Call Me Miss Motter

By: Abby Motter
Agriscience Education

I remember the first morning I was going to visit North Union High School as part of my Early Field Experience in Agriscience Education. I was nervous on what to wear, traffic, a new place, and the 120 hours and multiple assignments that I had yet to accomplish. As my Keurig finished brewing my cup of coffee I grabbed my car keys and newly acquired “teacher’s bag” before heading to the infamous State Route 315 at promptly 6:10 am.

That first morning when I parked behind the Ag Shop and walked in the door a sense of familiarity washed over me. The sight of welding booths and FFA banners, the student projects sitting around the shop, and the faint playing of country music instantly made me feel at home. Soon after meeting Mr. Jolliff and Miss Breck Finch I knew I would enjoy my time there. Ag teachers have a special gift to make you feel at ease because they genuinely care about you both in and out of the classroom. From that day forward every early drive and every late night was fulfilling, rewarding and exciting, because on the other end of that trip was a chapter of students, and I had grown attached.

My cooperating educators were generous in giving me responsibility and firsthand experience. I had the opportunity to create and present lesson plans concerning professional development, parliamentary procedure, the FFA creed, and leadership. In addition, I was able to assist coaching and judging CDE teams, work one on one with students, and instruct classroom labs. I learned about concrete and soils, observed teaching strategies, and learned the ins and outs of a fruit sale. All the while receiving guidance, constructive criticism and insight about my future career as an Agricultural Educator. Perhaps the most important lessons I learned involved classroom discipline, this was the first time I was regarded as “Miss Motter” and had the duty of maintaining respect and attention. My conversations with students taught me new things every time I visited, and as a result I learned even more about myself, and my motivation for spending my talents in a classroom.

Our Early Field Experience required interviewing other educators, daily journals, lesson plan analyses, and careful record of educational psychology techniques. It required early mornings and long commutes, business casual attire, and continual planning. The purpose of this experience is to allow the self-evaluation necessary to either continue pursuing this future career, or to realize it’s not your path. Although confident in my desire to be a teacher, my Early Field Experience affirmed my decision and made me even more excited for the future. For me, the classroom is where I truly become the best version of myself. I have the ability to encourage and empower our future leaders and I feel fulfilled when I can bring a smile or helping hand to a student. I looked forward to driving through the small town of Richwood, talking with my students, and being a North Union Wildcat. Some people may feel confined in a high school, but when I walk down the halls I feel nothing but excitement for the potential in each and every student. Not every day was easy or enjoyable, but every day brought a new challenge and lesson learned. I have to admit I love the way Miss Motter sounds, I don’t mind grading papers, and coffee tastes a lot better when it comes from the break room.


Abby checking in fruit for North Union’s FFA Fruit Sale.

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