Time vs Marks Code Tests


The average distance the AEV traveled for the time tests was 2.2066 meters with a standard deviation of 0.09804 meters. The average distance the AEV traveled for the marks tests was 2.219 meters with a standard deviation of 0.01611. The purpose of comparing these two types of code was to determine which was more consistent and reliable. Comparing the standard deviations for each type of test indicates that marks is a more consistent and reliable way to code for distance.



Time Tests:

Marks Tests:

Time Test:

reverse(4); //makes motors go right way
motorSpeed(4,30); //motors to 30%
goFor(4); //goes for 4 seconds


Marks Test:

reverse(4); //makes motors go right way
motorSpeed(4,30); //motors to 30%
goToRelativePosition(178.203); //goes to mark = 178.203

178.203 marks was the average distance traveled in the time test.