User Maintenance Part 1 – June 11, 2019, 12-1:00, 352 Research Commons
This session is designed specifically for OSU Qualtrics Division Administrators. It will be a hands-on working discussion related to cleaning-up and maintaining our 20K users within our 46 Qualtrics Divisions. Liana Crisan-Vandeborne, Qualtrics Brand Administrator, College of Arts and Sciences, will present best practices and procedures for maintaining users.
User Maintenance Part 2 – August 13, 2019, 12-1:00, 3rd floor Research Commons, Brainstorming Room
This is a follow-up and reconciliation session of the user maintenance process completed during summer 2019. While this session is designed specifically for Division Administrators, all other users are invited to attend; and specifically the ones who would like to interact face-to-face with their division administrators. At the end of this process, Division Administrators should be able to:
- Have a current understanding of the activities and practices used by Division Administrators in user maintenance process.
- Estimate the total time allocated for this process.
- Anticipate the recurring activities and the ones up-coming for the new year.
- Communicate to OSU community and Qualtrics the amount of resources used for this annual process.