Financial Literacy, Stock Market Challenges

Below are stock trading challenges paired with our second club meeting on Financial Literacy and the Stock Market. Please hold back the urge to click on the challenges until our club meeting on Jan. 30th @ 10:00 a.m.

Challenge #1 – Replay the interactive Careers in Finance presentation to help decide if finance is the career pathway for you!

Challenge #2 – Investment Banker Skillset: (skills good for many career paths!)

Challenge #3 – Trading Terms: complete the sentences:

Challenge #4 – Stock Trading Terms: definition match:

Challenge #5 – Stock Trading Terms Crossword:

iNVEST YOUNG: Making “Investing” Your New Year’s Resolution for 2021

SAVE THE DATE – January 16th and January 30th at 10:00 a.m.

This month’s club meetings will focus on financial literacy by bringing iNVEST YOUNG to our Virtual Elementary STEM Club! We’ve invited Dr. Laquore Meadows, OSU Extension Area Leader and Program Director, who will teach two interactive educational sessions designed to teach youth ages 10 – 17 about long and short term investing in the stock market. Concepts taught throughout the simulated Young Investor meetings will lead to the creation of individual mock stock portfolios and will expose students to concepts that align directly with Ohio’s Learning Standards for Mathematics. Furthermore, given the global reach of the financial markets, this fun educational experience helps to fulfill our STEM Club’s mission to empower youth for success as a citizen in a global community. (STEM Totes will be deployed on January 14th!)

iNVESTYOUNG is designed to teach students about methods in which they can utilize the stock market to accomplish their financial goals regardless of their choice to attend college or not and/or their selected career path. Anyone regardless of job title or degree status can put their money to work through making sound investment decisions.

Students will participate in a highly interactive activity where they will learn how the stock market works through building a personalized stock portfolio. Students will also learn strategies to make informed investment decisions by analyzing the following:

  • Stock Charts
  • Stock Summaries
  • Price Movement
  • Bullish and Bearish Markets
  • Company Earnings
  • Brokerage Options

After the conclusion of the sessions, students will be invited to participate in the iNVEST YOUNG Challenge in which they will use CNBC, Yahoo Finance, CurrentKids, NewsByKids, and other financial media sources to monitor, record, and report back to their teacher how well their stock portfolio performed the week following their iNVEST YOUNG experience. Incentives will be offered to students with the top three performing stock portfolios.

Read the latest NewsByKids article in its entirety, How the Stock Market Works and Why We Use It, it’s a timely read to get ready for our investing program!