MGV Minutes for March 14, 2024

Master Gardener Volunteer Meeting

March 14, 2024

Opening and Pledge of Allegiance

Stephanie Barkay opened the meeting and Chester Kaschak led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

  • Secretary minutes: Marilyn reported that our MGV President, Pam Baytos, is recovering well from her recent surgery and will begin chemo in upcoming weeks. Marilyn suggested that Pam would love cards and also it’s better to text than call as Pam does rest during the day.

Committee Reports

  • Bring One Take One
    • We are looking for donations of pots, containers, and baskets that are in good condition to be used for the BOTO. Please drop them off at the office.
  • Canfield Fair – Jim Z: Peg Z. reported that the committee had their first meeting and the second meeting is scheduled for April 3 (3-4pm). The theme this year for our display will be focused on Education.
  • Community Outreach – Thresea Harris and Lois Martin-Uscanowski: Lois reported that the CityScape event will take place on June 1. The event takes place downtown and there are hundreds of volunteers. MGVs are in charge of the planting teams. This is a fun activity to participate in and if you are interested, please let Lois know by the end of March. She needs to know your t-shirt size as well. The first 400 volunteers receive t-shirts. You may send a text with that info to Lois at 330-727-8340.
  • Education – Karen Gates and Mariann Mannion: Karen said their committee met before our meeting tonight. They are requesting any PowerPoint presentations that you have that MGVs may find helpful. Education kits are available to check out through the front office. The sign-up sheet will be near Candace. If you have any kits please return them to the office and thanks.
  • Garden Workshop – Marianna Eister and Jim Merva: Marianna announced that the dates will be Saturday, April 20th & 27th with the focus on education. Arts and crafts will not be sold during the Workshop. She thanked MGVs for volunteering to step up and teach break-out sessions. If you can help, there are a couple of “floater” volunteer positions open on April 20th. Assembly of goodie bags will take place on April 19th. There are four openings to help that day, too. Let Marianna know if you can help. Jim M. is handling the publicity. They are in need of breakfast type food for the event as well.
  • Hospitality – Peg Zeleznik, Natalie Fraser, and Rhonda Harris: Peg requested food items for the Garden Workshop (coffee cake, muffins for a.m. and cookies for p.m.). Sign up for this was available. She encouraged us to take the Occasional Quality Cooks Training (OQC) online if we have not yet done so. Anyone wanting to bring in home-made items to any event must have taken OQC training or store packaged food is appreciated. There is a need to provide larger quantities of food for our current intern lunches on Tuesdays. We are providing for at least 35 now that the class size is larger and they are really enjoying the lunches.
  • New and Active Pollinator Gardens – Gail Siembida, Pinky Steffen, Marge Greenisen: Pinky said they are waiting for warmer weather to begin cleanup of gardens at Columbiana County Fairgrounds. Marge announced April 9th at 9am will be cleanup at the Smucker House grounds. Bring tools, tubs, bags to help with this. Make-up day is April 15th. The Salem Area Garden Club meetings at the Smucker House are the second Wednesday of the month. Marilyn announced that Bee City in Salem is taking over the Waterworth Park pollinator garden and needs MGVs as consultants. They need people in garden for an upcoming pollinator week events the third week in June.
  • OSU Extension Grounds – Mike Beaudis and Paula Kohler: The first committee meeting was on March 11th. The March 20th workday is cancelled. Mike hopes to meet every two weeks and suggests that volunteers bring tools to help with edging and weeding. He put in a request to replace the stones next to the OSU office sign.
  • Plant and Pest Clinic – David Sprague: An intro and refresher training class is March 25th 10-12pm. Canfield clinic will open April 1st and Columbiana clinic April 3.
  • Recruitment and Retention – Bob Eister and Bob Ferguson: Bob E. thanked the MGVs that are mentoring our intern class of 19 people. The next Open House will take place on June 4th from 3-5pm (rain day June 18th).  He suggests that station representatives focus on 6 key items of discussion (about a minute each). A bell will signal guests to move on to the next station. He requested that a flyer be placed in the Garden Workshop goodie bags to publicize the Open House. Bob reminded MGVs to complete their pictorial bio as soon possible.
  • Veterans Committee– Mike Beaudis, Al Leonhart, and Chester Kaschak: The 2024 veteran wreath placement will be at the same cemetery as last year in Canfield but next year we will need another cemetery. If you know of a cemetery with no more than 100 veterans notify Mike. Al discussed that they are planning on removing and dividing plants around the Log Cabin.

Administration Report

  • There will be some changes on Hands On Connect to hopefully make it more user-friendly for your hours. – Still to Come
  • Update on the Training Class- 19 interns. Please let the office know if you would like to attend any classes so there will be enough food for lunch.
  • Sign-up for Garden Art and Morning with the Masters: Please arrive by 5:30pm for 6pm Garden Art volunteering and 9:30am for Morning with the masters. Plan to stay for clean-up.
  • 24/7/365 Vegetable Garden: April 17th at 10am. Tim McDermot presenter. Let Candace know if you want to attend this free session for MGVs.
  • Apparel Order Soon

Old Business

  • Entertainment Event – Marilyn McKinley: There will be a fun music Trivia Event on Monday, May 6 from 5:30-8pm at our office. (not an OSU event) All are welcome to attend including spouses. Cost is $5 and appetizers are appreciated. Marilyn does need us to RSVP to her cell (973-865-7441). There will be door prizes! Teams limited to 4 people.
  • Volunteer opportunities: Marilyn announced that she will be presenting four different programs and would love some help. If you are interested call her cell and let her know. Here are the programs:
    • March 20th 7pm @ St. Michael’s on hummingbirds;
    • April 7th 3:30pm @ North Lima 4H on pollinator plants;
    • April 17th 6pm Boardman Library on Pollinators;
    • June 12th 7pm @ Smucker House on Butterflies and Moths.

New Business

  • 4-H Endowment Event – Basket: Due April 9th: Event is April 13th at Mr. Anthony’s and cost is $40. If you would like to be in charge of putting together a basket of donations for the event let Kristen know.
  • Lori’s Retirement – David: Party is March 28th and donations are to be given to David.
  • Apple Trees:  If you would like to order an apple tree the cost is $20 and they will be shipped April 8th. Let Kristen know.
  • Smucker House Geranium Sale – Marge Greenisen
    • Geraniums come in five colors and will be $1.50 per plant. Sign-up sheet in back of room – Orders due May 1st
    • Delivery will be mid-May. (May 20th at office or arrange to pick them up at Marge’s home.


  • Adjournment – Next Meeting: April 11th
  • Reminders:
    • Training Class Starts Feb 20th through May 7th. You need to let the office know if you are planning on coming to the classes prior to coming.
    • An Open House Retirement Party for Lori is being held on March 28th from 12-2 pm. Come wish her a happy retirement! If you would like, bring an appetizer to share.
    • Vindy Articles are needed! Still contact Eric.
    • Speaking Opportunities
      • Salem Area Garden Club 11/13/2024 @ 7pm – Pumpkin Floral Arrangement


Guest speaker: Highway Patrol Lt. Eric Brown gave a great presentation on traffic enforcement and answered many of our questions.


Submitted by Secretaries: Marie Belfast and Kathy Costa

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