
The Equity & Inclusion Committee is pleased to promote “Movember” events during the month of November offered by CCS to support Men’s Mental and Physical Health awareness.


Friday November 17, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 PM: Destigmatizing Emotions – Mental Health amongst Asian Men Zoom Workshop with Bansari Thakkar and Cheryl James

This workshop will explore the topic of mental health amongst Asian men, reflect on cultural and societal expectations, and how that could affect your ability to ask for help or support. We will discuss vulnerability and how to recognize, express and, most importantly, normalize emotions. We will review and discuss what therapy is and how it can be a helpful tool in supporting you and your mental health. This workshop will also explore and provide other simple wellness tips/techniques to take care of your mental health.

Wednesday November 29, 3:00-5:00 PM.: Movember Wrap Up Tabling @ The RPAC with CCS Staff

Stop by our Table at the RPAC for some CCS swag and good conversation as we wrap up Movember and head into finals season.

Other events of note:

Tuesday November 7, 6:00 – 7:00 PM: Mindful Masculinity: Intuitive Living and Eating for Men Zoom Workshop with the Student Wellness Center, featuring Janelle Bayless and Jake Gorham

In a world where men’s mental health and holistic well-being are crucial and sometimes overlooked, this interactive learning session dives into the realm of mindful masculinity. Join us as we explore how the principles of intuitive living and eating can be harnessed to benefit mental wellness, healthy relationships with food and promote positive body image. In this thought-provoking workshop, we will delve into the challenges that men face in navigating societal expectations and the impact these can have. We will debunk myths surrounding health and body weight, shedding light on the harmful effects of diet culture on well-being. By promoting awareness of weight stigma, we aim to empower men to challenge these biases and embrace body respect. This is an opportunity to engage in open dialogue to share and listen to other’s life experiences. This event is part of Movember, an awareness month about men’s physical and mental health issues.

Learn more about nutrition coaching online.

Equity and Inclusion Spring Discussion Links

After the 2020 Election: Where do we go from here?

We’re looking forward to seeing you for our Equity and Inclusion Discussion! In the discussion, you will get the choice of 4 different breakout rooms. To provide context and encourage discussion, we’ve provided a few articles for each topic. Please feel free to read these in advance of our discussion and/or bring your own resources!

Discussion details:

Day/Time: Tuesday, 2/23 Noon – 1pm



Equity and Inclusion’s Black Lives Matter 30 Day Challenge – Weeks 3 and 4

Thank you for joining the Black Lives Matter 30 Day Challenge! We plan to post two weeks at a time, so please feel free to catch up on previous weeks’ challenges. You can find weeks 1 and 2 here.


15. Call your school district and request a more diverse curriculum and ask what their next steps are. Consider listening to episode 120 of “How One District Learned to Talk About Race” from The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast to learn how other districts are learning how to improve race education in K-12 schools.  

16. Watch “Dear White People”, “American Son”, or  

17. Visit 

18. Find something that you like from a black-owned beauty supply store and purchase it. 

  •  Regal Beauty Supply: 
  •  Buckeye Cents: 6760 Refugee Rd, Canal Winchester, OH 43110 
  •  Willis Beauty Supply :1491 E Livingston Ave Columbus, OH 
  •  Ms. Melanin Beauty Supply: 3601 Gender Rd Canal Winchester, OH 4311 

19. Follow organizations doing racial justice work and unfollow companies with racist practices.  

20. Research & visit or drive past Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument (field trip!), or visit some of the #ArtUnitesColumbus art work around the city. To learn about the artists and the art, as well as each location, visit 

21. If you can, march/attend a protest or rally (or pass out water) or visit  and donate. 


22.  Unplug from social media for a day. 

23. WHEW! This has been a lot to take in … Now, let’s really take a moment to decompress. This is hard on everyone. A “decompression day” might include taking a vacation day, holding your calendar, or taking it easier than usual. You can use this time to reflect, or meditate. Here’s an idea: 

24. Read a book by a black author:  (this could very-well extend past the 30 days AND that is OKAY we hope that all work will continue past 30 days!)

25. Make it a point to pick an organization to donate to. We challenge you to donate monthly for the next year, BUT if you cannot make such a large commitment, pick an organization that you can do a one-time donation to. 

26. Invite someone who has not participated in this challenge to do some of these challenges! 

27. Consider signing the 15% pledge: 

28. Meet with Equity and Inclusion and your colleagues to reflect and discuss openly and honestly on what you experienced during your challenge. Zoom invite coming soon! 

Days 29-30: Catch-up and continue the work! We know this was a lot to complete this month. Catch-up on what you didn’t do and continue the work you started. The hope is this lasts longer than 30 days!

Equity and Inclusion’s Black Lives Matter 30 Day Challenge – Weeks 1 and 2

Thank you for joining the Black Lives Matter 30 Day Challenge! We plan to post two weeks at a time, so please feel free to catch up on previous weeks’ challenges.


  1. Sign a letter of commitment to: 
  2. Watch “When They See Us”. Or, if you have already watched “When They See US” you could also check out the following list: 
  3. If you see, it (and we all see ignorance at some point) call it out! 
  4. Research “Juneteenth” and its significance 
  5. Participate in the celebration of Juneteenth: have a cookout/ dinner to celebrate and/or research and participate:  
  6. Pick a day to talk to a loved one (could be an aunt, uncle, child parent, spouse etc.) openly and honestly about the movement, racism and why differences are beautiful  
  7. Watch  



  1. View the Highline College document about Black Lives Matter in Advising:  
  2. Register to vote! If you are already registered to vote, take action to promote voting:
    1. Join Congress-Person’s Joyce Beatty’s “Voting Rightrs and Equal Justice Forum” on 6/23 6-7pm (RSVP; you can dial (866) 757-0608 during the event to participate and/or view the Forum on Facebook Live. 
    2. Contact your State Senators to express support of SB 191.
      Possible Script:
      Hi, this is [NAME], a constituent, calling from [TOWN]. I urge you to take action to strengthen and streamline Ohio’s absentee and early voting systems to make sure we’re prepared for the November election, even if there is another health crisis. Please support Senate Bill 191 so Ohioans can apply for an absentee ballot online, and support prepaid postage on applications and ballots, multiple drop boxes and Early Vote centers per county, and other improvements to make voting safe and secure.
  3. Watch  
  4. Purchase or make your own T-shirt in support of black lives (  We will also provide a list of local black-owned t-shirt printing businesses later in the week. 
    1. If you want, send a pic of you sporting your support to to enter into a drawing and be featured on the Equity and Inclusion page. Winner will be announced at our first on campus event (COVID permitting) 
  5. Pick a black-owned store or restaurant to support AT LEAST once this month. Consider opening an account with One United Bank. 
    1. The Central Ohio African American Chamber of Commerce’s list: 
    2.’s statewide list:  
  6. Make a short list of things you can do better as an individual – goal list  
  7. Watch “13th” on Netflix or “2 Black Men a Week” on Amazon Prime 

Ways to Stay Engaged from the Equity and Inclusion Committee

Hello advising community! We hope you are staying safe as we continue to provide support and resources virtually to students. The Equity and Inclusion Committee wanted to share some resources and ways to stay engaged in inclusive work over the summer. Please feel free to check out some of the sources for engagement and comment on this post if there are others we didn’t mention! Otherwise, be on the lookout for Equity and Inclusion events to pick up in the Autumn semester. 

How are you staying engaged? Let us know in the comments below!