Ohio Virtual Beef School begins January 29: An evening with Kenny Burdine





The OSU Extension Beef Team is pleased to be offering a Virtual Beef School featuring one webinar per month beginning January 29 and concluding in April.

For the first session join us – either in person in the Fairfield County Ag Center in Lancaster, or via ZOOM – on January 29 as we spend an evening exploring the economics of the beef cattle and livestock sector with University of Kentucky Extension economist Kenny Burdine.

Going into 2025 beef cattle prices are at record highs! Can it continue? How long will the consumer continue to support these price levels? Is it too late to consider expansion? On the 29th Burdine will offer his insight into this and more.

Kenny grew up in Jessamine County, KY where his family produced tobacco and raised cattle and sheep. He received his B.S. in Agricultural Economics in December of 1999, and began working as an Extension Associate in the Department of Agricultural Economics at UK. He pursued his graduate degrees on a part-time basis completing his M.S. in 2003 and Ph.D. in 2011. Burdine joined the UK Agricultural Economics faculty in 2012 and is currently an Extension Professor in livestock economics.

Burdine focuses his extension program in the areas of livestock marketing, price risk management, and general profitability. He travels extensively and delivers 40-60 programs each year directly for livestock producers. His applied research interests are primarily focused on marketing and decision-making for beef, dairy, and forage producers. Kenny also teaches a livestock marketing class on campus.

Don’t miss this opportunity to listen in beginning at 6:30 p.m. on January 29th as we are privileged to be hosting Kenny Burdine as he discusses his views on the economic future of the beef cattle industry.

The subsequent three Virtual Beef School sessions are as follows:

February 26:

  • Post Drought Pasture Management with Christine Gelley, OSU Extension Noble County
  • Annual Forages as Supplemental Feed – Jason Hartschuh, OSU Extension Field Specialist

March 26:

  • Why Are My Cows Open? – Dean Kreager, OSU Extension Licking County
  • Open Cows – Keep or Cull? – Stan Smith, OSU Extension Fairfield County

April 30:

  • Implementing Genomic Testing on Your Farm – John Yost, OSU Extension Wayne County
  • Heifer Development – What Have We Learned? with Garth Ruff, OSU Extension Field Specialist

Interested attendees can register for any of these webinars for free by visiting: go.osu.edu/beefschool25. If planning to attend the “live” presentation of session 1 in Lancaster on January 29, please register at https://go.osu.edu/BeefOutlook

For more information, contact OSU Extension Beef Field Specialist Garth Ruff.

2025 First Quarter Fertilizer Prices Across Ohio

By: Amanda Bennett, Eric Richer, Clint Schroeder, OSU Extension

Click here for PDF version of this article

The first quarter results from a survey of Ohio retail fertilizer prices showed prices were varied when compared to the national averages reported by Progressive Farmer – DTN (Quinn, 2025). The survey was completed by 16 retailers, representing 13 counties, who do business in the state of Ohio. Respondents were asked to quote spot prices as of the first day of the quarter (January 1st) based on sale type indicated. This is part of a larger study conducted by OSU Extension to better understand local fertilizer prices, which began in December 2023.

The survey found the average price of fertilizers was lower in Ohio compared to the national prices for four fertilizers, UAN, MAP, APP and potash. However, only two were significantly lower, defined as more than 5% lower than the national average. UAN and potash were both significantly lower than the national average at 10.4% lower per ton and 6.5% lower per ton, respectively.

When compared to prices from the last quarter’s survey, two fertilizers were up significantly (more than 5%): UAN, up to $292/ton from $271/ton and DAP at $743/ton from $704/ton.

The chart below (Table 1.) is the summary of the survey responses. The responses (n) are the number of survey responses for each product. The minimum and maximum values reflect the minimum and maximum values reported in the survey. The average is the simple average of all survey responses for each product rounded to the nearest dollar. We recognize that many factors influence a company’s spot price for fertilizer including but not limited to availability, geography, volume, cost of freight, competition, regulation, etc.

