
After looking at the scholarship, now look at the university web sites for programs you are interested in. What faculty are researching in your area? What is the reputation of the program? What are the entrance requirements and deadlines? Create a grid where you can track all this information.

Then, narrow your list to universities you think you are likely to gain admission to. Everyone wants to go to Harvard and Oxford, and they are on the list, but your likelihood of admission is very very low. You can apply to as many universities as you like but each application will cost you money, so our advice is to target 4 universities where you are likely to be accepted, with the hope you will be accepted to two and than can select one. Also, be realistic about your English score. For example, if you are always scoring 450 on the pbt and the university you are interested in requires 550, is it likely you will ever score 550? Probably not unless you spend a lot of time studying intensive English. Therefore it may be more realistic to look for a graduate program in Japan for example, where 450 is usually the minimum score. In the USA, 550 is usually the minimum score. Although we are not interested in ‘selling’ you on a program, we can tell you that the USINTEC universities are interested in working with students from Indonesia, and that The Ohio State University (sometimes listed in the LPDP university list under ‘T’ for ‘The’ ) is very interested in and has many supports for Indonesian students. We are interested in receiving your application!

Third, start the application process. You will want to apply for the program and the scholarship around the same time. The LPDP rules and timelines change every year so look to see what it is for the upcoming year. If no information is available contact us and we can tell you what they did last year, but what they did last year is not always a predictor of what they will do next year.

Fourth – this is an INSIDER TIP – Most universities will NOT look at your applicationunless it is COMPLETE. This means:

  • you have submitted everything that is required.
  • you have submitted it in the way the university wants it.

Regarding submitting ‘everything that is required’, there have been cases where applicants have submitted all 3 reference letters were submitted as 1 pdf, but the university clerk who check for complete applications sees 1 attachment and thinks that is 1 reference letter. THEREFORE, if a university asks for ‘three’ of something, submit three attachments.

Also, know that the guidelines will ask for minimums. For example, you may be asked for a ‘minimum of 3 reference letters’ – if you have 4 GOOD letters than submit them.

Insider Tip: Regarding, submitting your materials in the way the university wants it, if the university asks for a signed letter on letterhead, than MAKE SURE your letter is signed and on letterhead. We routinely see letters ‘not on letterhead’ or with a typed signature and not a signed signature. You may be told your application is complete but this does not meet the requirements. Check your materials and format them in the correct way before you submit them.

After all materials are submitted, ask the office if they are ‘complete.’ At OSU, you can usintec if they are complete and we can check it for you.

Below are the typical things you will need to complete for your application, and advice about each.






Passport Page

Application Form


Research Statement

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