I enjoyed this lecture more than I had anticipated. I knew of the sesquicentennial but had no idea the super cool events and pages that the University had put together for it. I was very intrigued by the Research Office’s compilation of 150 researchers who have made an impact over the past 150 years. Learning about the history of OSU was also interesting. This page will be a great resource as I look for advances made in medicine through OSU which I will be researching for our project. It’s amazing how I have spent 4 years here learning about science but had never once stopped to question the history of these scientific discoveries–let alone the ones made here at OSU. I am eager to hear the lecture on space that is coming up here in a few weeks since I know that the researcher is on the list of 150 top contributors at OSU.
I’m looking forward to that talk as well I think it will be a good compliment to Jan’s talk and the information in Bryson’s book.