Getting Started

An image of a road to the horizon with text startQualtrics is available to all Ohio State faculty, staff and students. To use Qualtrics, you must have a valid Ohio State Username and password to log in.

If you are new to Qualtrics, the following steps should help you get started with using the service:

  • Complete training. University and Qualtrics-specific training information can be accessed here:
  • Log into Ohio State’s Qualtrics site at You will need to log in using your Ohio State Username and password. When you log in for the first time, you will automatically be assigned into the Qualtrics Default Account. The Qualtrics Default Account has limited features and functionality and does not allow you to distribute surveys you create. Learn more.
  • If necessary, request to upgrade to a Standard Account. The Standard Account provides features and functionality, including the ability to distribute surveys. To upgrade your account, you must complete the required training before contacting your Division Administrator. Your Division Administrator will provide you with the upgrade code or directly update your account. Students using Qualtrics for an academic course should contact their professor for assistance.
  • If you are an employee of the OSU Wexner Medical Center, please follow the instructions here. Upgrade codes are not available for OSUWMC users.
  • Check out the resources page for survey best practices and frequently asked questions (FAQs).