Support the Fairfield 4-H Endowment on #GivingTuesday (Nov. 28th and 29th)

Fairfield County 4-H Supporter,

It’s the giving season, and I wanted to make you aware of an opportunity to increase the impact of your charitable dollars for a program that impacts more than 1,200 youth a year in traditional 4-H clubs and 1,800 youth through school enrichment programs within the county.

Starting at 8 a.m. on November 28, the Fairfield County Foundation (one location where funds are invested for the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment) will host their 10th annual #GivingTuesday event.

This year, during the 34-Hour Give, the Foundation will award $34,000 in gifts, matching donations made over 34 hours. Plus, the Foundation is giving away an additional $10,000 this year!

When to Give: November 28 at 8 a.m. through November 29 at 6 p.m.

How to Give: 

  • Donate online at through the “Donate Now” button (search “4-H Fairfield County Foundation Fund”), OR
  • In-person to the Fairfield County Foundation offices, located at 162 E. Main Street in Lancaster between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

These donations must be made online or in-person during the specified 34-hour timeframe to count toward matching funds. Donations received through the mail will not count toward the match. The 34-Hour Give will last until 6 p.m. on November 29.

Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated; however, the Foundation’s online platform only accepts donations starting at $10. You can learn more about the 34-Hour Give by visiting

As you know, 4-H provides invaluable opportunities for our county’s youth, allowing them to master projects, develop life skills and experience new opportunities. The Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Board was established for the purpose of securing funds to ensure the longevity of the 4-H program in Fairfield County. Your financial support to our endowment funds is needed to secure opportunities for future generations.

Your support in leaving a legacy for Fairfield County 4-H youth is greatly appreciated.

-Heather Wilson

President, Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Board


Dinner RSVP extended through May 31st – JOIN US, for the 4-H Legacy Dinner

The Home of Joy Farm and the members of the 4-H Endowment Board are excited to host you at the 2023 4-H Legacy Dinner on Thursday, June 8th. The event will be hosted at Home of Joy Farm in Lancaster, Ohio, starting with a social hour and silent auction at 5 p.m., followed by dinner catered by Cheers Chalet at 6 p.m. The program and live auction will commence at 7 p.m.

The RSVP deadline has been extended through May 31st. Event tickets are $75 per person, and table sponsorships that seat eight people are available for $750. Click here to view 2023 Legacy Dinner Invite and 2023 Response Card.

Auction items are rolling in, you will not want to miss out on your chance to take one or more of these items home:

  • Tree donated by Auman Landscape
  • Baked goods donated by Confection Goddess, Sherri Johnson
  • Assortment of Limelife Skincare & Body Products by Dawn Grube
  • Two – 1 lb bags of Fairfield County Homegrown Pecans
  • Two homemade baked goods by Debbie Miller
  • Gardening Basket by Blue Ribbon Showmen 4-H Club
  • Red, white, and blue flag wall hanging/table runner
  • Blackberry coffeecakes by Carol Black
  • Handmade yard ornaments by Joe Koehler
  • 4-H cornhole game by Ruff & Associates CPA’s
  • Homemade pies by 4-H member, Kendall Wild
  • 1/2 processed hog by Bay Food Market
  • 2022 Ohio State Fair Sale of Champions Belt Buckle by Doug Leith, Virgil Strickler, and Angela Krile
  • Movie Night Gift Basket by Fox Family Farms
  • Farm Table by Schultz Valley Farms by Russell’s Lawn Care
  • 4-H Promotional Items by the Fairfield County 4-H Staff
  • Handmade crafts by 7C Scents
  • Basket of jams, jellies, honey and more by the Amanda Work & Win 4-H Club
  • Vet Science/Pet Basket by 2023 Ohio 4-H Achievement Award Winner in Vet Science, Kate Johnson
  • Check back for updates to this list at

Our program for the evening will feature four Fairfield County 4-H teens who attended the National 4-H Congress as the 2022 Ohio 4-H Achievement Award winner in their project area. We are excited to hear them share about this experience and all the things they have been a part of here in Fairfield County and beyond! Additionally, 2023 Ohio 4-H Achievement Award winners from Fairfield County are working hard to put a themed basket together for the auction.

Interested in donating an item/items to the auction? Please review the 2023 Legacy Donation Form and include this with your donated item.

Interested in being a sponsor for the event? Click here for more information: 2023 Legacy Sponsor Form


Leave a Legacy: Consider a donation or sponsorship of the 2023 4-H Legacy Dinner

The Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Board is busy preparing for the 12th Annual 4-H Endowment Dinner scheduled for Thursday, June 8, 2023 at the Home of Joy Farm in Lancaster.  We need your help!!  One of the highlights of the annual fundraising event is the Live and Silent Auction.  If you, your club, or your business/organization would like to help by donating a gift basket or item for the auction, your donation would be most appreciated.