Table 1. First Quarter 2025 Ohio Fertilizer Prices

Product Responses


Sale Type Min






NH3 8 FOB Plant 720 780 752
UAN 28-0-0 13 Direct to Farm 271 323 292
Urea 46-0-0 12 FOB Plant 440 510 491
MAP 11-52-0 11 FOB Plant 740 835 800
DAP18-46-0 6 FOB Plant 705 765 743
APP 10-34-0 10 Direct to Farm 590 635 613
Potash 0-0-60 13 FOB Plant 350 445 415
Ammonium Sulfate 21-0-0-24 10 FOB Plant 325 562 460
Thio-Sulfate 12-0-0-26 10 FOB Plant 325 458 358

Due to low responses, poultry litter and diesel prices was not included in Quarter 1 survey results. If you are a retailer interested in participating in this study, please contact Amanda Bennett at bennett.709@osu.edu.


Quinn, R. 2025. DTN Retail Fertilizer Trends. DTN Progressive Farmer. Accessed online January 8, 2025 at https://www.dtnpf.com/agriculture/web/ag/crops/article/2025/01/02/retail-fertilizer-prices-mixed-end

Bennett, A., Richer, E., & Schroeder, C, (2024). 2024 Fourth Quarter Fertilizer Prices Across Ohio. Farm Office Blog. https://farmoffice.osu.edu/farm-management/quarterly-fertilizer-price-summary

Farm Office Live Webinar to be held on January 17 from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.

OSU Extension will be offering a Farm Office Live webinar on Friday, January 17 from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. Farm Office Live is a monthly webinar of updates and outlooks on legal, economic, and farm management issues that affect Ohio agriculture. Topics which will be addressed during the January webinar include:

  • Legislative Round-Up
  • Farm Bill and American Relief Act of 2025
  • Farm Business Analysis Program Update
  • Long Term Care Update
  • Quarterly Fertilizer Update
  • Crop Input Outlook
  • Livestock Outlook
  • 1099 Reminders
  • Winter Program Update

Featured speakers include Peggy Hall, David Marrison, Robert Moore, Eric Richer, Garth Ruff, Clint Schroeder and Barry Ward.

Register for this and future Farm Office Live webinars through this link on farmoffice.osu.edu.

Past recordings and additional information about the Farm Office Live Webinars can be accessed at:



Quarterly Grain Conversation Slated for 2025

OSU Extension invites grain producers and industry personnel to save the dates for the quarterly grain market conversations with Dr. Seungki Lee, Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics (AEDE). This quarterly zooms will be held on February 14, May 16, August 15, and November 14.  Each zoom will be held from 7:30 – 8:00 a.m.

During these Zoom webinars, Dr. Lee will provide his insights on the World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) crop report. “These early morning webinars will be a great way for Ohio farmers to learn more about the factors impacting the corn, soybean, and wheat markets” said David Marrison, Interim Director for OSU Extension’s Farm Financial Management and Policy Institute.  Producers are encouraged to bring their questions to this early morning conversation.


There is no fee to attend this quarterly webinar session. Pre-registration can be made at go.osu.edu/coffeewithDrLee

These webinars are sponsored by: OSU Extension, Farm Financial Management & Policy Institute (FFMPI), and Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics (AEDE).


Overview of Ag Outlook and Policy Meeting Offered in 2025

To start off the new year Ohio State University Extension will be offering Regional Agricultural Outlook and Policy Meetings across the state. There will be six meetings held from January through February, which will address topics of interest on state and national levels.

Economists from the Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES), Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (AEDE), Extension specialists, and invited guests will present on their expertise. Programs will include presentations covering topics like inputs outlook, weather outlook, grain marketing, dairy and beef outlook, farm business analysis, and energy outlook. The agenda will differ for each meeting so be sure to check with the county on what topics they will be covering.

The outlook meetings are hosted by Wayne County, Defiance County, Allen County, Mercer County, Pickaway County, and a joint meeting is hosted by Union, Madison, and Champaign Counties.

Jan. 7, Wayne County: Secrest Welcome and Education Center 1680 Madison Ave. Wooster, Ohio from 9 am – 3 pm. Registration: RSVP by January 3rd. Call the Wayne County office at 330-264-8722. Click here to access program flyer.

Jan. 21, Defiance County: Jewell Community Center 7900 Independence Road Defiance, Ohio from 5:30-8:30 pm. Registration: RSVP by January 10th. Visit go.osu.edu/25defianceoutlook or call the Defiance County office at 419-782-4771.

Feb. 11, Allen County: Youth Activities Building on the Allen County Fairgrounds. 2750 Harding Hwy, Lima, Ohio from 9 am – 3 pm. Registration: Call the Allen County office at 419-879-9108.

