Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations will be very useful. This publication was previously published in 1995 but has been updated to reflect our most current research. In this publication you will find nutrient removal rates from each crop, soil sampling strategies, pH and lime recommendations, and fertilizer recommendations. You can go to to download a free pdf copy or purchase a hard copy for $9.00. Contact the Brown County Extension Office at 937-378-6716 if you have any questions. If you are focused on grass hay and pasture, we also have great resources that outline recommended nutrients levels for these production practices. The publication titled “Fertility Management of Meadows” can be found at

For those who will be sampling lawns, vegetable gardens, fruit crops, or other landscapes

nutrient recommendations are very dependent on the crop you intend to plant. Most labs will give you the ability to select your crop type and recommendations can be developed by the lab. What is the right way to sample and how to you get started? OSU Extension has a very detailed factsheet that can help answer that question. This factsheet can be found at Copies can also be picked up at the Brown County Extension Office. The publication explains why soil tests are important for plant selection, plant problem diagnostics, and much more. You will also find information on the proper methods for soil sampling, recommended tools, sampling frequency, and several other tips.

If you have any trouble finding these resources or have any questions about soil fertility, call James Morris at the Brown County Extension Office. Our number is 937-378-6716 or you can email James at Remember to sign up for our email newsletter. This newsletter is sent our weekly on Fridays and contains timely tips for producers, gardeners, and homeowners. You will also find information about upcoming programs and registrations. Sign up for our newsletter at

Gardening with Physical Limitations Webinar Series

2021 Gardening with Physical Limitations Webinar Series

Everyone Can Garden!  A five-part vegetable gardening webinar series for people with physical and other limitations.

Do you have a physical limitation such as mobility issues, chronic pain, arthritis, and skin sensitivities that constrains outdoor activity? Do you want to learn about how you can still enjoy gardening despite these challenges? OSU Extension and the CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion invites you to the 2021 Gardening with Physical Limitations Webinar Series Everyone Can Garden! Participants are welcome to attend one or more session between March and August. We will address the basics of planning and planting a vegetable garden, learn about basic maintenance, including pest management, canning and preservation basics, and finish with end-of-season clean-up and preparing for next year all while taking into consideration a variety of physical limitations. Each session is designed to be a stand-alone program, so feel free to attend as many or few as you want!

Planning Your Vegetable Garden

Thursday, March 18th, 6:00-7:30PM

Are you interested in starting a vegetable garden, but not sure where to start? In this session, we will cover the basics of garden planning and provide an overview of Universal Design – an approach that works for people with many types of physical limitations.

Presenters: Laura Akgerman and Pam Bennett.

This is the first in a 5-part webinar series. You can register here:

This webinar series is free and open to the public.

If you have questions about accessibility or wish to request accommodations, please contact Alicia Baca at ( Typically, a two weeks’ notice will allow us to provide seamless access. Please direct all other inquiries to Dr. Leo Taylor (

Virtual Gardening Webinar: Spring Lawncare Strategies for Homeowners

Join this webinar hosted by Montgomery County Extension on Wednesday, March 24, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. for their monthly Virtual Gardening Webinar:
Spring Lawncare Strategies for Homeowners
This session will discuss tips and tricks to having a nice lawn without spending excessive amount of time and money.
To attend this webinar, register at:
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Top Ten Backyard Poultry Diseases Webinar & Factsheets

By: OSU Extension Educator, DVM, Tim McDermot

There has been a resurgence of people who wish to raise their own food for personal and family food security, both with produce and with poultry.  I am increasingly getting asked about backyard poultry keeping so I wanted to put a resource together to assist you in getting the knowledge you need for safe, healthy and productive backyard poultry keeping.  Here is the second webinar to support backyard poultry keeping:  Top Ten Diseases of Backyard Poultry

FIRST THING:  Find out the regulations in your city or municipality that governs the keeping of backyard poultry and follow those rules carefully. 

Here is the recorded Top Ten Backyard Poultry Diseases class.

Below is a Backyard Poultry Production Webinar Recording plus some helpful links:

We also have a number of Fact Sheets hosted on Ohioline to support poultry keeping:

There is also a fact sheet on Selling Eggs in Ohio: Marketing and Regulations that details safe handling, washing and storage of eggs.

If you need help finding a Veterinarian that sees poultry,  we have a list plus a map to assist you with that.

Live Online Private Pesticide Recertification Webinar

Still needing your 2021 private pesticide recertification credits? Our pesticide safety team will be offering a live recertification webinar on March 25, 2021. All private categories will be offered ($35). Fertilizer recertification will be offered for a separate fee ($15). Follow the link below to learn more or to register. Deadline to register is March 23, 2021.

Private Recertification:

8:30 –   Workshop Check In (Required)
8:45 –   Instructions (attendance is mandatory)
9:00 –   Course Begins 

  • Five minute breaks offered every 30 minutes
  • MUST be present if you want credits for any session

12:25 – Instructions (fill out the online recertification form, adjourn)


Fertilizer Recertification:

1:15 – Workshop Check In (Required)

1:30 – Instructions (attendance is mandatory)

1:45 – Course Begins

  • Must be present if you want credit for the session
  • Five minute break offered after 30 minutes

2:50 – Instructions (fill out the online recertification form, adjou