Gifting Design:Process


The research I did for this project was to learn about different and unique packaging on the internet. A lot of the different packaging I found utilized the product nicely. I found lots of ideas and inspiration by making Pinterest boards and finding uniquely different packaging. Other research I did was to learn more about my mentor, so I asked him questions like his favorite foods, drinks, designers, and things he likes to do outside of class.


On the left are notes about my mentor, and on the right is my Pinterest board.

Some exercises and activities I did for this project were creating packaging for the item I chose which was a flashlight. My partner and I created a pop-open box, and on top is supposed to be a light beam, and on the sides are slits so when the flashlight turns on the light will shine through the little slits on each side. When the box opens there’s the flashlight right in the middle and on each side of the box are quotes that have to do with light and a flashlight.

This is the pop-up box we created for the exercise and our gift was the flashlight.
This is another box I created during the exercise for the flashlight


I had ideas for the final project of doing drawers or containers for coffee items since my mentor likes coffee. My first iteration was doing a hidden shelf, when it’s closed it’s a cylinder with a lid but when you open it, it’s four square containers going up. A couple more iterations were figuring out how to create a container out of paper and using different sizes and types of paper to see which is best and sturdier. My last iterations were creating Chester drawers out of paper and making a milk carton coffee bag out of paper to get an idea for my final project.

These are iterations of my milk carton and some containers I was planning on making
This is an iteration I made in a sketchbook app of how the containers would be stacked on top of each other when opened and closed
These are some different containers I made to see what I liked for the final project, there are drawers, milk cartons, and other different containers.

Concept Statement

My concept for this project was to create a gift that would be special to my mentor using information about what he likes and also utilize some of his favorite quotes throughout the gift. I wanted to go with the coffee theme because it is one of his favorite drinks.  I wanted a variety of browns to be the color of the gifts themselves so the theme of gifts can have the same aesthetic. I wanted to create something that could be useful for coffee grounds or beans and also create something he could use to store things he not just uses for his coffee or anything he wants. The idea was to make something that is sturdy and useful, and something that would be long-lasting and special to my mentor.


In my final production, I chose to not do the drawers but to make something else that I thought would have a cleaner look and something more things my mentor likes. I decided to create a wardrobe out of brown cardstock and inside is a brown leather crescent moon with his last name carved in it. On the inside of each door, I did quotes, two that are his favorite quotes, and the other quote I thought went nicely with the whole moon theme. I chose for the handles to be a crescent moon out of brown leather because he really likes the phases of moons. There is a drawer at the bottom and when you open it inside are two macrame keychains, when you take out the drawer there is another one of his favorite quotes behind it. The last thing I made was a milk carton-shaped brown coffee bag that closes by the string when tied together.


Final Design


Link to Portfolio Project:
Gifting Design