
InDesign Scrollable Frame Issues 4.23.19

As IT has yet to install the ‘Universal Scrolling Frames’ on KN430 labs, the work around is that Troy will be handling the last step of this process.  It is the student’s responsibility to properly prep the task, Troy will simply complete the last step.  As a reminder students should…

  1. Create the original text box with all necessary text, or oversized image
  2. Create a second ‘frame’ that represents the viewable area
  3. ‘Cut’ the original text box/image and ‘Paste Into’ the viewable frame
  4. Put this object on a new layer titled ‘Scrolling Frames’
  5. Troy will look for all objects on this layer and apply the ‘Universal Scrolling Frames’ to these objects
  6. You should still export your ePub file as we discussed in class even without the last step completed.

Please contact Troy or Aimee with any questions.


Assignments due below, readings can also by found in Readings tab

FINAL PROJECT Requirements:  The goal of the final presentation is to assimilate and expand research on a focused topic from the Santiago trip to be presented in a visual format. The formats will be interactive (not book report or power point style), examples of previous projects shown 3/25 in class. Alternative presentations will be considered, discuss with Troy or Aimee. Troy will be presenting techniques in class to make presentations interactive, along with tutorials. Each group/student will present their final projects 10-11.45 am Thurs 4/25 in (our scheduled final exam period of) class. This exercise is practice in public presentation and learning how to make interactive digital presentations that can be used for portfolios, interviews, internships and future employment opportunities and enhancing the student’s communication skills. Each presentation is required:

  1. A minimum requirement of 10 images, sketches or photos, each one must have a caption or label. A requirement of 2 sketches at a minimum within the minimum 10 images required. One interactive feature at minimum, for example slideshow (minimum of 3 images swapping in the same place) or a meaningful (interactive) panorama picture.  Optional considerations: video or audio.
  2. Text to explain the analysis of the topic, including titles, and captions. Text must include no hyphens and be used to describe the project and analysis.
  3. Student’s first and last name in the design of the layout
  4. Title of project
  5. Sources cited for any outside research/content that is not original to the authors of the project

Revised schedule for end of term:

Mon Apr 1      Final project workshop, meet in KN175

Thurs Apr 4    No class, 4pm Final documentation due: minimum 5 scanned sketches (and/or journal responses/videos, other options possible) and 10 photographs, all sketches and photos  labeled as FILE NAME: Last name, first name and location, at a minimum 150 DPI, saved as jpgs or tifs, not PDFs. uploaded individually as jpgs or tifs (NOT compiled in a Word file). A PICTURE of your sketch is not a scan, let us know if you need help with scanning. Upload these to the Knowlton Studio (T) drive/Arch-Larch-5798 folder, accessible only from Knowlton computers. Individual student folders are ready to add documentation and final project drafts.

Mon Apr 8       Final project workshop KN 430, First draft of project for review during class on computer, Sketchbooks due for grading

Thurs Apr 11  Chilean designers beyond Santiago, Contemporary Chilean influences worldwide

Mon Apr 15      Final project workshop KN 430, Continued development of Final project

Thurs Apr 18   Student assessment of goals and Santiago study abroad program, continued discussion of Contemporary Chilean influences worldwide

Mon Apr 22     Final edits of Final project, Presentation of student awards

University Final/last meeting date, do not schedule to leave before this date: Thurs 4/25, 10-11.45 am, KN0175 Presentation of student final research projects.

due Thurs 3/28

  1. Abstract (typed written description) of your final project idea with team member names.  Describe the format, content, ideas of what sketches, photos, videos, etc may be incorporated into the final format. Teams will be ideally 2-3 persons, though individuals will be considered if they have a unique idea that doesn’t align with others.
  2. Reading and discussion of tourist compared to traveller experiences from: Staged Authenticy_DeanMcCannell_The Tourist. Consider your experiences in Santiago for a thoughtful discussion in class.

Blog Posts, for credit follow instructions:

Below are the requirements for you blog posts for the Santiago trip. These will serve as the basis for conversation both while we are abroad and once we return. Please remember to keep all posts congenial and constructive. Perfectly acceptable to disagree, but provide a counter argument posted on fact and/or evidence. Be sure to post these to the blog page and use the instructed category for each blog post.

– 7 Total blogs: 1 ‘pre-departure’ (to be posted before Friday’s Santiago flight), 1 after the trip (to be posted within 48hrs of our return to CMH), and 5 during trip. Minimal post deadlines for in country posts are (all 6 am): Post 1 due 3/10, Post 2 due 3/12, Post 3 due 3/14, Post 4 due 3/16 and one additional post due before departing Santiago.

