Earth Sangha

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Earth Sangha is a non-profit public charity based in Washington, DC. Their mission is to work towards ecological restoration as a form of socially engaged Buddhism. Although they work in the spirit of Buddhist practice, their volunteers come from a wide variety of backgrounds, and their work is secular and science based. To read more about Earth Sangha, click here.

Mennonite Creation Care Network

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Mennonite Creation Care Network (MCCN) is a Christian organization affiliated with the Mennonite Church USA and Canada. They work to engage people with their peers and facilitate partnerships, gather and share faith-based resources, bring lessons learned by individual congregations to the broader community, and support each other in prayer. To read more about the MCCN, click here.

Quaker Earthcare Witness


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Quaker Earthcare Witness is a network of Quakers that are taking spirit-led action to address the ecological and social crises of the world from a spiritual perspective. They support reforms in laws, technology, education, and institutions, but their main focus is on facilitating the transformation of humans’ attitudes, values, identity, and worldview that underlie much of the environmental destruction going on in the world today. To read more, click here.

Partnership for Earth Spirituality

Partnership for Earth Spirituality

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Partnership for Earth Spirituality is a non-profit organization that brings together people from various religious traditions, ages, cultures and economic backgrounds to promote a better understanding of the interdependence of ecology and spirituality. Their vision is explored through retreats, forums, seasonal rituals, wilderness experiences, programs for children, hands-on projects and education for sound environmental policies. To read more, click here.

Christian Concern for One World: Dates for Prayer and Action

Christian Concern for One World

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Christian Concern for One World (CCOW) has created a list of Special Sundays and other dates of interests through 2018, with links to resources for prayer and action relating to those dates.  It covers everything from Plough Sunday to World AIDS Day and is designed for worship and activities in churches as well as for private prayer and action. To download this list, click here.

Eco–Prayer 30 Day Challenge

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The Eco–Prayer 30 Day Challenge is an easy way to deepen your connection and intent to the earth and all of its ecosystems. Eco–Prayer offers four simple steps to follow for 30 days. To read more or participate, click here.


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Eco–Prayer has grown out of the vision of a future with people caring on a global scale for places, plants, animals, people, and the Earth through prayer, intention, and action. They work to encourage spiritual and physical interventions to restore, support, and develop thriving ecosystems. To read more about Eco–Prayer, click here.

Christian Concern for One World

Christian Concern for One World

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What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8

What do “doing justice,” “loving kindness,” & “walking humbly with God” mean for us, here and now? Christian Concern for One World (CCOW) has been working with Christians who are seeking to answer this question, especially as it relates to economic justice, international relations, and care for creation. They offer resources for prayer and action on a wide range of issues such as trade justice, climate change, responses to refugees, sustainable development, the marks of mission, or corporate accountability. They help plan local and national events at which people can gather information, spend time in prayer, and join in conversation and planning with others who care about the same questions. To read more about CCOW, click here.

Nationwide Climate Prayer

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Faith Climate Action Week, an initiative from Interfaith Power & Light, has created a nationwide prayer for the climate. You can add your name to a list to commit to participate and join together to pray for action on climate change. To add your name or download the prayer, click here.

Franciscan Action Network

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The Franciscan Action Network (FAN) is a grassroots organization seeking to transform United States public policy related to peace making, care for creation, poverty, and human rights. They see the interconnectedness of all creation and the common origin of humanity as rooted in God’s loving design for the earth and all people. To read more about the Franciscan Action Network, click here.