Ohio has 13.6 million acres of farmland that is increasingly owned, managed, and leased by women of all ages. To help women better navigate farmland leasing issues, Ohio State University Extension developed a “Ladies on the Land” workshop in cooperation with USDA’s North Central Risk Management Education Center. The workshop provides practical information to help women address their questions and concerns about leasing farmland in Ohio.
Each Ladies on the Land workshop addresses the educational needs of women involved in all stages and aspects of Ohio agriculture – from non-operating landowners to producers and tenant farmers. Workshops focus on enhancing communication skills, delving into the specifics of Ohio land leasing laws, and the nuts and bolts of an effective lease agreement. Participants will also leave with a better understanding of management strategies to minimize their risk in leasing farmland in Ohio.
Through hands-on activities and demonstrations, Ladies on the Land workshops aim to increase confidence, improve communication skills, and provide helpful resources for all women involved in agriculture. Specific workshop topics cover:
- Assessing the risk-reward continuum for tenants and landowners
- Farmland leasing best practices
- Enhancing communication skills
- Developing equitable rental rates
- Answers to questions and concerns
Ladies on the Land workshops will take place from January through March 2022 in various locations throughout Ohio, including January 26 in Medina County, February 15 in Ross County, February 24 in Morrow County, and March 3 in Putnam County.
There is a $25 registration fee that includes snacks, a boxed lunch, and all materials. Registration begins at 8:30 am. The program begins at 9:00 am and concludes at 3:30 pm. To reserve your seat for any of the Ladies on the Land workshops, please call 419-523-6294 or register at http://go.osu.edu/ladiesontheland. Registration fees may be paid via credit/debit card or check.