Feb. 21, Union, Madison, and Champaign Counties: Champaign County Community Center Auditorium, 1512 South US Hwy 68, Urbana, OH 43078 from 8:30 am- 12:00 pm. Registration: Visit go.osu.edu/TriCountyOutlook.

Feb. 28, Mercer County: Mercer County Agricultural Center 4978 Mud Pike Road Celina, Ohio 45822 from 9 am – 1 pm. Registration: Visit go.osu.edu/merceragoutlook.

Feb. 28, Pickaway County: Rhoadhouse 56, 1051 SR 56E Circleville Ohio 43113 from 5:30 pm- 9:00 pm. Registration: Call the Pickaway County office at 740-474-7534.


Ohio State University Grain Marketing Update on Friday, December 13

OSU Extension invites Ohio grain producers to grab a cup of coffee and join a grain marketing conversation with Dr. Seungki Lee, Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics (AEDE) from 7:30 to 8:00 a.m. on December 13, 2024.

During this webinar held via Zoom, Dr. Lee will provide his insight on the December 10th World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) crop report and the current state of the Ohio grain market. “This early morning webinar will be a great way for Ohio farmers to learn more about the factors impacting the corn, soybean, and wheat markets” said David Marrison, Interim Director for OSU Extension’s Farm Financial Management and Policy Institute.

There is no fee to attend this webinar. Pre-registration can be made at go.osu.edu/coffeeandgrain.

Click here for program flyer

This webinar is sponsored by: OSU Extension, Farm Financial Management & Policy Institute (FFMPI), and the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics (AEDE) all located in The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES). More information can be found at: http://farmoffice.osu.edu

2025 Agriculture Commodity Outlook Program to be held in Wayne County on January 7, 2025

Wayne County will host their 2025 Agriculture Commodity Outlook program on January 7th, 2025.  The program will feature a broad scope of topics relevant to all Northeast Ohio agriculture producers.  Speakers from Ohio State University, Cornell University, and Certified Angus Beef will provide outlook presentations on production input costs, 2025 weather outlook, feed grain supply and demand, the new federal milk marketing orders, and the seasonality of the retail beef market.

Click here for program flyer

The detailed agenda includes:

9:00 AM-  Inputs Outlook (Barry Ward, OSU Extension)

10:00 AM- Weather Outlook (Aaron Wilson, OSU Extension Climate/Weather Specialist)

11:00 AM – Federal Milk Marketing Order (Chris Wolf, Cornell University)

12:00 noon – Lunch

1:00 PM- Grain Market Outlook (Dr. Seungki Lee, OSU AEDE)

2:00 PM- Beef Market Seasonality (Clint Walenciak, VP Product Services – Certified Angus Beef)

The program will be held at the OSU Secrest Arboretum Welcome and Education Center from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.  Registration is at 8:30 AM.  The cost of the program is $20 and lunch and refreshments will be provided.  For more information, or to register, please call the OSU Extension office – Wayne County at 330-264-8722.

OSU’s Farm On: Financial Management Course to be Offered in Winter and Summer Sessions Beginning in 2025

By Eric Richer, Field Specialist- Farm Management

Click here for information about the course

The Farm On Financial Management Course has been available to Ohio farmers for the last 18 months in a convenient, self-paced and continuously on-demand platform. Beginning in 2025, the course will be re-structured to a winter and summer session format. The Winter 2025 session will run from January 1 through March 31st, with a December 1, 2024-January 15, 2025 enrollment period. The Summer 2025 session will run from July 1-September 30, with a June 1-July 15, 2025 enrollment period. Each session will last approximately 90 calendar days.

The new format will allow for several improvements to the course including time to update content, a cohort-style learning environment and optional Zoom sessions with the lead instructor. Consistent with the previous format, the enrollees will navigate the course at their own pace and on their own schedule within the 90-day session. Estimated time for completion of the course remains 20-24 hours.

Completion of the Farm On Financial Management Course meets the requirements of the Ohio Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Program and the Borrower Training Requirements of the USDA Farm Service Agency’s Direct Farm Loan Programs. To date, over 110 Ohio farmers have enrolled in the course.

The Farm On Financial Management Course was created by Ohio State University Extension professionals and is offered through OSU Extension’s new Farm Financial Management and Policy Institute (FFMPI). Housed within OSU Extension, the goal of FFMPI is for the integration, translation, and communication of CFAES’ farm management and ag policy presence that addresses critical farm management and policy issues affecting Ohioans.

