MGV Minutes April 2022

MGV Minutes for April 14, 2022
Bob Eister opened the meeting welcoming the new 2022 MGV’s in attendance. Tom Petrilla led the Pledge of Allegiance. Bob then introduced MGV Marge Greenisen, who gave a comprehensive presentation on Invasive Insect Species. This counted as 1 hour of Continuing Education for those present. After the Invasive Species presentation, April MGV birthdays were announced and honored. All MGVs in attendance introduced themselves so the new interns would get to know them and stated their year graduating from the MGV program and stated the town where they live.

Committee Reports:

Bring One Take One-Pinky Steffen announced committee emails and meetings start in June. She suggested we collect garden essentials to be donated and propagating plants for the event.
Canfield Fair-Carolyn Fankhauser reported that this group met before our meeting and decided on flowers for the fair. The theme is “Bringing in Sunshine and Tranquility into Your Gardens” and will be using white and yellow flowers for this event. Also, there will be an outside children’s Italian garden (pizza/lasagna)! Please get in touch with her or Rhonda Harris if you can start seeds to bloom for the Fair time.

Community Outreach-Thresea Harris informed us that Local Flavor will begin on the first Monday of June and continues on Monday nights through the summer. A calendar for this is in the process of publication with dates and garden locations. The Good Nature Garden Partners program also starts in June.

Kary Shively reported that the Junior Master Gardeners have planted peas, checked their garlic and adopted three apple trees. Their next meeting is April 26th at 5:30. Kary also informed us that City Scape on June 14th. This is an event that involves many people in the community of Youngstown. Leslie Moore and Katie Shipka volunteered to help out at this event.

Education-Carolyn Fankhauser discussed field trip events. The first is to the Warther Museum/gardens on May 7th. Cost is $13 check or cash only. Let her know if you are interested. Trolley tours in Mill Creek Park are in May/June and there is a fee. Trolleys hold seven people.

Stephanie Barkay announced the following: There is a need for a speaker in the morning of April 18 at the Jewish Community Center to teach children about gardening. The City of Canfield is in need of a MGV to lead children on a walk-through of the Fair Park on May 5 from 5-7pm.
The Shenango Valley Garden Club would like a guest speaker as well. They meet the 2nd Monday of the month and are willing to come to our OSU office. (about 20 adults)

Garden Conference-Marianna Eister shared information on the Spring Horticulture Conference taking place on Saturday, April 23 and April 30 at our OSU Extension site. The office opens at 8a.m. Parking lot volunteers should be on site at 8:15. Parking is very limited and she suggests carpooling. There are other big events in the area at the fairgrounds both days and parking on both dates will be very limited. You may want to consider meeting at spots nearby.
There is a $10 charge for a full day workers’ lunch. You may pay at the registration table the day of the event. If you have an emergency and are unable to work on the day that you volunteered,
please call Marianna Eister at 330-402-5157. Bob and Marianna Eister thanked everyone who signed up to help work the Garden Conference. Lil Quaranta announced that she is still collecting garden art items to sell at the Conference (even garden books). Contact Lil if you have anything to donate. They will take cash or checks only for any items purchased at the sale.
Hospitality- Peg Zeleznik and Natalie Fraser thanked all those that helped provide food for the 2022 MGV class training sessions. The 2022 MGV’s in attendance also thanked the committee for the delicious food provided! Sign-up sheets to provide dessert for the two upcoming conference dates were passed out. We need donations of muffins, brownies, cookies (3 dozen please) and these can be dropped off at the office on Friday before each event date. Please put your name on the items. If you would like to contribute and were not at the meeting you may call Peg Z. If you would like to bake something and haven’t taken the “Occasional Quantity Cooks” course you may call Kristen for info on it. You must complete the course prior to your donation of cooked or baked items.
Plant and Pest Clinic- David Sprague says that the clinic is now open Mondays and Thursdays 9-12 and the next refresher to help in the clinic is on April25 at 12:30. Let him or Kristen know if you want to attend.

Veterans – Al Leonhart told us that there was a work session April 13 and that they expect to have the area mulched by Memorial Day.

Administrative Report- Kristen reminded us to spread the word about the Garden Conference, Naturalist series, classes on-line, and upcoming classes at the Extension office including Garden Art monthly classes. Please share on social media. Marilyn McKinley provided colorful flyers on each of the Garden Conference days’ events to pass out and post. Kristen also announced a 4-H Fabric Frenzy fundraiser on May 5 from 8-8pm and May 6 from 8-4:30pm.

Bob reminded us to continually log all our volunteer and CE hours into HOC (Hands on Connect). It is each MGV members personal responsibility to input their own hours for credit in HOC. If you need assistance to log in – call the office. Your hours working for the Garden Conference need placed in the Garden Conference category.