Please contact or for more information.

To be a sponsor for this 4-H fundraising event, please see the 2023 Legacy Sponsor Form

To donate items for the silent or live auction, please see the 2023 Legacy Donation Form and include this with your donated item.

Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Board to Host Annual Legacy Dinner June 8, 2023

Event Reservations Due: May 25, 2023 – RSVP deadline extended through May 31st.

LANCASTER, Ohio – The Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Board is hosting the annual Legacy Dinner where 4-H supporters can enjoy a night out on June 8, as well as raise funds for the 4-H program. The event will be hosted at Home of Joy Farm in Lancaster, Ohio, starting with a social hour and silent auction at 5 p.m., followed by dinner catered by Cheers Chalet at 6 p.m. The program and live auction will commence at 7 p.m.

Event tickets are $75 per person, and table sponsorships that seat eight people are available for $750.

“Being a 4-H alumna of Fairfield County, I want to see the program continue to grow and support our youth,” said Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Board President Heather Wilson. “Our board members are dedicated to this mission, and it’s been great to see local businesses, community members and 4-H families generously support the endowment since 2006. We’re excited to bring the community together again to support this cause and enjoy a night of fun and socialization.”

Although planning for the endowment was started in 2000, it became fully endowed in 2006. The first Legacy Dinner was held in 2010 and has grown to more than 350 attendees supporting the youth in the Fairfield County 4-H program. The goal of the board is to generate funds sufficient to endow a 4-H position in Fairfield County and support the 4-H youth development program, allowing the 4-H tradition to continue for generations to come.

“Our county’s 4-H program serves over 3,000 youth each year through traditional club and school enrichment programming,” said Fairfield County 4-H Extension Educator Leslie Cooksey. “The endowment board works hard to ensure 4-H remains funded in the county for generations to come.”

Business owners and employees, 4-H families, community members and all 4-H supporters are invited to attend the event to support the future of the 4-H program in Fairfield County.

Sponsorships are available:

  • Platinum: $3,000 (receive 2 dinner tickets)
  • Gold: $1,000 (receive 2 dinner tickets)
  • Silver: $500 (receive 2 dinner tickets)
  • Bronze: $250

For more information on what’s included in sponsorship levels, contact:
Heather Wilson, Board President at

Click here to view 2023 Legacy Dinner Invite and 2023 Response Card.

Checks can be made payable to one of two funds:

  • 4-H Fairfield County Foundation Fund (Money stays in Fairfield County. No Ohio State University gift credit given)
  • Fairfield County 4-H Endowment. On the check memo line designate: Fund #642082** (Earn Ohio State University gift credit and receive a giving receipt from The Ohio State University)

“4-H camps and trips are great learning experiences for youth and teens,” said Fairfield County 4-H Extension Educator Aubry Fowler. “The endowment board helps to fund many of those life-changing trips for 4-H members each year from interest money alone.”

The 2023 event is to be held at Home of Joy Farm located at 3315 Lake Rd NE, Lancaster, OH 43130. Reservations and payment should be mailed to: Fairfield County 4-H Endowment, c/o Ron Ruff, 2700 Kull Road, Lancaster, OH 43130.

To subscribe to updates, visit the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment blog at

About the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment
The endowment was created in 2006 to raise funds to support the future of the 4-H program in Fairfield County and endow a position of a 4-H Educator if other funding sources dwindle. The 4-H Endowment consists of two permanent funds made possible through individual donations, business contributions and fundraising events. The 4-H Fairfield County Foundation Fund allows the money to be housed in Fairfield County. (No OSU gift credit given) and the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment is operated by the Ohio State University (Fund #642082). Visit to learn more.

About the Fairfield County 4-H Program
4-H is a non-formal educational, youth development program offered to individuals age 5 and in kindergarten to age 19. The Fairfield County 4-H program was founded in 1920. The program currently reaches more than 3,000 youth each year through traditional club and school enrichment programming – helping kids “learn by doing” through hands-on activities. For more information, visit

Support the Fairfield 4-H Endowment on #GivingTuesday (Nov. 29th and 30th)

The holidays will be here soon and we know many may be preparing for #GivingTuesday. We are fortunate to work with the Fairfield County Foundation during their 33 hour give once again this year. This is a time where the community is invited to support the organizations they choose. We are gracious for any support our 4-H family and friends contribute to the long-term fundraising efforts and sustainability of the Fairfield County 4-H Program.

If you’d like to make a #GivingTuesday donation to support Fairfield County 4-H, we invite you to drop off your donation at the Fairfield Foundation beginning at 8:00 a.m. on November 29th through 5:00 p.m. on November 30th or you can make donations online.

