Independent Living Updates (Feb 16)

I have prepared some updates for you from the Independent Living area!

For Students

Community Enrichment

As a way to get involved and serve in the community, all TOPS students are required to complete 15 hour of community service.  A wonderful opportunity that is coming up is the TOPS community service day, which will take place on April 29th, 8am-1pm. If you are interested, please RSVP by April 1st to Steve Varga, Social Coordinator.

Stay tuned for other community service opportunities!

Social Engagement

In addition to the weekly group outings, this semester we are pairing each TOPS student with one or two social coaches.  This will allow each of you to participate in activities you are interested in that fit your schedule, as well as to interact around campus just like how other OSU students would!

For Parents

Independent Living

Now is the time to start thinking about roommates and living arrangements for the next academic year!  Please plan to attend our parent training on March 23rd at 6 pm. We will highlight University Village and discuss some other options that may be available on Campus.

Please RSVP by March 20th, to Shannon Prince, Independent Living Coordinator.

A Word from the Program (Feb 16)

February is already upon us!  I have for you both a tip and an exciting update.

Social Activities and RSVP

Many social activities require you to make transportation arrangements; a very important thing to remember is to make these arrangements BEFORE the event. If you need help planning a bus route or others please let us know. Our social coaches are often willing to support your transportation needs. This is especially important for the upcoming events to go Bowling on the 20th and to the Capital Area Humane Society on the 27th.

RVSP, what does it mean? A RSVP is a request for a reply. When you get an invitation to an event or an email with a question you most likely need to respond somehow. Often our staff will required a response in an email or you may need to RSVP to a social event. It is important to respond even if you are saying “No, I can’t attend.” This helps with planning.

TOPS Students Sharing Their Experiences

Megan and Shane meeting Dr. James Minor from the Office of Postsecondary Edcuation

On January 26th, two TOPS students, Megan and Shane, met with Dr. James Minor, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Higher Education Programs in the Office of Postsecondary Education. Dr. Minor wanted to meet with students directly impacted by grants from the Office of Postsecondary Edcuation. Megan and Shane were able to speak to their experiences in the TOPS program and the benefits of the program on their futures. It was a great experience for them!