New Business-
We have a new Community Outreach Opportunity- Bob announced that the Veterans Administration of Youngstown and East Liverpool are looking for programs and education to help Veterans. The VA is taking are taking a new whole person approach to healthy living and is requesting gardening instruction. There is a possible place to demonstrate at Jubilee Gardens for these Veterans to garden. Eric is currently checking on providing Zoom programs for the veterans to begin the program. A sign-up sheet for MGV’s interested in developing the program was passed around. Contact Bob Eister or Stephanie Hughes if you are interested in helping to develop this program. We already have some volunteers on the helper list, but could use more.
If you haven’t filled out the Specialty Topics and Skills sheet for MGV, please do so. Bob would like to use this info to identify our strengths for requests made for volunteering opportunities. Survey forms are in office and available tonight. The Survey codes and worksheet will be emailed to everyone soon.

MGV Katie Shipka will be our guest speaker at our next meeting on May 12th and will speak on Bluebirds.

Finally, Bob reminded us to be patient, look to our left and right! Get to know our new Interns. We are all volunteers, let’s get involved! See you at a Spring Conference session.
Bob Eister adjourned the meeting at 830 pm.

Marie Belfast-Secretary & Leslie Moore-Assistant

MGV Minutes – Janaury 2022

January 13, 2022 – Minutes

Opening and Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Bob Eister President and Veteran Volunteer who welcomed everyone for this new calendar year of 2022.

President Bob invited Marine veteran MGV Chester Kaschak, to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Eileen Novotny Recording Secretary

  • Introductory comments — Bob Eister: the following
  • Agenda—Please send agenda items (in text form or via email) a week early for inclusion. Don’t wait to the last minute to get things on the agenda. He encourages Chairpersons to use the REMIND feature on a phone or computer to facilitate communication.
  • We will not be offering Zoom to actual meetings. It is too difficult to coordinate. MGV meeting minutes will be available to all members to keep them informed.
  • Survey results from the end of the year questionnaire will help direct the organization in coming months. Communication, organization and education will be stressed. Our Goal to develop skills to be effective mentors for interns, speakers and instructors
  • Mission Statement: Three versions of the Mahoning County Extension MGV mission were read and discussion followed with members mentioning what they felt are the goals of OSU Mahoning County Ext. MGV.
  • MGV Mission: Provides knowledge to and develops the leadership abilities of volunteers who, in turn enable others to improve the quality of their lives by enhancing their home and community environments through horticulture education and activities.
    • Certification for MGV include:  8 hours total
    • 2 hours IPM
    • 2hours invasive species education
    • 2 volunteer hours for backyard and local food events
    • 2 hours environment and horticulture events. (Included in this category could be meetings; Spring Event; Workshops; Bee City)
    • Mike B suggested that these hour goals of MGV Ext be included in the next Newsletter as well as the Mission Statement.
    • There was agreement that we include educational lecture time during the meeting before the business part of the meetings on the 2nd Thursday of each month
    • What are we working on going forward? Suggestions for future meetings was part of survey previously referred to.  There will be committee meetings and reports, educational input and social elements which will have positive effects in our broader community
    • Lil Quaranta used the BOTO event of last August as example of a well-conceived, planned, organized, and executed event. Pinkie Steffen, was the chair and was grateful for all the MGVs who got behind her and made it happen. This even raised $1,100.00

Bob Eister stated rules for meetings were needed (Handout): 10 Ground Rules for Effective MGV Meetings

  1. Plan to Start Meetings on time & Finish early

Everyone needs to be prompt in arriving to the meeting and returning from any breaks. Be prepared to contribute by discussion, defining action items and participation to achieve goals. Respect the groups time and keep comments brief. Don’t repeat what others have said. If your committee is not active at this time it is OK to say, “Nothing to report”.

  1. Bring a positive attitude and smile

Meetings are a great opportunity, with a bad reputation. As a result, many people attend meetings with a sense of foreboding: “how bad is this one going to be?”. This kind of mindset can be self-fulfilling. bring a smile, an optimistic outlook and seek positive outcomes. Plan to participate in a constructive way.

Be a radiator, not a drain. Be a hand raiser, not a finger pointer.

  1. Be present and remain on topic

Once the meeting starts don’t attend to-non meeting business. Share your experience, offer suggestions ask relevant questions. Don’t interrupt or have side conversations. Avoid multitasking, not using your other devices during a meeting is a basic requirement. Being present is much more than that. It’s about being fully focused on the meeting.

One of the challenges we face is that we can think much more quickly than other people can talk. The spoken word is usually about 125–250 words per minute, but we can think at about 1000–3000 words per minute. We use all that spare capacity for additional thought, make sure those thoughts are productive and focused on the meeting, (not what’s for dinner, weekend plans, etc!).