A few things to note:

  • Support the Fairfield County 4-H Program by donating to this fund: 4-H Fairfield County Foundation Fund
  • Donations must be made online at through the Donate Now link or in person at the Fairfield County Foundation office, during the specified date and time.
  • Donations received through the mail will not count toward the match.  
  • At least $33,000 in matching gifts will be awarded. All donations received during the 33-Hour Give will be eligible for matching funds on a pro rata basis, which gives everyone who participates the opportunity to have their donations increased.

Matching gifts will be distributed based on the percentage each fund receives of the total contributions made during the 33-Hour Give. No single gift, by an individual, to a single organization, can receive more than 20% of the total match amount. For example, a fund with donations that account for 5% of the total 33-Hour Give contributions would receive 5% of the $33,000 in matching funds, or $1,650.

Questions? Contact 4-H Educator, Leslie Cooksey at or 740-653-5419.

Thank you for supporting the Fairfield County 4-H Program!

THANK YOU for supporting the 2022 4-H Legacy Dinner!

On behalf of the 4-H Endowment Board, thank you to all 4-H alumni, parents, and donors who helped make the 2022 4-H Legacy Dinner possible! With over 175 individuals in attendance, we enjoyed fellowship and shared continue support of one of Ohio’s largest 4-H programs in the state. Over $9200 was raised that evening of the even to support the Fairfield County 4-H Endowments.

Were you unable to attend but wish to support the 4-H Endowment Funds? Contact Leslie Cooksey at to discuss options. We recognize that this year’s dinner looked a bit different compared to our last dinner in 2019 – feel free to send any feedback for future 4-H fundraising events to Leslie as well and she will share this with the 4-H Endowment Board as they make future decisions.

Thanks again to our live auction donors:

  • Buckeye Ready Mix donated ten yards of concrete.
  • Four (4) 2022 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo Tickets, being held on Monday, December 5 in the Thomas and Mack Arena on the campus of UNLV in Las Vegas. These tickets are the generous donation of the Michael Family.
  • Again this year Auman Landscape donated TWO 6-7 foot trees.
  • Back, yet again, by popular demand . . . Lancaster’s oldest independent grocery – Bay Food Market along with Bay Packing donated half a processed hog, times 2 of them!
  • McGuire’s Distinctive Truck and Ruff & Associates donated a Husqvarna leaf blower and pressure washer.
  • OSU football tickets with parking pass has been donated by Buckeye Ready Mix.

Additionally, we were excited to feature a few of our 4-H members who have taken 4-H projects where they have mastered various talents and creativity. Items donated by Fairfield County 4-H members:

  • 4-H member, Kendall Wild, donated two homemade pies with cinnamon minis!
  • 4-H’er Destiny McCray painted two beautiful art pieces representing 4-H including a bald eagle and a peacock.

Photos from the event have been shared on the Ohio State-Fairfield County 4-H Facebook Page

Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Board to Host Annual Legacy Dinner June 9, 2022

Event Reservations Due May 25, 2022

LANCASTER, Ohio – 4-H supporters can enjoy a night out to at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds on June 9. A social hour will begin at 5 p.m., followed by dinner catered by Bob’s Backyard BBQ at 6 p.m. The program and live auction will commence at 7 p.m.

Event tickets are $50 per person, and table sponsorships that seat eight are available for $500.

“I was a 4-H member in Fairfield County for 10 years,” said Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Board President Heather Wilson. “As an alum, I want to see the program continue to grow and support our youth. It’s been amazing to see local businesses, community members and 4-H families generously support the endowment throughout the last decade. We’re excited to be bringing the community together again to support this mission and allow attendees to enjoy a night of fun and socialization.”

Although planning for the endowment was started in 2000, it became fully endowed in 2006. The first Legacy Dinner was held in 2010 and has grown to more than 350 attendees supporting the youth in the Fairfield County 4-H program. The goal of the board is to generate funds sufficient to endow at 4-H position in Fairfield County and support the 4-H youth development program, allowing the 4-H tradition to continue for generations to come.

“Our county’s 4-H program serves over 2200 youth each year through traditional club and school enrichment programming,” said Fairfield County 4-H Extension Educator Leslie Cooksey. “Leaving a legacy is what the endowment is intended to do. Whether you’re a local business, 4-H family or community member, we’d love for you to join us and support the future of the program in our county.”