Of the 5 in country blog posts: all correctly tagged, titled, with choice of 3 A or B, and 2 C.

A. 200 word post, any response you like (I’ll post some ideas for prompts) with minimum 3 media files must be incorporated in your posts, 1 of which is a sketch/diagram/info-graphic. You may incorporate multiple images within a single post. Media files are to be labeled with a caption describing content. OR

B: sketch post  with minimum one clear sketch (large image) labeled with a caption and 100 word description of your goals, analysis, interpretations of the sketch


C. Two 100 word response posts to any other classmates post.   These are in an effort to have a conversation within the blog, not just output of content

For credit:

– A ‘post’ must be at a minimum of 200 words, a response post is minimum 100 words

– Use an appropriate ‘Category’ for each post as this will help group similar posts.  If a relative category does not exist, ask Troy and he may add one that is most appropriate.

–Photographs must be labeled with captions.

Sketches due, updated/confirmed end of each day pending actual schedule. All sketches are full page sketch in a large sketchbook=2 pages in smaller sketchbooks, unless otherwise noted. Remember the different sketching techniques we used throughout the term: shading only sketch, experiential path, abstract (not picking up drawing tool), plan/section/elevation drawings, diagrams, skyline, one and two point perspective, trees…

Sun 3/10: 1. Plaza de Armas analysis 2. urban street analysis 3. analysis of object in PreColombian Museum (or architecture), both 1 and 2 are group project but each person draws their own plan and section in their sketchbook

Mon 3/11: 1. monastery sketch 2. Adolfo Ibanez ramp comparison in diagrams and/or text with Knowlton ramp. Any extra/other sketches or set of full page diagrams (monastery, Mestizo, Parque Bicentenario, Costanera for example) could count towards extra sketches for trip, see Sat 3/16.

Tues 3/12: 1. sketch/diagrams at San Joaquin, 2. Lo Contador section and plan analysis (#2 is group project but each person draws their own plan and section in their sketchbook)

Wed 3/14: Experiential map of day trip, full double page or 4 pages for smaller sketchbooks layout, add notes and thoughts elaborating your experiences of the day. Consider this a design opportunity, not only to elaborate your experiences of the day, but compose a visual construct

Thurs 3/15: 1. GAM Gabriel Mistral Cultural Center sketch 2. Parque Quinta Normal sketch (1 and 2 are ok as smaller one page in small sketchbooks) 3. Museum of Memory or other museum/landscape /site visited in the afternoon sketch

Fri 3/15: free day no sketching due

Sat 3/16: Two sketches of your choice this day, or any two extra non assigned sketches from earlier in trip would count as well

due 3/7, Exam 2, check email or in Aimee’s lightwell

due 3/8 before Santiago flight: Pre-departure blog, a public version of what you are excited about regarding Santiago trip, see info below for specifications

3.4.19 readings, some from last week content not covered yet:

Museum of Memory and Human Rights: page 180-183
NAVE page 186-187, Moneda Cultural Center & Cuidadania pages 192-193, Gabriel Mistral Cultural Center 198-199, Mapocho Cultural Center 218-219
Chile EW guidebook Santiago West including Parque Quinta Normal and Museum of Memory page 80

2.28.19 drop off sketchbooks in my 297 KN office lightwell by Fri 12 pm for review. Aimee will return sketchbooks in Monday class since she is leaving Tuesday.

two drawing assignments due:

  1. in lieu of 2/28 Thurs class, Knowlton ramp analysis. On a minimum double page layout analyze ramp organization and details. Consider materiality, quality of space and light, measure your steps along the length of the ramp to compare to Adolfo Ibanez ramp when we are abroad.
  2. Columbus way finding map due, full double page layout, or 4 page layout taped together for smaller sketchbooks. An experiential path (one you are currently experiencing in Columbus or area, not a past or hypothetical path), annotated with modes of transportation, important locations (buildings, landscapes, urban markers, etc.) and your thoughts/impressions of that path helping others to understand what you experience on that route

2.25.19 Personal expectation statement, 1 page minimum typed thoughtful description of your personal expectations and goals you want to achieve from this study abroad experience. Please reflect upon your priorities before writing as we will review these carefully so that we can best help you to achieve your goals. This statement can be related to excitement regarding particular sites (and tell us why), what you are considering for your free day or other aspects of the travelling experience, or as it relates to sketching, culture, experiences, etc. Also, if you have any concerns regarding this trip, feel free to articulate them as well so we can be sensitive to your needs during this experience (these will only be shared with Troy, Christine and myself).

