Action Required: Update to Qualtrics DMARC Email Distribution Changes posted on 1/29

New DMARC Requirements that Impact Qualtrics Workflow


What actions are needed?

For existing and new workflows that use the email task, the From Address must be updated to use one of the following domains. The email task will fail if this change is not made.

  • (Preferred)

Workflow Email Task Icon

All other available domains no longer function, which includes For reference, please review the steps below.

  1. Log into Qualtrics and open a survey project.
  2. Select the Workflows tab and open an existing Workflow or select Create a Workflow.


Screenshot of Qualtrics user interface to open workflow configuration

3. Within the Workflow editor, select an existing Email task or click Add a Task and select the Email task.

Screenshot of Qualtrics user interface to create a task in workflow configuration

Screenshot of Workflow Task Selection

4. Configure a From Address using one of the available domains referenced in this article.

    • Note: The Reply-To Email is unaffected by this requirement and any valid email address, including may be used.

Screenshot of Qualtrics user interface for Email task configuration


How can I identify if my workflow has failed?

  1. Click on the Workflow tab to view your list of workflows.
  2. Select the workflow you would like to review.
  3. Click on the Run History tab.

Screenshot of Qualtrics user interface view of email workflow run history


What do I do if an existing workflow task has failed?

  1. Update all failed email tasks with the proper domain as referenced in the first section of this article.
  2. Use one of the Retake survey options to regenerate the workflow task as shown in the Retake Survey Link documentation.

Screenshot of Qualtrics user interface to generate Retake Survey Link


What was the issue?

There was a disconnect from communications on what actions were necessary. While all of our custom email domains are listed as DMARC Verified in Qualtrics, there were additional steps that our IT Security needed to take to fully setup the domain.

We submitted a request to IT Security to include the other domains; however, we were informed that some top-level domains (including and do not support this configuration and cannot be added to Qualtrics.

We recognize the impact of this on our customers and we apologize for the inconvenience. To eliminate confusion within the workflow interface, we will be removing unusable domains in the near future.

If you have questions, please reach out to a Division Administrator for your area, which can be found here (Division Administrator List). If one is not listed for your area, please reach out to