Master Gardener Volunteer Meeting
November 14, 2024
Opening and Pledge of Allegiance
President Pam Baytos welcomed all, and Chester Kaschak led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Committee Reports
- Community Outreach – Thresea Harris and Lois Martin-Uscanowski: Thresea announced that our Mill Creek Park Fellows Garden Christmas tree will be decorated on Dec.4 at 10:30am. The theme for our tree is garden related which includes garden tools, seed packets. A few examples were shown at the meeting, if you want your garden tool returned, place an address label on the back of it.
Education – Karen Gates: Karen is putting together a presentation of the fig tree field trip and would appreciate photos or videos if you were present. Send them to her asap.
New and Active Pollinator Gardens – Gail Siembida, Marge Greenisen, and Pinky Steffen: Pinky announced that clean up was done and thanked Kathy, Natalie, and Carol for their help.
OSU Extension Grounds – Paula Kohler and Mike Beaudis: Paula thanked the grounds committee for their help with fall clean-up. She will contact her committee by text for one more clean-up from 1-3pm the week of November 18th. Even an hour is appreciated. There are wasps in the shed so please be careful when opening it. The shed also needs to be cleaned out at a later date.
- Plant and Pest Clinic – David Sprague: The clinic is officially closed now. There will be a clinic review on Nov.19 at 11am followed by lunch.
- Veterans – Al Leonhart, Mike Beaudis, and Chester Kaschak: Our Wreaths for Veterans Ceremony is Saturday, Dec.7 from 10-11am at the Canfield Cemetery 315 E. Main St. Please be there by 9:30am to help. The American Legion honor guard will attend as well. We need suggestions for a cemetery selection for next year. Please let the committee know if you have ideas.
Administration Report: Haley Shoemaker reminded us of the following:
- HOC Help Day Wednesday, December 18th from 9 am to 7 pm à Last Effort. OQC (Occasional Quantity Cooks) training on the same day.
- Volunteer Opportunities at the end of the minutes.
- Time to trim your trees and shrubs! We need Greenery for 11/21, 12/17, & 12/18 classes! Please drop off at the office and thanks! Record your hours for this, too.
- 2025 signup sheet for Mornings with the Masters Library presentations was available. Let the office know if you are interested in presenting at one of these worthwhile community events.
- Kristen will be emailing the chairpeople to set up one-on-one meetings at the beginning of 2025.
- Please RSVP to the MGV holiday banquet by Dec.23rd. It will be at A La Carte 6pm Jan.9th.
Old Business
- Winter Holiday Donation: Sleep in Heavenly Peace. Items will be collected December 12th at the meeting.
- new in the package twin or twin XL comforters = 1 volunteer hour
- new in the package pillows = .5 volunteer hours
- new in the package twin or twin XL Sheets = .5 volunteer hours
New Business
- New Chairpeople – Starting in January
- Bring One Take One (Exchange Only) – Bob and Marianna Eister
- Canfield Fair – Jim Zeleznik
- Community Outreach – Thresea Harris
- Education – Karen Gates and Stephanie Hughes
- Garden Workshop – Patty Kacenski and Jim Merva
- Hospitality – Natalie Fraser and Peg Zeleznik
- New and Active Pollinator Gardens – Marilyn McKinley and Gail Siembida
- OSU Extension Grounds – David Burnham and Paula Kohler
- Plant and Pest Clinic – David Sprague
- Recruitment and Retention – Marilyn McKinley and Kary Shively
- Veterans – Chester Kaschak, Carol Kirsch, and Al Leonhart
- Hours need to be completed and entered in to HOC by December 15
- Our Banquet will be January 9th – Please RSVP to the office by December 23
- We are hoping to have the new committee lists out at the December meeting, so please sign up if you haven’t already.
- State Dues of $15 will be due to the office by Friday January 31
- Jim Merva and the Garden Workshop committee would appreciate ideas for topic presentations for next year’s workshop.
- Adjournment – Next Meeting: December 12th
- Reminders:
- Vindy Articles are needed! Still contact Eric.
- State Lunch and Learn starts October 8
- HOC Help Day Wednesday, December 18th from 9 am to 7 pm
Volunteer Opportunities:
Please See Kristen if you are interested.
- Salem Public Library is interested in someone speaking on invasive plant in April or May.
- Salem Historical Society- May 2025 Native Appalachia Plants. Contact Haley Shoemaker at 330-967-7249 or
submitted by Marie Belfast, secretary.