Space and Time Walk:Process


The research I did for this project was trying to figure out my destination coming from Hayes Hall. I chose my location to be the RPAC which is the gym because I like to go there and exercise and play basketball and just hang with friends. My path is the most direct path because when going to the gym you want to conserve your energy, then use that energy at the gym, people don’t really go to the gym tired and out of breath already. I feel you should want to leave the gym tired than arriving at the gym tired.

  • Exercises/Activities*

Some of the exercises/activities that I did in class were slow looking and observing the space around me and writing down what I saw at the location. After gathering notes about the location I wrote a creative and descriptive haiku and shared it with the class. I went outside and took pictures around the oval and then took those pictures and placed them where I thought they would be in the oval. Some pictures were placed near Hayes Hall and some pictures like the statue in front of Thompson Library were placed more by the library. The last exercise I did was create different methods of showing a path and directions on where to go. My group did the life cycle of a frog in which the egg mass would represent the starting point and the adult frog would represent the ending point.

These are everyone’s pictures from the oval, and here we tried placing them where we think they were exactly in the oval

  1. Iterations
    My first idea was to do 3D buildings and then have a red line pass by each building. I did a collage of some things you might see along my path, like University Hall, and the Thompson library statue. In the collage, I used magenta color paint and used my thumb to create a path from University Hall to the RPAC. I decided to use magenta because it was the closest color to red which is the color I used for my final production.  My next thought was to draw the buildings how they were on google earth, I really like the structure of the top of the buildings. I chose to show my starting point by using a push pin and to show my finishing point and chose the race car finish flags, I also tried using bird feet to represent the path from my starting point to the destination.
1st iteration shows a direct path
This iteration I tried a bird path
This is the collage exercise where I use my thumb and paint for the path


  1. Production
    For my final production,  I decided to do changes to my map so that it has a theme which is sports, exercise, and the gym.  I used stuff that you would see at a gym, like weights, basketballs, someone on a bicycle, a person running and etc. I made a path with the different items, then I chose to add color to the starting point and my destination. Also for my final production, I decided to outline my buildings in black, and darken the trees that are surrounding some of the buildings. I have also decided to add color to most of my items in the path.

    Final production

Concept Statement

My concept for this project was to create a map that has a clear starting point and a clear destination. I wanted my path to be something that had to do with my destination, so using those little icons I think the readers of my map should be able to tell what the destination is and the theme of the map.


View detailed project post at Space and Time Walk: Project


  1.  Start at the front door of Hayes Hall then walk down the stairs
  2. Turn right onto the sidewalk
  3. Walk straight going past Hopkins Hall
  4. Walk past Derby Hall
  5. Continue walking past Bricker Hall
  6. Go past University Hall
  7. Go across the street by Townsend Hall, then stop and turn right,
  8. Go straight to the corner of Neil Ave and Annie and John Glenn Ave
  9. Turn left by Independence Hall
  10. Continue Straight.
  11. Cross the street and enter the Physical Activity and Education Services building
  12. Continue Straight
  13. Enter the doors to walk across the red skyline into the RPAC

Creative/Descriptive Directions

I walk down the stone stairs and turn onto the mile-long sidewalk passing the tall trees as they talk to me on windy days while giving me leaves as gifts. I pass by the hard-working students in Derby, Hopkins, and Bricker Hall. I then go past the huge clock that tells me the time every day. I look both ways and cross the street by the building across from the library, then I turn right passing cars and bikes, and squirrels of all sizes. I walk to the corner and turn by Independence Hall and continue walking while people on scooters pass me. I go past more trees, busy students and slow-moving cars, and little white robots that pass trying to get to their destination. I carefully cross the street and enter the big building with the big shiny red windows, as I continue walking and go through the doors with those shiny red windows. I continue walking and walk on top of everyone while looking down at the people who look like ants. I then exit the doors and find a spot to start my workout.