  1. Listen actively

Listen with an open mind.  Value the learning from different inputs, and listen to educate yourself. Respect another person’s viewpoint.  Use your spare mental capacity to do more than just understand the words being said. Listening actively is not just about nodding, we should be ‘leaning in’ and encouraging the speaker with our comments. Seek first to understand then to be understood. Listening actively is listening for the meaning behind the words, listening for the emotion, listening for the intent of what’s being said.

  1. Encourage contributions

Participate 100% by sharing ideas and asking questions. Don’t interrupt others when they are speaking. Build on other people’s ideas. Thank people for their contributions. If someone sees something as a problem or disagrees with a proposal, they should also be free to offer a possible solution for discussion.

  1. Be brief

When you have something to share about a topic or it’s your time to talk, be brief. Make your points clearly, don’t ramble. Then stop and let everyone else contribute.

  1. Tackle the topic, not the person

Respectfully challenge ideas, not the person. Honest and constructive discussions are necessary to get the best results.

  1. Close discussion, make decisions and identify action items

We must make sure our decisions are shared by the group, otherwise we will not achieve our goals. Decide the steps needed and clarify who will act on action items required to obtain desired results. Action items must be recorded.

  1. Make decisions

Explore the topic, welcome contributions, listen, identify action items and goals. Ultimately make sure that decisions are made and acted upon. Clear measurable steps must be made toward our goals. Progress must be monitored and reported.

  1. Own the actions
  • The group must have “buy” in. Participation is a requirement. We must “own” our actions that flow from the decisions. The leadership must ensure that the plans, actions, and efforts of the group are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Ambitious, Relevant and Timebound. After an event or project concludes or a goal is reached, a briefing and report should be provided.
  • Bob called on individual members to read each challenge aloud and invited comments. Bob Stated the following:
  • In spite of year of Covid we accomplished a lot this past year.
  • Needs of the community were identified and resulted in projects such as clinics and wreaths
  • Education sessions of meetings will be recorded and available online
  • Marilyn McKinley spoke to the need for Mentors. One goal is to continue to develop good mentors which has been part of training.  She has information on what is expected of mentors which includes being attached in the following ways, text, phone, email, at meetings, it is not necessarily difficult to create relationships and connections.
  • There are currently 15 applicants in the 2022 MGV training group which will begin Feb 1.
  • Lil Quaranta, stated it is important to get people who will teach – but not only know material, but have passion. Marilyn McKinley suggested that a way to develop skills is for a current presenter to invite another MGV to “accompany” them on speaking or teaching events, to learn how things are done, the next Event team teach with them and finally backup them up as new presenters at events.
  • Bob stressed participation in our group and set an individual requirement to be present for at least 3 meetings a year. Marilyn suggested that we call each other and encourage attendance.  Bob stated the roster will be reviewed by a commission and reduced if a member does not get appropriate hours and attend some meetings to participate.
  • Al Leonhart of the Charter class reminded us to keep up our volunteer status by continuing to volunteer and attend education offering whether by Zoom or in person.
  • Eric passed out Recertification forms and to make the process easy there are iPads etc. at the Ext. office. The charge is $10 per year.  Marianne E. will help anyone with recertification.  Pan B. to help with this.  It is our individual responsibility to take the time to recertify.
  • Mike B. asked if for meetings will we receive 1 hour education and 1 hour volunteer time. Eric affirmed.
  • We were reminded that the new picture directory of members needs to include everyone’s picture, those who did not have photo taken at the end of year banquet are encouraged to do so ASAP and to also write a short bio about (80) words. A format will be emailed. This directory will be online in a private group, to which the public will not have electronic access.

Committee Reports

  • BOTO – Pinky Steffen volunteered to head up this event again, Pam B. will co-chair — date to be August 20,2022. More volunteers needed for this. Sale of house plants and new plants did well.  Lil Q mentioned that last year the group had a workshop at Pinkie’s home to plants and do preparation work.
  • Canfield Fair – Carolyn F & Rhonda H – September 1-6, 2022. Comments included: She will have early meetings for planning; Use posters from last year; Mike B. suggested we ask the Fair Board to paint the walls – Eric stated other activities mess up the walls especially those with animals moving around. Eric said that bathrooms are to be added to the new building; Consensus was to include the chandeliers again in the set-up for the fair. Stephanie H. asked that the committee include OCVN. When committee decides on their theme/focus maybe they can include the 4 ideas/initiatives of MGV requirements.
  • Community Outreach – Marie B, Kary S & Thresea H – No report at this time.
  • Education – Stephanie B, Eileen N & Marge G

Notes from Education Committee Chair meeting:

Present: Stephanie Barkay, Bob Eister, Eileen Novotny, Marge Greeneisen

Mandatory Education requirements:

  • 2 Hours IPM
  • 2 Hours Invasive Species
  • 2 Hours Continuing education
  • Include at MGV meetings – Education VP will coordinate classes ( Held immediately following pledge)
  • February 10 meeting, Stephanie will present hour 1 of IPM
  • March meeting – Stephanie will present hour 2 of IPM
  • April meeting – Eileen will present Invasive plants
  • May meeting – Marge will present Invasive insects and pests
  • Other presentations TBD

Potential other speakers discussed:

  • How to use good body mechanics while gardening to avoid pain– (perhaps presented by Stephanie’s daughter who is a PT)
  • Program on Fellows Riverside Gardens – Lynn Zocolo (Eileen will contact)

Potential car pool type field trips:

  • Fellows Riverside Gardens
  • Perennial Post in Middlefield
  • Beechwood Gardens
  • Stan Hywet Hall

Smucker House

  • Requested that MGV have an educational program for the community – suggested topic is Pollinators and Bees
  • Consider having a MGV meeting at the Smucker House so that people know about the facility.

Follow Up meeting – February 10 at 6 pm (provided by Marge Greenisen,, 234 575-1380)

Mike B. Can we get our new hour commitment met by attending meetings with education offerings? Yes, as planned.

Bob E. stated it is the personal responsibility of each member to get education and volunteer hours. You must record them in the HOC computer program. Officers and Chairpersons are not responsible to enter members hours. HOC Training will be provided if requested.

  • Garden Conference – Conference Marianna, Stephanie H & Marilyn M –will meet 1st week of February for planning.  They are lining up activities ex. Pam Baytos with Garden Art.
  • Hospitality – Natalie F & Peg Z – they will provide food for this. Also working to provide food for the new MGV class starting Feb 1.  She will be emailing us to bring our own specialties’. She reminded us to sign up ASAP for the online Occasional Quality Cooks Training class in order to bring food.  Certification is for 3 years.  Eric will publish a list in the newsletter.  Desserts are always appreciated.
  • Plant and Pest Clinic – David S – Jan 20 @m 10:00 will be preparing for off-season Clinic. It will meet on Thursdays.
  • OSU Extension Grounds – Mike B – Mike wants to reorganize the shed in early March. A sub-committee is needed to take care of the pollinator garden.  Anyone who wants to add plants in the pollinator garden, they need to check with Eric and Kristen. Bob E. asked for volunteer(s) to take on responsibility – Natalie Fraser volunteered to be the Extension Office Pollinator Garden Subcommittee Chairperson.  She will coordinate the maintenance of this area.

Veterans (Building and Wreaths) – Al L, Chester K & Mike B — Al Leonhart said he will have more information at the March meeting.

Administrative Report – Eric Barrett

  • Kristen excused, for Grandfather’s funeral.
  • Occasional Quantity Cooks must be completed before bringing or preparing food for groups
  • Recertify MGV 2022 Membership on Hands on Connect
  • Dues for 2022 are $10
  • A new person has been hired will work with Hailey. Her baby is due February 9th. They are looking for a temp to fill position from now until June.  There is a search to hire someone to replace Kathy.
  • New Name Tag Information If you need a replacement tag New name tags are $6.60.
  • Reviewed MGV 2022 Class Schedule and go over covid precautions for the office
  • We will try to record the educational parts of the meeting and make Continue Education Hours available
  • Office and Three Pollinator Areas in Columbiana County – Need Volunteers to assist.

Carolyn asked about meeting time for committees, they would like to meet at 5:30 before the general MGV monthly meeting.   Eric said that is fine just call and make sure there is a space to meet.

Bob stated that the tracking system for hours was being changed and now begins in January not November.

  • Bob made reference to the awards that the Mahoning County Extension received this past year. We cannot submit the same projects from past years.  He encouraged us to look back at 2021 and consider what we did well and could be submitted as awards.  We would again like to nominate a Master Gardener of the Year (Marilyn McKinley was the winner last year.)  For these nominations we need to have recommendation writers.  The following volunteered to help with this project: Carol Smith; Linda Dolak, Eric Barrett; Marilyn McKinley and Becky B.
  • In regard to getting to know each other better – the newsletter will feature bios of members. Marilyn McKinley will send out a list of possible questions to which we can respond.
  • OSU has an MGV County Extension advisory committee from 6 regions across the state. Marilyn McKinley is cycling off and Pam B is going on and will represent us.
  • Becky B. announced that Chester Kaschak was named Marine of the year.
  • FYI the Management & Planning MGV people and their roles:
  • Management & Planning VP – Stephanie B (Ed Pgm)

Admin & Communications – Marilyn M & Pam B

Respectfully Submitted, Eileen W. Novotny January 16, 2022

MGV Minutes – November 2021

MGV Meeting November 4, 2021

Carol called the meeting to order by leading the members into the Pledge of Allegiance.

