Servo Motor Test

For the servo motor test, we tested if the usage of a servo motor significantly improved the braking capacities of the AEV. We will test the part on the basis of energy vs. time and energy vs. distance using the AEV data extraction tool. The code used during the test is the current code with the addition of the function rotateServo(90), which rotates the arm of the servo by 90 degrees.



Picture of the AEV with the Servo Motor Attached



Distance v. Energy For Servo Motor

Speed v. Energy For Servo Motor




The data showed that the Servo Motor was extremely effective at stopping the AEV. For all the trials, the Servo Motor reduced the energy usage of the AEV by around 10 J by braking immediately, instead of reversing the propeller to slow the vehicle down. At times, it was so effective that the servo motor itself fell off the AEV due to the power of the brake displacing the motor itself. Unfortunately, due to the lack of time to revise the code as well as the difficulty of setting up the servo motor during class everytime, the servo motor was not implemented in the final AEV design.