AEV Controller GlossaryC

 AEV Controller Command Glossary

Demand  Arduino Function  Reasoning 
1  celerate(1,0,15,2.5);  Celerate forces motor 1 to start from 0 power to 13% over 2.5 seconds by using the Celerate command function 
2  goFor(1);  goFor causes the motor to run at the percent power that the motor was already at. The 1 made it run at the constant power for 1 second 
3  brake(1);  Using the brake call, motor one will brake 
4  celerate(2,0,27,4);  Using the celerate call, motor 2 will accelerate from 0 to 27% power over  
5  goFor(2.7);  Cause the motor to run at a constant speed for 2.7 seconds using command call goFor. 
6  celerate(2,27,15,1);  Using celerate, the initial power is higher than the final power causing the motor to decelerate. 
7  brake(2);  Brake will cause motor 2 to stop 
8  reverse(2);  Using the reverse command, motor two will reverse its direction. 
9  celerate(4,0,31,2);  Using celerate, the number motor is “4” to select all motors causing them to accelerate from rest to 31% power over the two seconds. 
10  motorSpeed(4,35);  Using command motorSpeed, the motors “4” will increase in power to 35%. 
11  goFor(1);  The command of motorSpeed will “goFor” 1 second which is called to do in step 10. 
12  brake(2);  Using brake, motor 2 will be stopped while motor 1 continues to run. 
13  motorSpeed(2,35);  The motorSpeed function will force motor 2 to run at 35% power. 
14  motorSpeed(1,19);  Using motorSpeed, motor 1 will then accelerate to 19% power due to it already starting at rest. 
15  goFor(2);  Motors run for 2 seconds. 
16  motorSpeed(4,19);  All motors then run at 19% causing motor 2 to decelerate. 
17  goFor(2);  Both motors run for 2 seconds at 19% power. 
18  celerate(4,19,0,3);  All motors decelerate from 19% to 0% over 3 seconds.  
19  brake(4);  Once the motors decelerate to 0% they are stopped using the break “4” for all motors. 



Basic Function Calls

Function Call Function Example



Accelerates or decelerates motor(s) m from start speed (%) p1 to end speed (%) p2 over a duration of t seconds celerate(1,20,45,2);


Accelerates motor 1 from 20% to 45% power in 2 seconds




Initializes motor(s) m at percent power p



Sets motor 2 speed to 16% power





Runs the motor(s) at their initialized state for t seconds



Runs the motor(s) at their initialized state for 5 seconds



Brakes motor(s) m. Note: This does NOT brake the AEV, just stops the motors from spinning brake(4);


Cuts the power to all motors




Reverses the polarity of motor(s) m



Reverses polarity of motor 1






Continues the previous command for n marks from the vehicle’s current position. n can be positive or negative, with positive meaning the vehicle is moving forward, negative meaning the vehicle is moving backward motorSpeed(4,20);



All motors are set to 20% power, and they will continue to run at 20% power until the AEV reaches 30 marks from its current position






Continues the previous command for n marks relative to the overall starting position of the AEV




All motors are set to 20% power, and they will continue to run at 20% power until the AEV reaches 300 marks from its starting position