Committee Reports

  • Plant and Pest Clinic – David reported the clinic will have extended hours on Mondays. This year’s clinic review will be on December 18 at 11:00 am. Sign up for the review if you are planning to attend.
  • OSU Grounds Committee – Mike told the MGVs that the fall cleanup for the extension office will be next week or the week after.
  • Wreaths for Veterans – The wreaths will be put on the veterans’ grave sites on December 11 at Eckis Cemetery. There will be 99 wreaths at the cemetery. There are 12 committee members. Mike requested the help of additional MGVs. The American Legion will play TAPS during the ceremony.
  • Fellows Christmas Tree Decorations – Thresea reported that the tree will be decorated on December 1 at 10:30 am. Call her if you would like to help with the decorating.
  • Junior MGV – Kary told us that Patty taught the Jr master gardeners how to plant garlic.
  • Marilyn reported her term will be up on the state committee. The committee meetings are in Columbus 2 times per year.
  • Extension Office – Kristen reported that she held eight Hands on Connect trainings. She is developing a video of the training and you can make an appointment to work at the office on the iPads if needed.
  • Extension Office – Eric – More articles are needed for Valley Grows. The next new MGV training is planned to be held every Tuesday from February 1, 2022, and will end tentatively on April 19 from 9 am to 3:30 pm. An open house will be held on December 2 at 2:00 for MGVs pm and 6:00 pm for OCVNs. Any posters for the fair are needed to display during the open house. MGVs are welcome to attend to welcome attendees and answer questions.

There will be a training for OCVN next year. The classes will be on 4 Saturdays. After completion of the training, the attendees will receive a certificate and can volunteer at nature and park locations such as Mill Creek Park or the Brumbaugh nature center near Alliance.

The food sanitation class Occasional Quality Cook needs to be taken by MGVs. After completion, you will receive a certificate. Kristen indicated the certificate needs to be sent to her. If you’ve taken the training, it needs to be done every 4 years. This training needs to be done so you can bring food for the new MGV training or other MGV events.

The MGVs nominated officers for 2022. Kristen will send out the nominations so the MGVs can vote. The results will be announced at the December meeting.

President: Bob Eister

Vice President: All 3 will be vice president: Linda Dolak, Stephanie Barkay and Patty Kacenski

Secretary: Marie Belfast and Kathy Costa will run as co- officers.

Communications: Marilyn McKinley and Pam Baytos will run as co- officers.

The Committee Chairs were announced for 2022. MGVs will be able to sign up for the committee when they vote.

Bring One Take One: Pinky Steffen

Canfield Fair: Carolyn Fankhauser and Rhonda Harris

Garden Conference: Marianna Eister, Marilyn McKinley and Stephanie Hughes

Hospitality: Natalie Fraser and Peg Zeleznik

Plant and Pest Clinic: David Sprague

OSU Extension Grounds Committee: Mike Beaudis

Veterans Committee: Chester Kaschak, Al Leonhart and Mike Beaudis

Community Outreach: Kary Shively, Marie Belfast and Thresea Harris

Junior Master Gardeners is a subcommittee with Kary and Patty as chairs

Education: Marge Greenisen, Eileen Novotny and Stephanie Hughes

The next meeting will be held on December 9th at 6:30 pm at the Canfield Fairgrounds in the New Event Center. Desserts will be provided. There will also be fruit, vegetable, and cheese trays.

Kathy Costa, MGV

MGV Minutes – October 2021

MGV Meeting October 14, 2021

Carol called the meeting to order by leading the members into the Pledge of Allegiance.

Committee Reports

  • Plant and Pest Clinic – The clinic has been very busy, with volume similar to 2019. Two donations were received by the clinic.
  • OSU Grounds Committee – Mike and Eric agreed that weeds need to be pulled in the flower beds.
  • Wreaths for Veterans – Mike reported 90 wreaths will be taken to Eckis Cemetery, 2381 S. Newton Rd, North Jackson, OH on December 11, 2021. Any MGV can assist by showing up at the cemetery at 9:30 am. The American Legion will play “Taps”. The wreaths were purchased again from Tractor Supply Company. Mike told the MGV that he has always been happy with the quality and condition of the wreaths.
  • Fellows Christmas Tree Decorations – Nancy donated a Christmas tree. The committee has not decided on the decorations at the this time.
  • Local Flavors – All MGV were encouraged to attend at least one local flavor each year.
  • Junior MGV – Kary reported there were two participants at the last event. The Jr MGV made minature gardens.
  • Garden Art – Pam reported there’s interest in doing Holiday Containers and Centerpieces.
  • Extension Office – Kristen
  • There’s a request for a speaker on container gardening for 20-40 seniors.
  • A listing and description of MGV officers and revised committees was provided to the MGV. There will be more information on this at our next meeting. Also provided to the MGVs was the changes in education and volunteer hours. There will still be the requirement of 20 Volunteer and 10 Continuing Education Hours. Starting in 2022, MGV must have 2 Continuing Education Hours in Integrated Pest Management and 2Continuing Education Hours in Invasive Species classes or presentations. Also starting in 2022, each MGV must have 2 Volunteer Hours in Backyard and Local Food events, such as Local Flavors and Jr MGV, and 2 hours in Environmental and Horticultural Events, such as BOTO and Canfield Fair.
  • Extension Office – Eric
  • A new MGV and OCVN class will start in February.
  • A banquet will be held at the December MGV meeting at the Canfield Fairgrounds.
  • State Awards – The MGV were recognized for all the State awards received. The State awards presentation was viewed prior to the meeting.
  • The MGV thanked John Schoeni for his informative presentation on Growing Pumpkins.
  • Pam made Roasted Pumpkin Seeds with a variety of flavorings and provided the recipes to the MGV.
  • There were also a variety of desserts provided by MGVs.

