Perspective: Process

I considered the dimensions I wanted for the room and settled on 10×20. I also started to look at what type of furniture I wanted in my space. I found what kind of couch I wanted, a desk, desk chair, and side tables. I also looked at the dimensions of the furniture to get a good idea of the size of furniture that I will be placing in my room.

      • Exercises/Activities*
        An exercise or activity that I did to lead up to my final project is the stencil project my image was a unicorn hand sanitizer. I used line weight to bring up some of the images that we’re behind other images. Lastly, the grid space activity was something that helped me with the final project. I kept drawing the grid over and over to use for the cube placing exercise and also to have it right so I can use it for a rough draft of my final project.

        The picture showing my stencil exercise on the right side is the stencil I used to create the picture on the left.
        This picture is showing one of my first space grids and the red marks on there are showing where some things went wrong.

        This is the cube placing project, where we used a grid space to place the cubes.
  1. Iterations
    How I came up with how I wanted my room was by using architectural stencils to get a top view and idea of what I wanted my room to look like. I also used a digital app called Room Planner to create my room in 3D and I then just translated how I created the stencil version onto the 3D app. The 3D view of my room changed once I knew exactly what I wanted my room to look like.

    This is a photo in the 3D app of what I first wanted my room to look like.
    This is a photo of when I used my stencils to get an overview of my room and on the sides, I drew what kind of furniture I was thinking of.

    This is an idea of my final room in 3D.


  2. Production
    The first step I took to create the final project was to draw out my grid space the size of my room, then I took tracing paper and put it on top of my grid space, and started placing furniture in my room. After I did some modifications to my room I took the tracing paper and Bristol paper and put them against a window and traced my room in black pen onto the Bristol paper to get a clean finish my room. Finally, after I finished that I used line weight with my black pen and just darkened some of the lines in my room.

    This is showing my gird space on the left I used to create my room onto tracing paper on the right.

View the detailed project post at: Perspective