A new year means new BEEginnings!
The Adams County Farm Bureau and Adams County Beekeepers Association, is starting off the new year by offering the The Youth Beginner Beekeeping Scholarship!
This Scholarship is not a monetary scholarship for future education. This Scholarship is an investment in our youth to further educate them in the importance of beekeeping and to provide an opportunity for them to experience responsibility!
The award for this Scholarship is:
-A one year membership in the Adams County Beekeepers Association
-A beginning beekeeper guidebook
-A set of woodenware for a beehive
-A nuc (aka nucleus) or package of bees for the hive
-Beekeeping gear: hat, veil, gloves, hive tool, and bee smoker
-Mentoring by an Adams County Beekeepers Association member
In order to be eligible for the Scholarship:
-Must be NEW to beekeeping and a resident of Adams County
-Currently be enrolled in public, private, or home school and be in grades 7 through 12
-Have permission and agreement from parent or guardian
The application which you can find at
www.adamssoilandwater.org under the tab ‘Beekeeper Info’ must be submitted by no later than 4:00 pm on MONDAY, FEBUARY 28, 2022 at the Adams SWCD office in West Union. The application can also be emailed to wickerham.adams.swcd@live.com. All of this information is included on the application!
So get your application in and start the year with learning how to BEE a part of the movement to conserve the environment and save the BEE’s!