2.25.19 Readings:

Benedictine Monastery pages 231-232

PUC School of Architecture

Aravena & Iacobelli 2012 Elemental-Incremental Housing and Participatory Design Manual – Chapter 1

Moore Rowan 2016 Alejandro Aravena – The Shape of Things to Come

Interesting article on Aravena and participatory housing (if interested to read more):

Boano & Vergara 2016 Half-happy_architecture

Chilé Architectural Guide, selections (covering content from 2.18.19 readings that we did not cover on 2.18.19)
Innovation Center and Torre Siamesas, page 284-287
Benedictine Monastery: page 261-263
Adolfo Ibanez University: page 282-283

2.21.19 any two point perspective of your choice for practice, full page sketch (double layout for smaller sketchbooks)

2.18.19 Readings due, see Chile Architecture Guide readings for 2.25.19

2.14.19 in class assignments due 2.14.19:

1. plan, section, and elevation of chair in Knowlton Library (or other notably designed chair). Note the name of chair, designer and year chair was designed.

2.11.19 due: review the packing list (to be uploaded Tuesday) and bring your questions for discussion with Leslie, Troy, Christine and Aimee at the OIA pre departure orientation

Sketchbooks and in class mapping exercise (on paper provided by Aimee) will be picked up for grading

Exam 1 due 2.11.19

readings due: Chilé EW guidebook Santiago Valparaíso

Chilé Architectural Guide, selections: Valparaiso pages 96-101

read a selection of Frank Johnson’s excellent and inspiring posts from Santiago 2017 blog site:

Parque de la Infancia

Pablo Neruda

Plaza de Armas

 2.4.19 due in class:

1. printed (or digitally that we can check) GeoBlue Supplementary Health Insurance card, from email:

2. 100% Taxonomy of (9 square grids) lines, dots and grids

3. completion of items noted on Santiago map started 1/28 in class

readings due: Chilé EyeWitness guidebook Santiago Centro

PreColombian Museum, page 212-213
Mestizo page 278-279
NEW readings added (from Architecture Guide): Parque Bicentenario pg 277
New readings from White Mountain Architecture in Chile:  Cathedral Crypt and Mestizo
New readings from El Croquis Smijlan Radic: Mestizo and PreColombian Museum 
Infant Park on Cerro San Cristobal: page 222-223 (one reading I forgot when I discussed topic on 1.24.19)
1.28.19 due and to review before class:
1. preferences for roommates, first/second/third, to be written on a piece of paper Monday in class
readings due: Chile Architectural Guide, Architecture in Chile: Chilé Arch guide intro and  Chilé Arch guide Santiago Cerro Isla

1.24.19 due in class:

1. minimum 2 Shading scales, minimum 8″ long, minimum 1″ high, one pen and pencil shading scales from 0-100%

2. make 50% progress on your three pages of 9 square grids of points, lines and grids

3. update your avatar photo on site if you haven’t already

4. register with STEP, requires passport and hotel info (below)

Hotel Info: Hotel Diego Valezquez, Address: Guardia Vieja 150 City: Santiago  Country: Chile   Postal Code: 8320000   Phone: (052) 2 2234 4400

5. pgs 45-53 Chilé EW guidebook intro


1.21.19 NO CLASS (MLK Holiday), review the following sources before 1.28.19 class:

readings due: Chile Architectural Guide, Architecture in Chile: Chilé Arch guide intro and  Chilé Arch guide Santiago Cerro Isla

1.17.19 due in class (also keep thinking about possible roommates and meeting people in class)

update your avatar photo on site

Munari drawing a tree selections, Bruno Munari


1.14.19 due in class:

Santiago Thoughts and Impressions


1.10.19 due in class:

1. course schedule conflicts for Fri Mar 8 (exams, assignments and/or classes missed) in class to Aimee

2. Biography post to 200 words about yourself

2a.a bio photo (correctly rotated), make sure your first and last name are on blog post

2b. categorized with the “Bios” tag


1.7.19 due in class: log into, first post to blog site with:

1. a selfie photo (correctly rotated)

2. categorized with the “selfie” tag

3. make sure your first and last name are on blog post

4. update/add a profile photo (avatar) o your u.osu dashboard page.