The Importance of FFA

By: Jared Shellhouse
Agricultural Communication

During my time in FFA, all of my friends seemed to get excited for their time spent at National FFA Convention. Every time they would return home, they seemed inspired, re-energized and motivated to make a change within their homes and communities. For me, it was always a little bit different because I would stay home to make sure I could run in our cross-country meets.

Therefore, this year marked only my second time attending National Convention. Both times were in Louisville, and both times were because I had a specific reason to go. Also, both times left me re-energized and hopeful for the future of agriculture and the leadership within FFA.

This year I went back to National Convention to receive my American FFA Degree. That means it also meant this convention was the last event I could attend as an FFA member. Don’t get me wrong, I was beyond thrilled to receive my degree, because I had put a lot of effort into it over the years. However, it was a little weird knowing that National Convention often shows members the opportunities that they can seize throughout their future FFA careers, but it was showing me how far I had already come.

I left National Convention realizing that the agriculture industry has a place for me. My friends were at convention with me, I witnessed the future of agriculture, and I was able to see how far this organization has pushed me throughout my life. I am inspired, re-energized and motivated to make a change within the agriculture industry.




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