
Date: 7-Feb-2019

Time/Location: 3:55 pm, Hitchcock Lab

Members Present: TJ Petty, Yu-Shiang Jeng, Maddi Prenger, Matt Lipczynski

Topics Discussed: AEV Designs and Concept Screening/Scoring

Objective: Today’s main focus was getting the AEV on the track to test the current model as well as testing some of the team member’s ideas.

To do/Action items:

  • Draw a sketch for the group AEV model that was decided on (Matt)
  • Post the previously mentioned group AEV model to the website (Matt)
  • Get together as a group to complete the Grant Proposal Slide as well as Progress Report (everyone)
  • Brainstorm ideas for the part that our Grant proposal will be addressing (TJ and Maddi)


  • We decided that we wanted the AEV’s arm to be in the middle as opposed to on the end, so we switched the vehicles base from the T-shape to the plus shape.


  • We realized that programming the AEV to move based on distance will be much more effective than programming based on time