
Shape Grammar

In this project we focus on point, line, and plane, design elements, and principles.


This is my one-point perspective drawing of my studio room.

2D to 3D Translations

This is my 2D to 3D translation project, where I took a 2D shape and transformed it into a 3D shape.

Space and Time Walk

This project is called Space and Time Walk, my is a map are directions from Hayes Hall to the RPAC.

Mandala: Color and Pattern

This is my Mandala Pattern and Color where I created three mandalas two with different compositions and one with value.


This is my MashUp project that shows the word that I created and put into an isometric view using manipulations to each letter to show the two words that created this one word.


This project is the sketchbook I made from scratch, using personal touches to my liking to create a perfect sketchbook for myself.

Layering Space

This is my layering space project, I took greyscale cardstock and showed the life cycle of a butterfly through the use of scale, and hues of grey and white.

Mask Up

This is my mask project where I created a Mardi Gras mask based on the bubonic plague, using present-day representation to create my mask.

Dynamic Pages

This my dynamic pages project, I created a circular moving mechanism that correlates with a certain part of the theme song Pink Panther.


For this project I created nerd inspired chess pieces for a three-way board chessboard, the theme of the board was 80s movies high school clique.

Gifting Design

This is the gifting project, I created a gift based on my mentor’s interests.

Graphic Designs

These are some graphic designs I created digitally for my business and customers.