Barb Kostelic, MGV and Kathy Costa, MGV

The next MGV meeting will be November 4th at 6:30 PM


MGV Minutes – August 2021

MGV Meeting Minutes

August 12, 2021,

Pam Baytos presided over MGV meeting asking the various committees to report

Local Flavors: The last Local Flavor Garden visit of the summer will be the Flying High Urban Gardens in Youngstown

Veterans Building and landscaping at Fairgrounds: Chester reports we are good to go.

Plant and Pest Clinic: David asked for more help to answer pest and plant question. Clinic is open Monday and Thursdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon

Fellows Christmas Tree Decoration:  Theresa reports a tree is being held for the MGV to decorate.

Wreaths for Veterans: Mike reports we are good to go for now

OSU Grounds Committee: Mike said we will have another cleanup of the landscaping before the Fair on August 25th at 4:00pm

Junior MGV: Kary said the 3-sister garden is doing well

Kristen:  MGV Fair Display will be in the same area as 2019 which is building 25. Tickets and parking passes if you work a shift at the display will have to be picked up here at the office after August 23rd.  Need speakers for a Garden Club on the 21st or the 22nd of September at Liberty subject: “preparing your garden for winter”.

BOTO Pinky:  BOTO will be held Saturday August 21st . 9:00 am to 10:00 am plant check in. 10:00 to 10:30 plant exchange. 10:30 to 1:30 plant sale, garden art, and used garden implements.  Set up will be Friday on the 20th of August. Need plant boxes and plant trays. We do need plants to sell as well.

Fair Committee, Bob: Sign-up sheet for members to bring plants and what type of plants was passed around. Setup will be Monday the 30th. Committee members were asked what help and type of arrangements they would like on the fair display tables. Trucks needed to help bring tables to fairgrounds. Sign-up sheet for members to work a shift at the fair display was passed around.

Birthday Cards:  A big thanks to Marilyn for sending us all the Birthday cards.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:30 pm

Next Meeting September 9th

Rick Patterson   Secretary


MGV Minutes – July 2021

Master Gardener Meeting July 8th, 2021

Call to order 6:34

Pledge of Allegiance

Kristen office report:

  • Flyers stream quality monitoring
  • Beaver creek
  • Pymatuning
  • Boy Scout troop – plant pollinators in fall @ Greasel Park
  • Miniature Art Garden 1:00 July 21st
  • Need volunteers on Monday for Plant Clinic – Marie volunteer
  • 2 L pop bottle and newspaper before July 20th


  • Local Flavor sign -up
  • Vindy articles – no more than 500 words


Vote for Flowers – Kary



  • Fair – check email
  • A Year in the Life of a Master Gardener

Dave -Clinic

Kary – Jr. Master Gardeners

Marilyn – pollination garden

Theresa – Decorate tree

Carolyn – create – Garden Art – Local Flavor

Eric will do posters

  • Wreath for veterans
  • Valley Grows
  • Each chair needs to have people
  • Public service will include wreath and follow tree
  • Sign – up sheet for people to bring plants and planters
  • Building 25 have whole corridor

Marilyn – State meeting next week

  • Pollinator within Salem
  • Waterworth Park
  • Smucker House
  • Burchfield Homestead
  • Columbiana County Fairgrounds pollinator garden

Pinky – BOTO

  • Exchange 10:00 – 10:30
  • Plant sale – following
  • Mini Blinds – use for labels
  • Drop off plants
  • Yard sale
  • Garden Art Sale

Theresa – Local Flavors – Every Monday

  • This week / next week St. Pat Garden Party August 16th
  • Christmas Tree – still under discussion at Millcreek Park

Kary – Jr. Master Gardeners

  • Weeding and waiting


  • Flowers planted at Lazy Cabin
  • Meet week before plant
  • Tour @Parks – date TBD
  • Choosing the right plant

