aPower Efficiency

The results that came from the advanced R&D stages of the AEV project provided qualitative and quantitative information that could apply to the AEV and be shared within the company to help each team produce the most efficient and accurate models. Following meetings with the Baker Industries research and design team, the company decided to split into three groups: accuracy, efficiency, and power output. Group C was tasked with accuracy. It was decided that motor output and efficiency would be tested in order to find the most accurate power percentage to run the motor at. The tests and graphs below show the power output in watts over varying distances. The tests ranged from 20 to 35 in intervals of 5. They showed that the greatest difference in watts was between interval 20-25. There, the output of watts was increased at 2.5W compared to the rest of the intervals being 2W and 1.5W. This gave group C the quantitative evidence to choose 25% power. The qualitative side of the testing examined how the AEV reacted to the use of certain power outputs. At 30% and 35% the AEV would visibly shake or sway on the track indicating instability which was not favorable when considering the safety of people in the area. The instability of the AEV at those high outputs confirmed the decision of 25% power.