4-H Volunteer Fall Training

4-H Volunteers mark your calendar! Fall volunteer training will take place on Tuesday, November 19 at the Ohio Valley Career & Technical Center. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. and training will wrap up by 8:30 p.m. Please rsvp by November 17 at go.osu.edu/volunteertraining
There will be additional opportunities to complete 4-H Volunteer training if you cannot attend on November 19, however we encourage everyone who is able to attend this session. Clubs should be sure to send at least one volunteer to the November 19 training in order to pick up club packets for the year. 
All new and returning volunteers are encouraged to attend the fall training, however new volunteers are also required to attend new volunteer orientation (date tbd).
If you are not currently a 4-H Volunteer but would like to become one, please complete the New Volunteer application to begin the process prior to attending training.
Looking forward to kicking off another terrific year in Adams County 4-H!

OSU Campus Bus Trip

Ohio State college visit, Thursday, November 21! Open to high school students interested in touring OSU. Please register at go.osu.edu/24bustrip by November 8.

Trip includes meeting with College of Food, Agriculture, & Environmental Science admissions, touring Ag Campus, lunch at Ohio Union, tour of main campus highlights, talking with current OSU students from our area, and an OSU Bus Trip t-shirt. Teens will spend time with Dr. Lyda Garcia, meat science professor, as she talks with them about opportunities at the University and beyond.

Adams County teens will meet the OSU Bus at Pike County Fairgrounds.

This opportunity is funded through a grant from the Ohio 4-H Foundation.


Contact Kristy at watters.92@osu.edu if you have questions. Space is limited so register soon!