August 12th meeting at Stephanie Hughes house

Kary – flower show

  • Pinky – Vegetables
  • Charlene – annual
  • Theresa – perianal
  • Marie- arrangement

Festival of the Arts – YSU Saturday, Sunday 17/18

Adjourned @ 7:30

MGV Minutes – June 2021

MGV Meeting June 10th @ 6:00 pm

Carol called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Committee Reports

  • Extension Office (Eric & Kristen)
    • We need Vindy Articles.
    • We need Teachers for classes. They can be done both online and hybrid.
    • Please sign up to be at Local Flavor and tell others. We had about 30 people at our first local flavor.
    • We will be holding a new MGV and OCVN Class in Jan of 2022. People can call the office to get added to the list.
    • We will be hosting an Open House for the new Pollinator Garden at the office from 12 pm to 1 pm on June 21st. There will be an open house at the Salem Waterworth Pollinator (882 E School Street) garden on June 21st 5 pm to 8 pm.
  • State Awards:
    • We have summited awards in many different categories.
  • BOTO:
    • August 21st drop off at 9 am, bell at 10 am. Plant Sale to Follow
    • Pinky is sending more info
  • Clinic
    • Mondays and Thursdays from 9 am to 12 pm – if you are interested in helping, we do on the job training.
  • Master Gardeners
    • Meeting Tuesday at 5:30 pm
    • Garden is going well. They planted a Three Sisters Native American Garden and already have corn up
  • Education
    • Flower Show at next month’s meeting – more info coming
  • Canfield Fair
    • Each committee will get to make a sign or bring in something that represents what their committee does
  • Grounds
    • Will be meeting Wednesday the 16th. Mike will call the committee
  • Wreaths
    • Looking for a cemetery. He has two in mind but is open to options.


  • Columbiana County Update
    • Salem became a Bee City
    • We have three events scheduled for Pollinator Week in Salem
      • Monday, June 21 – 5-8 pm. Open House at Pollinator Garden in Waterworth Park 879 East School Street, Salem (off Eighth Street) Light refreshments served
      • Wednesday, Jun 23 – 6:30-8:00 Open House with Bruce Zimmer from the Mahoning-Columbiana County Bee Keepers about the Life of the Honey Bee. Free pollinator seed packets will be given away.  The Smucker House is the purple House located at 271 South Broadway Salem  Light refreshment served.
      • Friday, June 25 – 5-8 pm An Evening of Art, Music and Pollinator Education at the Burchfield Pollinator Open House 867 East Fourth Street Salem

MGV Minutes – May 2021

MGV Meeting Minutes

May 2021

  • President Carol Smith kicked off the first face to face MGV meeting in 14 months by leading us all in the Pledge of Allegiance. She called  for all the members to reintroduce ourselves because it has been awhile since our last gathering. Along with the MVG members at the Extension Office there were also (8) members on Zoom as well.
  • Kristen started the conversation by stating she has several MGV volunteer opportunities. Need (3) MGV to help with the Garden Art classes on June 29th that Pam is teaching. Also there is a speaking opportunity about general gardening and planting with young kids ages preschool through 6th grade, any day between June 13 to the 18th 10:00 am to 11:00 am at Austintown Community Church.  Please inform Kristen if interested. We need help at this office with Local Flavor kits, a door needs stained in this conference room, and someone to teach classes on Zoom. The Boys and Girls Club say thanks for the help with their garden. The extension office is hiring  paid internship positions this summer to any one of college age. The pollinator garden at the extension office is being expanded.
  • Marilyn commented about  the MGV Speakers Bureau. If any one is interested in speaking to groups of people about gardening to give her a call.  Colombiana County and Columbiana County Parks and Recreation needs our help.  The Smucker House in Salem is really coming along with landscaping, and other programs. Lisbon is also wanting to establish a pollinator garden as well. Salem has been certified the 129th city for the Bee City USA program. Salem Rotary and Kiwanis is now a participant in the international organization called Operation Pollination. All these areas need education to promote their programs. Also the Land Banks of Mahoning County are becoming more active by turning vacant land into pollinator areas and need people to talk about this subject.  A Zoom webinar by Dr. Mary Gardiner on  June 16th will answer questions about pollination gardens on vacant land.
  • Marilyn said that State Awards will be on Zoom this year. We are going to submit our Pest and Plant Clinic and all the Zoom classes that were taught by Master Gardeners this past year for the newly added Preservation Award.  We have gotten the Platinum Award from the State in the past years.
  •  David said the Virtual Clinic is now over. We are now meeting face to face in the regular clinic Mondays and Thursdays from !0:00 am to 12:00 noon.  We we are limited to only (4) people at a time working at the clinic during those hours. A big thanks to Kristen for all the technical support and know how  that got us through all the virtual clinics and classes that were held during the pandemic.
  •  Theresa explained that the Local Flavor Community Gardens meets every Monday at 6:00 pm starting June 7Th through August 16th visiting a different community garden every week.  We are inviting Local Flavor Committee members as well as any Master Gardeners to come and talk about various garden issues from plants to weeds.  Good Natured Garden Partners is a program for children to participate in gardening. No information yet from Mill Creek Park  about Christmas  tree decorating  at Fellows.
  • Pam reported on Garden Arts which she has been teaching on Zoom all winter long.  Pam will have an in person class on June  29th next month which will also be presented on Zoom.
  • Pinky reported on the Bring One Take One event. We would also like to have a plant sale along with the plant exchange this year, asking Master Gardeners to bring in any quality plants that could be donated for the sale.  We could also sell garden art and garden yard as well. The event will be held outside this building on Saturday August 21st. We will organize the plants the day before here in this building. A later meeting will be held to further discuss planning issues.
  • Kary discussed the Junior Master Gardener program. Planning a Monarch garden, a Native American Three Sisters Garden, and The Great Sunflower project a Citizen Science event where you grow a certain type of sunflower and monitor them to see what type of pollinators show up.  The gardens are at St Patricks Community Gardens and we meet on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm.
  •  Chester reported on the Grounds Committee and Wreaths for Veterans by reading a report submitted by Mike Beaudis. Mike thanked all the committee members that helped get the grounds in shape this spring. Special thanks to Eric and Kristen for helping on a couple of nights to move mulch and wood chips. The Wreaths for Veterans needs to find a new location for the ceremony this year. A meeting with the committee members will be held on June 10th at this office at 6:00 pm, prior to the regular meeting to discuss this issue.
  • Marilyn told us we got a service award nomination from the State of Ohio signed by Mike DeWine and Jon Husted.
  • Pam commented that this years Canfield Fair Master Gardeners area will be the same as to what was planned for last year.  Each MGV committee will be represented by a display area table.
  •  Plant sale at The Canfield Fair Grounds May 22nd 9:00am  to 3:00pm at the Vegetable Barn.


