Actor’s Theatre in Schiller Park- Puss in Boots
2018 Season
When: Friday, July 20th- the performance starts at 8pm, so we will meet at 7:30pm to grab a spot and socialize.
Who: ACADAOS Members and their families!
Where: Schiller Park (German Village) Amphitheatre Stage (southwestern side of the park), 1069 Jaeger St Columbus, OH
How: Let Melissa Basford.18 know if you plan to come!
Note: You are encouraged to bring blankets and chairs- there is no formal seating for the performance
-Street parking is around the park and throughout German Village- just pay attention to signs so you don’t get a ticket!
Art in the Park
What: The Columbus Metroparks has some great events, many of which are free! ACADAOS will be attending Art in the Park, which is an opportunity to take a guided painting lesson focused on nature. For those that want to stick around, we could do a quick hike together afterwards.
When: Wednesday, July 25th, 7pm (we will meet at 6:45pm at the shelter specified in the sign up)
Who: This is open to ACADAOS members and their family members 12+
Where: Blacklick Woods Metropark, 6975 East Livingston Avenue, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068
How: Sign up on the Metroparks website: (event number 30150401). There is limited space, so please sign up online ASAP if you are interested. Once you have a confirmed spot, email Melissa Basford.18 to let us know you plan to come!
Also, there are some amazing things going on in Columbus in the summers (many of them free)! If you are planning on attending and would love some company, we would encourage members to consider posting to the ACADAOS Facebook page to let people know, or consider joining one of our meetup groups!