For more information on the course and to enroll, visit  https://go.osu.edu/farmon. Questions about the course can be directed to lead instructor Eric Richer, Associate Professor and Field Specialist in Farm Management at richer.5@osu.edu





“How to Lose Less on the Farm” workshop series to be held in London, Ohio

By: Amanda Douridas, OSU Extension Educator – Madison County

Running a profitable farm can be a challenge even with the best of commodity prices. Lower prices and higher inputs facing farmers this year are putting a serious strain on the bottom line. OSU Extension in Madison County is offering a program designed to connect producers to farm management specialists with whom they can share resources, tools and initiate discussion on how farmers can get a better handle on budgets.

This series will dive into areas of the budget where adjustments can be made. We will look at results of the FINPACK benchmarking program to see where Ohio farmers are spending the most. This can provide guidance on how one’s budget compares to other farmers in Ohio. Record keeping is not always everyone’s favorite activity but, in this series, we will see how it can help keep that budget on track.

Weed and fertility management are often the two places farmers look when budgets get tights. This session dives into where costs can safely be cut to help profitability and maintain good agronomic practices.

Of course, taxes are a key factor in farm financial management. Discover new regulations and the sunsetting of the 2018 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Lastly, the series will end with a look into organic and alternative crops for those interested in making bigger shift in their operation.

The program is free but RSVPs are required. There is an option to attend virtually or in-person at Beck’s Hybrids. 720 US Hwy 40, London. Each offering of the workshop will be held from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Feel free to register for sessions individually and at anytime throughout the series.

RSVP: go.osu.edu/loseless.

DECEMBER 3- Budget Bootcamp

  • Enterprise budget overview and cost control- Barry Ward, Director, OSU Extension Income Tax School Program; Leader, Production Business Management
  • Calculating (and reducing) the ‘Tricky Two’ Fixed Costs in an Enterprise Budget- Eric Richer Associate Professor and Field Specialist, Farm Management

JANUARY 8- On The Record

  • Record keeping strategies to keep a budget on track- Bruce Clevenger, Associate Professor and Field Specialist, Farm Management
  • Ohio Farmers: What categories have the biggest impact on profits- Clint Schroeder, Program Manager, Farm Business Analysis

JANUARY 21- In the Field

  • Nutrient management: how to decide where to cut budget- Amanda Douridas, CCA, OSU Extension Madison County
  • Weed mgt: Reducing costs here and switching to non-GMO- Dr. Alyssa Essman, Assistant Professor, Weed Science
  • Vetting products before going all in- Amanda Douridas

FEBRUARY 4- Life, Death and Taxes

  • Farm Tax Update and Managing for the Sunset of 2018 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act- Barry Ward and David Marrison, Professor and Field Specialist in Farm Management; Interim Director for the Farm Financial Management & Policy Institute

FEBRUARY 18- Organic and Alternative Crops

  • Hurdles associated with Organic Grain Transition- Eric Richer
  • Alternatives to Corn and Soybeans- Dr. Osler Ortez Assistant Professor, Corn & Emerging Crops

Fall Back to the Basics of Grain Marketing

By: Wm. Bruce Clevenger, Field Specialist, Farm Management

Turning the clocks back in the Fall happens on November 2, 2024.  Grain producers and farm managers are also looking at adjustments on the farm to the tightening profit margins projected for 2025.  Knowledge and action plans related to grain marketing in the coming year will be important to manage risk.

Registration is now open for the Basics of Grain Marketing Workshop, January 16 & 17, 2025 at the OSU Extension Champaign County Office in Urbana, Ohio.  This in-person workshop offers education and farm ready strategies on topics such as: basis, market carry, cash markets, forward and futures contracts, hedge to arrive and basis contracts, differed price, hedging, storage, and overviews on options, spreads, and crop insurance.  It’s “more than a 2-day workshop”, featuring pre-workshop activities on calculating grain cost of production and measure of risk comfort. Workshop content will include workshop content and activities, plus a panel of industry professionals.  A post-workshop grain marketing peer group will be offered to strengthen learning into action with webinar updates.  The workshop has 50 limited seats.

Expert instructors: Seungki Lee, The Ohio State University, Grant Gardner, University of Kentucky, and Ben Brown, University of Missouri.  For more information and registration, visit https://go.osu.edu/grainmarketing

This workshop is possible by the support of grower checkoff dollars via the Ohio Soybean Council and Ohio Corn & Wheat.  This workshop is led by Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio State University Farm Financial Management & Policy Institute.