  • Meeting Adjourned at 7:30 PM

Next Meeting June 10th at 6:30pm

Rick Patterson   Secretary MGV


MGV Minutes – March 2021

Minutes of MGV Meeting March 11, 2021

Carol Smith called the meeting to order and led the 29 members present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Kristen Eisenhauer Announcements:

  • She will be sending an email with a link to one more virtual 1.50 training (child protection) on March 22.
  • A link will be sent to the next social chat, also on March 22.
  • An updated calendar listing up-coming zoom classes will be sent. Classes are now scheduled into June. There has been much favorable response to the classes already presented.
  • Kathy King is retiring April 8 and will be missed.
  • Doris Puerner is in nursing care.
  • There is currently no update on the new system being developed to record volunteer/education hours.

Clinic David Sprague:

  • There were 10 questions today, March 11.
  • The number of soil samples is increasing with 15-20 waiting to be processed. Without Kathy King, the MGVs will need to step in and process them.
  • Eric is applying for an exemption occupancy number for the new back room so the clinic can open on-site.

Local Flavor Thresa Harris:

  • She is waiting for OSU to give the go-ahead.
  • Eric is in the process of applying for the necessary exemptions for both Local Flavor and Jr. Master Gardeners.

Jr. Master Gardeners Kary Shively:

  • Nothing to report.
  • There was no response to the article about the program published in the Vindicator.
  • Lori thanked everyone for volunteering to count milkweed seed to be distributed as part of Kary’s program on monarch butterflies.

Grounds Mike Beaudis:

  • An exemption for the grounds committee should be approved March 12.
  • Eric will meet with Mike to discuss moving several hydrangeas.
  • Eric will review pruning with the committee.

Garden Art:

  • Pam’s various presentations were very well received.

State Awards Marilyn McKinley:

  • The State Conference will again be virtual in mid-October. There will be a discussion on just what to award due to so many changes because of the pandemic.
  • The number of hours, both volunteer and education, were summarized for 2020 as well as the number of active and intern MGVs.
  • Marilyn viewed the hybrid training presented by Athens County and though it was done well.

Canfield Fair Eric Barrett:

  • The governor announced that those comfortable attending may do so which would include those MGVs volunteering with our display.

BOTO Merabeth Steffen:

  • Nothing to report.


  • Rhonda Harris questioned how those with an expired food safety certificate can renew. Lori will send out the link.


  • Eric needs volunteers to help with registration at the pruning clinic scheduled at Whitehouse Farms March 14. The clinic will be divided into 2 sessions if necessary; 12 – 1:30 and 2 – 3:30.
  • A clinic will also be held at St. Pats.
  • Thresa Harris asked if any of the older MGVs had been contacted. Eric responded yes, in one way or another.

Members were divided into breakout rooms and asked to discuss topics for future presentations.

Meeting was adjourned.