Important 2020 Junior Fair Information

This year the fair, like everything else, will look a little different.  Fair will run Wednesday, July 15 – Saturday July 18.  We will be following social distancing guidelines, recommending masks and encouraging extra sanitation.  We are able to hold a Junior Fair because we have agreed to work within these guidelines and know that our members, exhibitors and their families will help us put forth our best effort to run a safe and successful Junior Fair.  Here is some information that will help us all have a smoother week:

In Order to Show

  • Complete Quality Assurance if needed.
  • Complete your livestock record book or the livestock record supplement.  Turn this in to your advisor. They will provide the Junior Fair office with a list of members who have completed before 5 p.m. on Wednesday, July 15.
  • For 2020 ONLY skillathons are optional but encouraged.  They will be posted online on Monday, June 29 through Saturday, July 4.  Watch for more details.
  • Follow all other Junior Fair Rules.

Fair Week

  • Large animals can begin moving in Tuesday, July 14.  Please do not move tack in on Monday as Junior Fair will still be working to ready the grounds.
  • All large animals must be in place by 8 a.m. on Wednesday, July 15.
  • Small animal check-in begins Wednesday morning.  Please check the schedule.
  • Crop and shop check-in will be Wednesday evening, 4 – 5:30 p.m. at the Floral Hall.  Interviews will be Thursday morning.
  • All livestock will be released at 9 p.m. on the day of their show.
  • Junior Fair Board will not have bedding available for purchase.  Please plan accordingly.
  • Weight limits have not changed for livestock.  Over or under weight projects will not be eligible for awards but will show.
  • While there will not be a sale, there will be a market for your project.  At weigh-in you will be asked if you wish to send your livestock to the packer or take it home.  If you choose packer, you will receive payment directly from the packer/stockyards.
  • Champions in market beef, market hog, market goat, and market lamb must go to the packer.
  • 2020 will be a premium show.  Exhibitors that come to the fair and show their project will receive a premium.  One premium per market livestock exhibitor, not one per project.  The details for this will be released as soon as they are finalized.
  • 4-H Booths are not required for 2020 but space will be provided for clubs that wish to display projects.  Clubs that would like to have a display should contact the Extension office no later than Thursday, July 2.

Health Precautions

  • If you or your family member have a fever, cough or shortness of breath, please stay home from the fair.
  • High risk individuals are also encouraged to stay home.
  • We are working with community supporters to provide a live stream of the livestock shows for those not able to or comfortable with attending.
  • Please observe social distancing in barns, show arena and throughout the grounds.  Maintain 6 feet between your family group and others.
  • Please give families of exhibitors in the ring priority in the show arena.
  • Hand sanitizer and hand washing stations will be placed throughout the grounds.  Frequent hand washing is encouraged.
  • Barns will be closed to the public during their show.
  • Masks are recommended, especially when indoors or social distancing is not possible.

Additional information will be provided as it becomes available.

I encourage all of our members and families to exhibit an extra dose of patience, kindness and respect as we navigate these changes.  Although we may have different opinions and views, I believe we all want the best for our youth.  If we continue to work together we can provide an opportunity for them to safely and successfully showcase their hard work.  If you have specific questions, please email

Livestock Registration Links

In place of on site tag-in or mail in registration for 2020 we will be using an online submission form to register animals for the Adams County Junior Fair.  Livestock tags will not be distributed prior to fair check-in.  If your animal has an existing tag, tattoo, or ear notch, please enter that information in the appropriate box of the form.  If your animal does not have a tag or other identification and you are able to tag it using a farm tag you are free to do so.

All market animals will be required to upload photos as an additional identification method.  Breeding animals will not require photos.

Below are the links for each species.  These links and other important livestock information can also be found on our Livestock Projects Page or Horse Program Page.

2020 ACJF Market Goat Registration  Due May 13

2020 ACJF Market Lamb Registration  Due May 13

2020 ACJF Feeder Calf Registration  Due May 13

2020 ACJF Market Hog Registration  Due May 13

2020 ACJF Equine Registration  Due May 13

2020 ACJF Beef Breeding  Due June 1

2020 ACJF Breeding/Dairy/Other Goat Registration  Due June 1

2020 ACJF Dairy Registration  Due June 1

2020 ACJF Breeding Sheep Registration  Due June 1

2020 ACJF Breeding Swine Registration  Due June 1

2020 ACJF Breeding Rabbit Registration  Due June 1

2020 ACJF Poultry Registration  Due June 1

2020 ACJF Market Rabbit Registration is coming soon!  Due June 18

For Market Livestock Exhibitors:
You will be required to upload 3 photos for each market animal you are registering, 1 of each side and one front/tag view.  Make sure to include all the required information listed on the registration submission.  If you are tagging in a “family animal” be sure to include it on one of the registration forms.  If the “family animal” box is checked, you can switch exhibitors at fair check in.  Each exhibitor MUST have at least one animal that is not a family animal.

For Horse Exhibitors:
If the horse is leased, you should upload the completed Lease Agreement.  If you are participating in the Shared Horse Program, please be sure to complete the Shared Horse Agreement and upload it as well.  These forms can be found at

If you have questions, please contact the office at 937-544-2339 or e-mail Kristy at or Barbie at

Demonstration Contest Hosted on Adams County 4-H’s Facebook Page

We are challenging all Adams County 4-Her’s to participate in our county wide demonstration contest! Simply record a 3-5 minute 4-H project demonstration video and upload it as a comment on the post pinned to the top of the Adams County 4-H Facebook page. The demonstration with the most likes at noon on April 15th will win a pizza party for their entire 4-H Club!

Videos must be posted as comments on the original post on the Adams County 4-H Facebook page. Please make sure if you see the post as a shared post, you are going to the original post to upload your video. People can vote for which demonstration they like the best by clicking LIKE on their favorite video!

All video submissions must be posted by noon on April 15th!

A great resource for what should be in a good demonstration can be found:

Shared Horse Program New for 2020

Adams County 4-H will offer a unique opportunity for youth who want to enroll in a horse project but do not own a horse.  The Shared Horse Program will allow two 4-H members within the same club to share a horse for exhibition at the Adams County Fair.  The horse can be shown in a limited number of classes at the county fair and only one member can attempt to qualify through PAS.  Applications to share a horse must be submitted to the Extension office and approved by May 15.

For more information on the Shared Horse Program or to download the form visit or contact the Extension Office.


Adams County 4-H Horse and Small Animal Committees Host Fundraiser

Dine with us at West Union Frisch’s on Thursday, January 23 from 4-9 p.m. and support the 4-H Horse and Small Animal programs.  Present this flyer and ask for the party room when you are seated and the 4-H programs will receive 20% of the check.  4-H members will be serving guests in the party room from 5:30 – 8 p.m. this evening.  Take the evening off from kitchen duty and support our youth!