Additional sponsorships are available for the Legacy Dinner as follows:

  • Platinum: $3,000 (two sponsorships available) – Receive two dinner tickets
  • Gold: $1,000 (five sponsorships available) – Receive two dinner tickets
  • Silver: $500 – Receive two dinner tickets
  • Bronze: $250

Sponsorship and reservation forms can be found on Checks can be made payable to one of two funds:

  • 4-H Fairfield County Foundation Fund (Money stays in Fairfield County. No Ohio State University gift credit given)
  • Fairfield County 4-H Endowment. On the check memo line designate: Fund #642082** (Earn Ohio State University gift credit and receive a giving receipt from The Ohio State University)

The event is held at Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building located at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds: 157 East Fair Avenue, Lancaster, OH 43130. Reservations and payment should be mailed to: Fairfield County 4-H Endowment, P.O. Box 564, Lancaster, Ohio 43130

To subscribe to updates, visit the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment blog at and follow the event on Facebook at

About the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment
The endowment was created in 2006 to raise funds to support the future of the 4-H program in Fairfield County and endow a position of a 4-H Educator if other funding sources dwindle. The 4-H Endowment is comprised of two permanent funds made possible through individual donations, business contributions and fundraising events. The 4-H Fairfield County Foundation Fund allows the money to be housed in Fairfield County. (No OSU gift credit given) and the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment is operated by the Ohio State University (Fund #642082). Visit to learn more.

About the Fairfield County 4-H Program
4-H is a non-formal educational, youth development program offered to individuals age 5 and in kindergarten to age 19. The Fairfield County 4-H program was founded in 1920. The program currently reaches more than 2200 youth each year through traditional club and school enrichment programming – helping kids “learn by doing” through hands-on activities. For more information, visit

What is the 31 Hour Give in Fairfield County? Can I donate to 4-H?

Dear Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Supporters,

Have you heard of #GivingTuesday? It’s kind of like Black Friday or Cyber Monday, only better! #GivingTuesday is a nationwide movement to raise awareness of community philanthropy and encourage spending with a purpose. In Fairfield County, we celebrate #GivingTuesday with the 31-Hour Give through the Fairfield County Foundation. If charitable giving is part of your year-end tradition, please consider supporting Fairfield County 4-H Endowment during the 31-Hour Give starting at 8am on Dec. 1. Visit to learn more and donate online.

Your donation will help to continue to” Leave a Legacy”  for future generations of 4-H youth in Fairfield County to have the same great memories, like 4-H club meetings, summer camps at Tar Hollow and the Fairfield County Fair, we have all shared in the past.  For more details, or ways to become involved with the efforts of the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Committee, please reach out to any of our Board members.  Your generosity and support are very much appreciated.




No ‘Fun Flippin’ Pancake Breakfast at County Fair this Year…

Following directives from Governor DeWine’s Order, the State and Local Health Department and the Fairfield County Senior Fairboard recommendations, the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Committee’s Pancake Breakfast at the 2020 Fairfield County Fair was cancelled.  This event has always been used as an fun awareness event for the Endowment Committee to welcome visitors to our County Fair.

With so many events being cancelled in 2020, the 4-H Endowment Committee was also forced to cancel their  major fund-raising event in June  “The Legacy Dinner.”     Thanks to the generosity of the local donors we were able to raise enough money to pay the $5.00 County Wide dues for over 940 youth involved in 4-H work in 2020. While this year has been anything but normal for all of us, one thing remains constant…Leaving a Legacy for Fairfield County youth to benefit from lessons learned in 4-H Clubs, Committees and Competitions is important to the success of today’s young people who chose to involved in 4-H project work!!   We sincerely thank you for your support!

The Power of a Thank You Note….

In today’s climate of “masks or no masks” it is often difficult to share a simple smile. So, when is the last time you picked up a pen and paper and wrote a note of thanks to someone who made your day a little brighter and a little better?

The Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Board is just like every other group who has cancelled their one and only major fund raiser in 2020, but still knew there was just a little something more they could do. With a lot of faith in community, we announced the cancellation of the 11th Annual Endowment Dinner. We then asked the community to help us help each of the 1,000 4-H youth in Fairfield County pay of their County 4-H dues. Did the community step up..they sure did!! The $5,000 dollars needed was raised and we even have a good start on dues for 2021. But the investment was not just about County 4-H dues, it was all about teaching our young people the importance of a simple thank you.

If you will recall, at the 2019 Fairfield County Fair, the Thank You Note Project was a major display in the AgMazing Agriculture building. Knowing the dedication of our 4-H families, we hoped the ability write a note to say thanks might catch on. And it did, over 300 thank you notes were written to sponsors of awards, mentors, teachers and even buyers at the livestock auction. The Endowment Committee paid the postage for all of those thank you notes sent in 2019 and plan to do the same in 2020.

It remains to be seen what the Thank You Note Project might look like at the 2020 Fair. But the simple gesture of saying “Thank You” should never get lost, even during a pandemic. We are so proud of our 4-H youth and the Wild About Animals 4-H club for believing in the power of a Thank You Note.