Intern Spotlight: Naus Interns with Ohio Corn & Wheat

Julia Naus
agriscience education

Greetings all! My name is Julia Naus, and I was the 2017-2018 Education and Outreach Intern for Ohio Corn & Wheat. I grew up in Hardin County located in northwest Ohio. My passion for Agricultural Education and FFA inspired me to major in AgriScience Education at The Ohio State University. Because of my passion, I excitingly took advantage of the Education & Outreach Internship opportunity within Ohio Corn & Wheat. Being a New Crop Student Member and receiving the 2017 OCW Scholarship, had driven me to become more involved within the association.

President Drake and Julia at a water quality event

 Ohio Corn & Wheat is a strategic alliance made up of three different organizations to maximize resources. Those three organizations being: Ohio Corn & Wheat Growers Association, Ohio Corn Checkoff, and Ohio Small Grains Checkoff. Focuses of the strategic alliance include: farm bill, ethanol, energy, trade policy, environmental stewardship, transportation, risk management, livestock, research, marketing, industrial demand, education, consumer outreach, and membership.

My Education and Outreach was a wonderful experience that will always be appreciated and valued. From new experiences and knowledge to personal growth, I learned to love the agricultural industry even more than I already had. Some of my projects included overseeing our Collegiate Policy Academy, recruiting high school and collegiate members, organizing our plans for the 89thOhio FFA Convention, and assisting with activities at State Fair and Farm Science Review. Aside from my projects, I enjoyed speaking with members of Congress while advocating for the Farm Bill, ethanol, and trade. Being apart of a company that invests millions of dollars in research and thousands in education has brought insight on just how important the two are for the advancement of our communities and industry. In addition, I worked with Education Projects at teaching workshops and taught agricultural lessons to youth. One of my favorite highlights from the past 10 months was hosting a trade team from Thailand. Although my internship has ended, I continue to advocate for Ohio Corn & Wheat and all that they do for Ohio’s agricultural industry.

Happy Harvest and Go Bucks!

Naus’s district’s representative, Bob Latta. Nuas was honored to hold a conversation with both him and Senator Sherrod Brown at a dinner reception in Washington, D.C.

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