September 2021 Advisor of the Month

Check out some of the wonderful things our advising colleagues have done this past month! Thank you to each of you for all of your hard work and dedication to the students in your areas and OSU!

  • Nicole Vangas and Kathryn Dove
    • Nicole and Kathryn have beautifully coordinated our hybrid EXP NFYS Survey efforts this fall.
      Nicole worked with returning students to recruit them as Peer Mentors for the class to ensure that our NFYS students have excellent role models and points of connection at a university where our students can sometimes feel lost. She has worked with other units on campus to coordinate our weekly lectures to ensure that students are equipped with the best knowledge about campus resources and majors.
      Kathryn is our Carmen guru. She has managed the online content and presented it in a way that is clear, concise, and easy to use for all students. She effortlessly navigates and troubleshoots any issues that arise, which truly eases the load for those of who are not so tech-savvy!
      Together, they have created centralized resources and supports for advisors to utilize while teaching. Thank you both for all of your efforts in creating such a user-friendly (for students and staff) Survey experience!”
  • Jeanne Mauriocourt
    • Jeanne transitioned to an advising role at the Mansfield campus in SP21—what a crazy time to get trained and learn about how OSU advising works! She has done an amazing job at whatever we throw at her and is quickly streamlining and simplifying everything she can to make us as efficient as possible. I am thrilled that she is part of our team.”
  • Heather Saling
    • Heather is a complete ROCKSTAR and totally revamped our honors processes in the College of Pharmacy. She spoke with folks in other units to do some bench marking, created an honors contract for College of Pharmacy students, and developed a process that we can utilize to help students stay on track with and better understand the honors requirements. We have put this new process into use already this semester, and it has been so helpful. Thank you Heather!”
  • Athena Yiamouyiannis
    • “Athena is tireless in support of her students in Actuarial Science, and an advocate for her staff in math advising. She makes sure that our team is on-point and has the resources we need to help our advisees and the university community.”

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